Early this week, Kamran from The Sophisticated Gourmet passed along this award to me. Thanks, Kamran! Folks, here's a young bright fellow, who's new to the food blogging world, yet he's already made some fantastic meals right off from the start. I can see him going far with it. He's definitely got a fan right here. Keep it up! You must check out his blog. Go after reading this!!!! I'm serious. ;-)

Of course, some awards have RULES to abide by. What was that saying? Rules are meant to be broken. Well, in this case, I'll just stick with them. Besides, they aren't that hard. The rules are as follows:
1. Thank the person who has given you the award
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.
I've posted 7, no wait 14 things about myself already here and here. Just my those 14 things alone you can practically know who I am.
Now the 7 recipients for this award. I've love to give this to everyone, but rules are rules and only choosing a few makes it a tougher decision. But I love all those who come and visit my blog every day. Makes doing this a lot more fun. Don't be a stranger and say "Hi". I'm pint-sized and wouldn't hurt a fly, so I won't bite.
In no particular order:
Kim from The Ungourmet
Miranda from My Food and Life Encounters
Finsmom from Latest Addictions
Heavenly Housewife from Donuts to Delirium: My Life as a Housewife
Dara from Cookin' Canuck
Zerrin from Give Recipe
Mel from Bouchon for Two
So, that's the seven. Finally, here's a little preview of what you'll be seeing the next two day. It's a 2-parter. Ooooooo... Does this whet your appetite or what???????
Teaser #1

Teaser #2

Congratulations on your award! you totally deserve it,those pizzas looks awesome!
Congrats on getting the award! Your blog is awesome; you so deserve it! :)
I am not surprise Jenn! Look at all of the creative dishes you made. You totally deserve the award. Congratulation dear and have a wonderful week end,
Congratulations on your award, Jenn. It's well deserved.
Congrats on your award!!
mmmm...appetite whetted!! Congrats on your award ;)
Congrats on the award! You truly deserve it! The mini pizzas look tempting!
Congratz on your award. :)
I think you are a very Kreativ Blogger!
Thanks for thinking of me!
Those pizzas are lookin' mighty good. Can't wait!
congrats on the well deserved award - you certainly are kreativ!
OOOOOh, thank u daahling! I am honored :). Looking forward to some of that delicious pizza!
Well deserved award! Congrats!
Thanks for the teaser, can't wait for what's to come!
Congrats on your award. You deserve it. Love the upcoming pizza's!
Congrats on your award. I consider you very creative!
Oh, teaser indeed, these look mouthwatering!
You defanately are a Kreative Blogger. But I'd use a C to spell it, I might even use a C to spell his name! Anyway, if Kamran thinks you are creative then I like him already. I hate to leave so quickly but you know I can't eat pizza right now. Heck I can't even look at pizza in my condition (and no I do not mean pregnant). GREG
Congratulations on the award, Jenn. And thank you so much for passing it on to me! I truly appreciate it. I will get working on my assignment this weekend.
Jenn, congrats! You totally deserved it and thank you so much for mentioning me! I am honored!
Happy eating!
- Kamran
You rock....As always...
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on to me....Thank you
Congrats on the award. They are such fun. Cant wait to see the pizzas.
congrats on your award you deserve it Jenn
Congratulations on your award and that teaser is making me hungry:)
Congratulations on the award, you totally deserve it and i wish u many more! oh those are some lips smacking pizzas!
conrats on ye award!! ye rili deserve. love ye blog very much. specially the yummy foods :) m sure gonna try this pizza soon
Congratulations on your award!
Congrats on your award, Jenn! You are totally 'kreativ' with the way you turn leftovers into gourmet meals :)
Congrats on your well-deserved award!
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