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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Baked Garlic-Rosemary Fries

Here's the other batch of fries that I made. Fry #2. I had an extra potato left from the potato salad I made earlier in the week. I figured I'd make a batch of regular french fries along with the parmesan sweet potato version.

There's a brewery-restaurant here called Gorden Biersch. I'm not sure if they have any other branches, but they have some really great tasting garlic fries. It's been a LONG time since I've had them. Here's my version of those fries. Again with my quest to avoid deep-frying, I baked them, which turned out awesome. It still had the crisp crunch you find with the fried version. I tossed the potatoes before baking in some olive oil, fresh minced garlic and dry rosemary. To give them a little bit crisper texture, I put them in the broiler for a couple of minutes.

Served it with a side of banana ketchup. Yum!!! You can leave the skins on or peel them. Whatever your preference may be.

This serves 2 people.

Baked Garlic-Rosemary Fries

1 large russet potato
1 large garlic clove - minced
2 Tbsp dry rosemary
Olive oil

Preheat oven to 450˚F

Cut the potato into 1/4-inch stick.

In a large bowl, toss the potato sticks in some olive oil. Toss them well then add in the garlic, rosemary and a sprinkling of salt.

Plce on a baking sheet lies with parchment paper and bake for 40-45 min. Give them a toss halfway through.

To get them slightly crisper, place them in the broiler for 2 min after the oven.


Hari Chandana P said...

looks spicy... nice clicks!!

Daily Spud said...

Fries? Yes. With Garlic? Yes, yes. And rosemary? Yes, yes, yes. Can you tell I approve? :)

Cucinista said...

Mmmm... garlic. (Baked) fries. Yes please.

Anonymous said...

Your on a roll girl :D

chow and chatter said...

these looks great Jenn, you continue to make awesome and mouth watering food

Heather S-G said...

Nice. I'd love a plate w/ both kinds of fries on it...cuz I can't decide which one sounds more tempting!

Mary Bergfeld said...

They certainly look gorgeous. I'll have to try these.

Christo Gonzales said...

banana ketchup??? tell me more?

Parita said...

Lovely click Jenn, i would love to make these but without garlic ofcourse:)

Anonymous said...

I love herbs and garlic on fries! Looks tasty!

theUngourmet said...

I love rosemary with my fries! These look awesome!

There is a restaurant in my town that makes fries with a rosemary infused olive oil. One whiff of those when they hit the table and you're hooked! :P

Future Grown-Up said...

Oh YUM. And YUM again. But what is banana ketchup?

Diana H said...

All of your fries look delicious. I never fry mine, always bake. I love garlic and rosemary with potatoes, great combination.

French Cooking for Dummies said...

Soooo good! Great shots :-)

Pooja said...

Wow that fries must have been very flavourful with garlic and rosemary! Never heard of banana ketchup before :)

Soma said...

Rosemary, garlic & potatoes are a combination divine!!

Jenn said...

Hari: Thanks!!

Daily Spud: Yes, I can definitely tell.

Cucinista: ;-)

HH: Hehe...Thanks.

Chow and Chatter: Thanks.

Girlichef: That's why I made two. lol.

Mary: Yes you should.

doggy: It's a product of the Philippines. But I had found a recipe where you can make your own version at home.

Parita: The garlic can be optional. ;-)

Hummingbird: Thanks.

ungourmet: Nice. I gotta try the rosemary infused olive oil bit.

Future grown-up: It's a sauce made from bananas. A product of the Philippines. It can be found in many asian or Filipino markets.

Diana H: I'll probably never fry mine again.

French Cooking: Thanks.

Pooja: It's a product of the Philippines. It's actually a sauce, but we refer to it as a ketchup. It's really good.

Soma: Thanks.

Palidor said...

They look wonderfully crispy.

Anonymous said...

ok, I just realized I don't really like fries anymore! But maybe this version with the garlic and rosemary will instigate my affinity for it again!

Jenn said...

Palidor: Thanks.

Burpandslurp: you gotta try this version. No, frying involved.

Reeni said...

I love the garlic and rosemary combo! So yummy!

Jenn said...

Reeni: It is

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

You must read my mind - I got a bunch of potatoes in my CSA and have been debating what I felt like doing with them. These fries sound so good - I love garlic and rosemary!

Jenn said...

Jen: Sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Fries for 2! Perfect - I'll have to make this the next time we cookout.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Homemade french fries are on my top ten list of favorite foods...yum!

Jenn said...

Haley: ;-)

Nutmeg: It's now on my list, too.

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