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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Banana Cherry Smoothie

Hot weather calls for a cold drink. Here's a simple easy smoothie that's healthy and good for you, but also refreshing. Take a couple of bananas, some cherries, a couple splashes of pomegranate juice and some ice. Blend the whole thing and in within minutes you've got yourself a delicious drink. Can you say Jamba-what? Save me a couple of bucks right there. Though, I'll have to attempt to recreate my fave smoothie ever. The Mango-a-go-go. More on that next time.

I don't have a cherry pitter. I just quartered and halved them to take the seed out. This left me with slightly red fingers. Don't worry it washes off, unlike beets. I was going to puree the whole thing any way, so it didn't matter if I had them whole or not. That's another thing to add to my every-growing list of kitchen do-dads to have.

Look at the little cherry swimming a pool of fruity goodness. Grab yourself a glass and sit back, relax and enjoy each sip. It'll satisfy your thirst.

Serves 2-3.

Banana Cherry Smoothie

2 ripe bananas
1 dozen cherries (stemed and pitted)
a couple splashes of pomegranate juice.
2 c Ice

Blend all three ingredients together in a food processor or blender. Blend into a smooth texture.



Parita said...

Wow thats a different combination! Perfect summer smoothie!

Anonymous said...

totally delish!

Donna-FFW said...

Great intriguing combination. And with POM juice. Must be totally refreshing and tasty.

tavolini said...

smoothies are my favorite! I didn't think to use cherries--I've got a bowl full in my fridge...perhaps I'll pit them and try this tonight.

OysterCulture said...

I hope there is no such thing as eating too many cherries because I may be getting close - love them and this smoothie sounds amazing

Christo Gonzales said...

I could use a cherry pitter too I tend to simply eat the cherries never worrying about using them in something...nice smoothie

Pam said...

Yum...I would never have thought to put cherries with banana but it looks and sounds amazing!

chow and chatter said...

this is a good one for Jasmine LOL

theUngourmet said...

I don't have a cherry pitter either. I really would like to get my hands on one of those contraptions!

Your smoothie does look mighty tasty!

Sippity Sup said...

Yay! Someone else is on a liquid diet! GREG

Hari Chandana P said...

unique and delicious combination.. looks soo tempting.. :)

Laura said...

that looks so great mmmmm I love smoothies hunh might need on now!

Teanna said...

I could drink smoothies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This looks fantastic!

Pooja said...

That is a refreshing nutrition packed drink!

Erin Brown said...


I can never get enough smoothies, which is why I'm excited to be working on the launch of the all-new Chiquita™ Smoothies right now!

I just wanted to give you a heads-up about the Tropical Smooth-stakes (sweepstakes) we're running (for about another week) to win a trip to Jamaica!

There's also a coupon as well as some great smoothie recipes on the site that you might like to try (you might like the Strawberry Soy Power smoothie or the Island Paradise smoothie) - check it out at and let me know what you think!

Thanks for the recipe! I've never tried cherries in a smoothie but maybe I'll give it a whirl...

Anonymous said...

smoothies are so easy to make. I use a lot of leftover fruit that way. I love banana smoothies, especially with a dollop of honey. I like the idea of putting in splashes of pomegranate juice.

lisaiscooking said...

This is what I need right now! It's an afternoon snack in a glass.

Jenn said...

Parita: Thanks.

Heavenly: ;-)

Donna: It is.

TavoLini: You should!

Oyster Culture: Nah, there's no such thing as eating too many cherries.

doggy: Thanks. I was snacking on them while making this.

Pam: Thanks.

Chow and Chatter: Jaz will love this.

ungourmet: It's one thing I need for time like this. lol.

Greg: lol. ;-)

Hari: It is very tempting.

Laura: The weather seems to be perfect for smoothies right now.

Pooja: Yes it is.

Erin: Cool thanks for stopping by.

Hummingbird: Ooo...I gotta try adding honey next time!

Dewi said...

You make thing is a good idea to invest on cherry pitter.

Thistlemoon said...

I am SO into smoothies this summer! I have always liked them once in a while, but this summer I am nuts for them!

Yasmeen said...

Love the picture and the smoothie is apt for the hot season :P

Jenn said...

Elra: Yes. A Cherry pitter is a must have.

Jenn: Smoothies are the perfect summer drink.

Yasmeen: Thanks.

Admin said...

It's so hot and humid where I am right now and a glass of this would be heavenly.

Diana said...

I love this combination! Cherries are probably my favorite summer fruit so I'm all over this one. Just wish my POM juice hadn't expired. :-/

Mary Bergfeld said...

This looks delicious. I never would have thought of the combination. I'll have to try this.

Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy with the cherries! how long does it take you to pit all of them? It sounds kinda tedious!
But I bet the results were totally worth it, it looks PERFECT for today's hot weather!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Sounds awesome! I would have never thought about combining bananas & cherries!

Kim said...

I've got a bowl in my fridge, too! I'm trying a little cherry and chocolate pairing tomorrow but after that, I'm off to get a few more cartons of them. A banana cherry smoothie sounds perfect for these hot days.

Jenn said...

Leela: This is definitely great on humid days.

Diana: aww boo. That mean's you'll ave to get another one. ;-)

Mary: You should.

burpandslurp: It took me roughly 5 min to pit them.

Andrea: Thanks.

Kim: I agree!!

Jamie said...

Oooh does that look yummy! Thick and lucious and I so love cherries!

Debi said...

When it comes to breakfast, I am pretty much a creature of habit...its either yogurt with fruit and granola, or a smoothie. -Will have to give this one a try!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Sounds tasty - I love your pictures with the cherry in the top of the drink!

Reeni said...

This is so refreshing and yummy, especially with fresh cherries!

Jenn said...

jamie, jen, reeni: Thanks.

Debi: Yes, give it try. :-)

teresa said...

oooh, i love all the cherry posts, so summery! this looks like pure refreshment!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Oh I love cherries and this smoothie sounds like a great way to use them:)

Jenn said...

Teresa: yes it does.

Nutmeg: Thanks

Andy said...

Cheers for the fantastic recipes. Looking forward to the next one.


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