Thursday, July 2, 2009

Brown Sugar Glazed Chicken

Sometimes a salad is in order for a hot day. But they can be a bit boring with just the leafy greens. Don't get me wrong, I love those leafy greens. But I need some sort of protein in them every once in a while. So, in comes the chicken.

I had pan-fried these. Season the chicken with my usual suspects and brown sugar. I also made a couple of pockets on the sides to stuff some minced garlic into them. You need to keep an eye on these when cooking as brown sugar tends to burn quickly under certain temps. But at the end, it gave the chicken a nice sweet flavor and caramel-like coating. I served this over a simple romaine salad with sliced grape tomatoes and baby cucumber with a basic balsamic vinaigrette as well as half a small avocado.

I cooked 3 chicken tenders and one chicken breast. You can mix it up using 6 tenders or 2 breast.

Serves 2.

Brown Sugar Glazed Chicken

6 chicken tenders or 2 large chicken breast
2 garlic cloves - minced
1/2 c brown sugar
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Butter or Margarine

Take the chicken breast and cut four small deep slits into the sides. Creating pockets. Stuff the pockets with the minced garlic.

For chicken tenders cut two deep slits and stuff with pieces of the minced garlic.

Season the chicken with salt, pepper and paprika. Then cover withe brown sugar.

In a large skillet, heat the oil and melt the butter on a medium flame. Pan-fry the chicken.

For chicken tenders. Cook for sides for 3-4 min.

For chicken breast, sear both sides for 2-3 min. Then lower the flame and cook for another 4 min. Constantly baste the chicken with the caramelizing sugar. You need to keep an eye as sugar will have the tendency to burn.

When cooked, let the chicken rest for 5 min loosely covered with foil.


  1. Brown sugar glaze looks amazing dear, lovely combingation of spices!

  2. I agree, a salad HAS to have goodies. That chicken looks amazing!

  3. Jenn... that last picture, holy crap it has me wanting this so bad. Looks beyond perfect! That glaze.. MMMMMMM. that glaze!

  4. These look really good. I am forever looking for new things to do with chicken. The glaze looks amazing.

  5. Mmmm. I love sweet glazed chicken.

  6. yum! Good idea to put the garlic inside the chicken :)

  7. What an awesome looking chicken dish! Love the brown sugar glaze!

  8. Your last photo make me drool. Brown sugar glaze sounds delicious Jenn!

  9. This is looking awfully good. I've been strung in by that lost photo. Your chicken is now officially on my hit-list

  10. I love chicken salads-light and so filling!!
    Gonna give this a try soon :)

  11. OMG...brown sugar glaze...Ahhh. These pictures are just gorgeous...sounds delicious, too :)

  12. Great looking salad Jenn! The chicken has such a beautiful glaze with the brown sugar. And, of course, the avocado is the icing on the salad!

  13. I've made brown sugar glazed salmon before but not chicken - sounds wonderful, great idea!

  14. Great recipes and wonderful flavors....yummy!

  15. Yeah, I'm not into salad without something more. Those look great, I bet my girlfriend would love them.

  16. Love the brown sugar glaze. Looks delicious!

  17. Your brown sugar glaze looks scrumptious! Love the addition of the avocado!

  18. Love the spicy combo with something sweet like brown sugar or honey. We'd probably toss in some red pepper flakes to get the mouth even hotter. Yum.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. [Sorry about the deleted message; way too many spelling errors! Embarrassing]

    Your idea to stuff the chicken with garlic is great - I would've just spread it on top. I imagine that the flavor of the garlic really infused the meat! And brown sugar glaze sounds sooo good; I just love the sweet/savory combination.

  21. The glaze looks great! Love the idea of tucking garlic into the chicken.

  22. Yum! I made a salad with chicken and avocado on Sunday, but I'd love to give thise glaze a try the next time I make it. Looks beautiful!

  23. OMG. YUM! I love glazed chicken...

  24. Parita: Thanks.

    Heavenly: I can't have a salad without goodies.

    Donna: Mouthwatering, aint it?

    Denise, hummingbird: Thanks.

    TavoLini: the chicken has a nice flavor inside.

    finsmom, Elra: Thanks. ;-)

    Mary: You'll love this then.

    Sweta: You should. hehehe...

    girlichef: Thanks.

    ungourmet: I got to have my avocado.

    5 star: I've got to try the salmon.

    nutmeg, Diana: Thanks.

    Bob: Your GF would love this.

    Paula: so do I.

    Duo Dishes: pepper flakes would definitely go well. I would have added some, but I didn't have any in the pantry. It's time to restock.

    Tangled Noodle: No worries. ;) I was going to spread them on top. But they usually end up falling off.

    Lisa, Patty: Thanks.

    Diana: nice timing. ;-)

  25. Wow the brown sugar glazed chicken looks really good n tempting! I too love to add chicken to salads along with veggies. Makes it much more tastier!

  26. Looks so delicious! The brown sugar glaze sounds like it would make any salad taste good!

  27. This looks like the perfect thing to have at a luncheon. I love the glaze, mmmm!

  28. how do you make such a simple thing with minimal ingredients look so...extravagant? Oh my...

  29. Hi Jenn,
    I just wanted to let you know I added you to my fav. blog list. You rock!

  30. Kamran: Thanks.

    Pooja: I completely agree.

    Jen: They would.

    burpandslurp: I just go with the flow.

    Miranda: Thanks a bunch. I appreciate it.

  31. a great idea and a perfect combo :) love chicken added dishes and this sound heavenly delicious :) love ye pics jenn. keep it up!!

  32. I love this sweet and savory chicken. Delicious!

  33. Chow and Chatter, Nora: Thanks.

    Reeni: I do, too.

  34. This recipe turned out great. I found it by googling 'Brown Sugar Glazed Chicken'. There's a pic at

    Loved it!!

  35. Thanks for this article, really worthwhile material.


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