Friday, July 3, 2009

Baked Salt and Vinegar Chips

Earlier this week, I was fortunate to work on the set of Heroes. Yes, the TV show. It was pretty fun. Met some cool peeps and saw Masi Oka. He plays Hiro Nakamura. Anyway, during the lunch break, I had myself a turkey-bacon sandwich and a bag of sea salt and vinegar chips. As I pondered over my lunch, it got me thinking. How can I make my own version of these chips at home? It was a little greasy, due to the deep-fry process. So I again I thought, what if I made these baked?

Light bulb moment!!!!

I immediately jotted down some notes in my handy dandy....notebook. (*holding up worn out black moleskine notebook with favorite pen attached*) I had some fingerling potatoes that were perfect for this. So the day came and I began slicing.

Now I don't have a mandolin slicer. I think I may have mentioned it before, so I used a vegetable peeler. Be very careful not cut yourself. I made 1/16 inch slices and let them sit in some rice wine vinegar for a couple of hours, sprinkled some salt and dry parsley over them, then baked for 10 min. I got some nice homemade crispy salt and vinegar chips. No greasy fingers here.

I'm submitting this to the BSI: Potato hosted this week by Christo aka DoggyBloggy at ChezWhat?.

Baked Salt and Vinegar Chips

8 large fingerling potatoes or 1 large potato
1 1/2 c rice wine vinegar or red wine vinegar
dry parsley

Wipe clean and if you choose you may peel the potatoes. Carefully slice the potatoes into thin 1/16 or 1/8-inch strips.

Place the strips in a large bowl and pour in the vinegar. Let it rest for at least an hour, cover with plastic wrap. This can be done way in advance to let the vinegar really soak into the potato slices.

Preheat your oven to 400˚F

Arrange the slices in a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet. Sprinkle a tiny bit of salt and some dry parsley.

Bake for 8-10 min until crispy golden brown. make sure to keep an eye on them.


  1. Oh wow this are for sure a winner! loved the idea of soaking them in vinegar!

  2. I am so impressed. You made those chips look amazing and just like real potatoe chips even though u didnt fry them. Those are really something! You definitely have my vote for winning. If you dont win, I will have to through scones at the judges (I made some really crappy ones today).
    Also, how awesome is that to be on the set of Heroes! I love that show, and am waiting for the next series to start. I saw the guy who plays Hero on the Rachel Ray show once, he seems like such a nice guy, and if I remember, he was really into cooking. Did you get a picture of him?

  3. My children will love you for this post. Salt and vinegar chips are their absolute favorite. They look crispy and delicious. GREAT idea.

  4. Yummy! They look awesome!

  5. What an awesome looking treat! I bet these were delicious! Yum!

  6. Sweet! I would eat these right now! Well, I guess I really should have a little breakfast first. :0)

    I bet they are so great with the red wine vinegar!

  7. Oh wow I love this. Was planning to make baked chips for a long long time! Guilt free snacking :)

  8. How cool! I love Hereos - but I'm so behind - I didn't watch the last season. The chips look awesome, especially for being baked.

  9. What an awesome idea! My husband loves salt and vinegar chips - a homemade treat would make his day!

  10. At the risk of being repetitive this really is a great idea. They look deliciously crisp.

  11. Sounds so good. Baking instead of frying? I like that idea.

  12. love ye idea jenn. m sure gonna try this out. m kids gonna adore these chips for sure.

  13. Parita: Thanks. Win or lose, these are great.

    Heavenly: Sadly no. I was all over the place, so I did have time to get a pic. I wish i did though.

    Donna: Well I dedicate this post to them.

    Hummingbird: Thanks.

    finsmom: They are.

    ungourmet: ya red wine vinegar would go great with this.

    Pooja: Give it a try. It's not as hard as you think.

    Reeni: Healthier, too.

    Haley: He'll love this then. ;-)

    Mary: No worries.

    Elra: Got to love baked.

    Nora: Thanks.

  14. Genius pure genius I salute you, what a wonderful idea - my weakness is chips so I am sensing trouble

  15. These are my absolute FAVORITE chips! I love that you made them healthier! I can't wait to try them!

  16. Nice! Salt&Vinegar flavor is something I have only recently come to appreciate. Love how you get the chips to be so crispy without deep frying them.

    Next time you work on the set of Heroes, can I tag along?

  17. Wow - those look so delicious! I love all of your baked versions of fried food!

  18. Oyster Culture: you'll love this then. ;-)

    Teresa: I love these too. I like them better than the store bought stuff.

    Leela: I recently began to appreciate the flavor too. As for when I go back on Heroes, it's a pretty closed set, so we'll see. ;-)

    Jen: Thanks. Trying to have fun with my fav foods as well as live a healthier life.

  19. I once interviewed the cast and producers of Heroes for Emmy magazine. Nice people! Chips look great.

  20. I can't believe they are baked! Oh my...they look SO thin and crispy...You did this with a VEGETABLE peeler? How meticulously talented you are! UBER-impressed! Now, send a package over please?

  21. This is absolutely perfect timing! Just a few days ago, I was contemplating my favorite salt and vinegar chips, thinking the same thing as you, that I should be able to make these at home. But unlike you, I forgot about it within minutes. These are sooo on my list to make.

  22. Wow! I am really excited to try this. I love lower fat versions of things that I can try at home! YUM! I think I'm going to make this tomorrow because I have a bunch of potatoes in the fridge. =)

  23. grubtrotters: It's a neat set to be on.

    burpandslurp: sure! Hey maybe when you start at USC we can hang. If you're not too bogged down with school stuff.

    Pam: coincidence. I think not. It was meant to be. Baked chips are the way to go.

    Tiffany: Now you can use up those potatoes in a fun way ;-)

  24. wow so simple love it and salt and vinegar is my all time fav most Brits love this flavor thanks for inventing it

  25. chow and chatter: your welcome

  26. I love salt & vinegar chips but haven't had any in ages. I'm making these today! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day!

  27. For baked chips, these look like they were perfectly fried!! You have singlehandedly proven several times over that oven-baked foods are as satisfyingly crispy and delicious as deep-fried ones. Many thanks!

  28. I love that these chips are baked! they look so nice and crispy, perfect!

  29. Andrea: Enjoy!

    Tangled Noodle: Thanks. ;-)

    Marta: They are crispy.

  30. These sound ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Jenn!!! I love salt & vinegar chips...must give these a shot :D

  31. I made the chips yesterday and they turned out great! Thanks again for the idea! :)

  32. girlichef: You should!

    Andrea: I'm glad you liked them. These are you to be a staple in my house from now on.

  33. Salt and vinegar is one of my favorite combination's. I can't wait to try these!

  34. Nutmeg: enjoy!! I love these!!

  35. These will totally be made. Totally.

  36. Wow that is so cool - meeting Masi Oka and these salt n vinegar chips! I love potatoes and vinegar together. I hope you win!

  37. Homemade salt and vinegar chips could be dangerous! These sound delicious.

  38. These sound delicious. I've got to give them a try.

  39. My kind of chips Jenn...baked and not fried with salt and vinegar:D

  40. Duo Dishes: And they should be made.

    Phyllis: Sadly, I didn't win. But it was worth entering. These are delish!

    lisaiscooking: Yes they are. You can't eat just one.

    Food Hunter: You should!

    Bellini: They're my kind, too.

  41. I saw really much useful information above!


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