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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Garlic Pasta

You know dinner needs to be prepare soon, but you don't know what to make. Your brain isn't working properly and you become frustrated. At least, I do. A simple solution that sometimes stares you straight in the face and finally hits you like a brick falling from a building. I can always go to my pasta back-up plan to save the day.

I think you all know by now that I love garlic. I use the stuff whenever I can, so why not have it with a favorite type of meal. Pasta! With some herbs and maybe a little onion. This is one pasta dish where the tomato is not an invited guest. I sauteed the garlic with a good amount of olive oil to let the flavors blend together as well as adding the herbs. I used a bland of penne and small shell. That was all I had in the cupboard. you don't have to stick to one type of pasta to make a good dish, right? Anyway, the aroma is wonderful. Love it!

If you're in a jam to make something fast, this is a quick fix dinner. You can add tomato sauce, but I'll leave that up to you to decide. I prefer it without.

serves 2-3

Garlic Pasta
4 c uncooked pasta
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil (plus extra)
4 large garlic cloves (minced)
2 Tbsp dry or fresh parsley
2 Tbsp dry or fresh basil
1/2 c grated parmesan
8 oz tomato sauce (optional)

Boil pasta in a large water filled pot until al dente. Be sure to season the water with salt and a slight drizze of olive oil. Boil for roughly 10-12 min. Drain most, but not all the water.

In a sauce pan, heat the oil and saute the onion, garlic, parsley and basil for a few minutes. You'd want the onions to be limp. Mix in the pasta.

Serve warm.


Parita said...

Oh i am big fan of herby pastas..yummy..for me without garlic :)

Denise said...

Love how quick and easy this is. Also love the fact that I have everything I need for it already in my kitchen

Mary Bergfeld said...

This is a wonderful pick-up meal. I have a similar recipe that uses linguine instead of penne.

Donna-FFW said...

Oh so wonderful, Jenn. What a perfect meal and like Denise above said, everything is probably in everyones kitchen!! See, no reason to order take out!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great meal! I love garlic and love make variations of this dish.

Trupti said...

Wow J Pasta looks delicious & lovely clicks

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Hari Chandana P said...

Looks spicy and yummyyy... lovely presentation!!

teresa said...

i could probably eat this every day with a big smile on my face. i love the big flavors, and the fact that it's quick and easy!

theUngourmet said...

My husband hates when I make pasta with tomatoes so I think he just might go for this! We both love garlic. This sounds like an easy and flavorful pasta. Nice!

Dewi said...

Simply delicious!

KennyT said...

Simple and beautiful.

Pam said...

Simple and perfect. I love garlic!

Pooja said...

Wow pasta with herbs sounds great! Not being a fan of pasta I end up seasoning it :)

Jenn said...

Parita: ;-)

Denise: Perfect!

Mary: Nice

Donna: I agree

Andrea, Trupi, Hari, Teresa: Thanks.

Ungourmet: your husband will love this then.

Elra, Kenny: Thanks

Pam Me. too.

Pooja: seasoning are great with pasta.

lisaiscooking said...

I love garlic in olive oil with pasta. I make something a lot like this (with broccoli) almost every week. Delicious!

Teanna said...

My favorite types of pasta dishes are the ones with sauces that contain only a few ingredients! It sounds like you can't go wrong with this one!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes simple is best!

I love garlic - just got some in my CSA box and its so fresh!

Jenn said...

Lisa: I've got to try it with broccoli next time.

Teanna: Yup!

Biz: Nice. Fresh garlic rocks!!

Eve said...

Hello, I've been meaning to pop over to your blog for ages and what a day to choose. This recipe reminds me so much of something my mother use to make often and I'm definitely going to try it!

Hope you don't mind a new follower! :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

What a great fast pasta meal. I love garlic too but my only problem is that garlic tends to make me smell like a big garlic clove...haha. My boyfriend always laughs because he says I can smell like garlic for days if I eat too much of it.

Cucinista said...

Mmm, yum! Will have to make enough for two or there will be no kisses for me...

Soma said...

herbs & Lotsa garlic is what i love my pasta with.

Jenn said...

Eve: I don't mind at all. The more the merrier I say.

Nutmeg: LOL.

Cucinista: Yes, definitely make it for two.

Soma: ;-)

Diana said...

Garlic rocks. I could eat the cloves raw! But I'd of course enjoy it much more when sauted with some pasta. :)

Reeni said...

This is one of my favorite quick go-to meals. Sometimes I don't even saute the garlic! So delicious.

Sippity Sup said...

It certainly doesn't get better than the pure honesty of well prepared garlic pasta! Great version too. GREF

Jackie at said...

We love garlic but I usually roast a whole garlic head first then add it to the pasta for a garlic taste that is not too strong.

The Duo Dishes said...

Garlic's a cooking treasure! We can pile it on and into anything and not be scared of garlic breath. Nice, easy pasta dish.

Creative Classroom Core said...

Another fantastic looking dish! Yum!

Palidor said...

I love garlic in pasta dishes. The more garlic the better!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! LOVE garlic! But I won't be able to be close to anybody else with my garlic breathe after a bowl of this!

Jenn said...

Diana: I haven't eaten cloves raw yet. But i wouldn't be surprised if I did.

Reeni: Nice.

Greg, Finsmom: Thanks.

Jackie: I would roast the whole garlic, too.

Duo Dishes: I love garlic!!

Palidor: I agree.

burpandslurp: hehe...

Anonymous said...

I love a good pasta, fresh herbs totally make all the difference :)

Heather S-G said...

Oh...ME TOO, ME TOO!!! You know I love garlic (doncha?)! Perfect comfort food :D

Jenn said...

HH: Indeed

Faisal: Thanks for visiting.

Girlichef: we garlic lovers gottat stick together.

pigpigscorner said...

Pasta dishes should always be simple =) this looks perfect and bursting with yummy garlicky falvours!

Tangled Noodle said...

I'm so totally stuck on the idea that pasta has to be saucy but this recipe completely turns that upside down! What a great idea - I love garlic and this is a delicious way of just concentrating on that flavor!

Jenn said...

pigpigscorner: Yes. I love the garlicky goodness.

Tangled: I agree.

cornerofhope said...

Little doubt, the dude is completely fair.

theexilesclan said...

Thanks so much for this article, pretty useful material.

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