Friday, August 28, 2009


I had some baby potatoes I needed to cook, but I didn't want to have the usual roasted veggie kind. I've seen several recipes of this potato pasta concoction floating around the blog-o-sphere, that I had to eventually give it a try for myself. Gnocchi (knee-okkee). These little pasta dumplings of deliciousness are made from potato and the usual pasta ingredients of egg, flour and salt. I've had this before at restaurants, but have never made them at home. After my first experience with making pasta (here), I wasn't sure I would never try making anything related since. You can view the little history of this on its wikipedia page.

I searched the interweb for a good recipe. Most that I saw were nearly identical. So I mixed and matched to fit the amount of baby potatoes that I had. Peeled, boiled, then mashed the potatoes by hand, but I was left with tiny bit chunks that I missed. (Note to self: add potato ricer to Christmas list.) Mixed in the egg and salt, then added the flour. It still held a dough form, which was good. Molded the dough into round sticks then cut them into little bitty pillows. I made two sizes - fifty-cent piece and nickle sized, give or take.

You cook these like you would with regular pasta. Boiling salted water and just dump them in. At first, they'll sink, but the great thing about these is that they will float to the surface when they are ready to come out.

You can serve this with which ever sauce you desire. At first, I couldn't decided what kind I would make. I tweeted my semi-dilemma on twitter and got some pretty good suggestions. I decided on a simple browned butter garlic sauce and right before eating I sprinkled some grated parmigiano reggiano. I have to work on shaping these little guys, but I'm happy with the way they turned out. Not bad for my first try, eh?

Serves 2-3

Gnocchi with Browned Butter Garlic Sauce

1 large potato or 10 small baby potatoes
1 c flour plus extra for dusting
1 egg
1 tsp salt

note: recipe for the sauce below

Note: To make a wheat version replace with 1/2 c white and 3/4 c wheat flour.

Peel and cube the potatoes. Remove any blemishes it may have.

Boil the potatoes in a pot of salted water until they are cooked through and tender. A fork should easily piece it.

When the potatoes are ready mash them in a bowl with a ricer. If you don't have one, you can mash them with a fork or by hand.

Mix in the egg and salt, then slowly add the flour. Turn out the dough onto a well-flour surface and knead it a few time.

Cut a small chuck of the dough and mold it into a long stick. Take a knife or fork and cut the stick into little dumpling. Place them on a floured tray and keep separated. They will stick to each other.

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Season liberally with salt. When the water is ready, place in the gnocchi. They will first sink, but when they are ready they will float to the surface. Remove with a slotted spoon to drain off the excess water.

Serve with your choice of sauce.

Browned Butter Garlic Sauce
1/3-1/2 c butter
1 garlic clove (minced)

In a sauce pan, melt the butter on medium heat. Bring it to a slight boil and remove any foam that forms on top. Stir or shake the pan on occasion until the butter has browned. Turn off the heat and season with a little salt and pepper. Let the butter cool slightly before adding the garlic or it will cook and burn.

Spoon the sauce over the gnocchi or pasta.

(You can omit with garlic to make a regular browned butter sauce)


  1. how did you like them - hearty- soft, firm snd delicious?

  2. Ah, little pillows of delight! They looks delicious...and the brown butter garlic sauce sounds great!

  3. Not bad at all! They look pretty good to me - nothing beats homemade gnocchi :)

  4. I have never had luck with homemade gnocchi.. I have tried many times. Your rec ipe sounds so delicious!They look wonderful!

  5. I have to try this one of these days. I have potatoes in the fridge waiting to be used, but I'm feeling a bit lazy lol (nothing new there) ;).

  6. Oh, those sound wonderful, excellent with brown butter garlic sauce!

  7. Sounds delicious! Gnocchi is on my list of things to make. I will make sure to find a potato ricer first, though! :)

  8. Jenn, now this is a good combo. We have to call this exceptional comfort food.

  9. These are great. My stab at gnocchi must be in the cards. I too have noticed it all over lately. GREG

  10. I love gnocchi but always have it with marinara. Your sauce looks like a yummy alternative!

  11. I've always wanted to make gnocchi but haven't yet - this recipe looks perfect, especially the sauce.

  12. great job! i would love to try gnocchi, they look wonderful!

  13. Your gnocchi came out great. The flavor of browned butter is sooooo good. Love it in desserts of course.

  14. brown butter garlic sauce sound magnificent!! i shud giv a try of these yummy looking gnocchi sometime sooner!

  15. Hari: Thanks

    doggy: I loved them!!! I wonder why I never tried making them at home before. They're all what you described them to be. Soooo good!!

    girlichef: I want more.

    Phyllis: I agree

    Donna: Give them a try again. Maybe this the next time around, they'll be perfect.

    HH: LOL.

    5 Star: Thanks.

    Jen: you can use a regular masher, but I think I'd prefer a ricer.

    Dawn: Yes!!

    Greg: Yes, you must make some, too!

    Valley: my next sauce will probably be a marinara sauce.

    Elra, Teresa, Nora: Thanks.

    Pam: give a go. I was intimidated at first, but I've overcome that.

    Duo Dishes: Desserts, eh? I must give that a try!

  16. Hats off to you for making these at home! they have come out the butter sauce :)

  17. They look very gnocchi to me! Homemade gnocchi, so hearty and delish!

  18. you need to make a book, how do I take all these recipes with me to college in a convenient way??

  19. YUM! I've been dying to try homemade gnocci. That may be a good use for all of the potatoes I have right now... I hadn't even though of it!

  20. They look great! And, the garlic sauce sounds perfect. I want a potato ricer too.

  21. They look so cute. I've never tried gnocchi, either. Sounds easy and my type of dish. While reading its preperation, I imagined a garlicy yogurt sauce on it and sprinkling some dried mint and red pepper flakes. YUM!

  22. I used to make gnocchi, but then I got into the habit of ordering them whenever they are on the menu in a restaurant (boring, I know. And yes, my friends do make fun of me...). Anyway, I guess I should just make them again. Your dish looks and sounds great!

  23. Parita: Thanks.

    Kenny: hehehe...

    Sarah: I'm think about doing a compilation. I'd be more than happy to send you a bunch of my easy recipes.

    LK: One of the reasons I decided to make this.

    Lisa: a potato ricer is a must at this point. LOL.

    Zerrin: garlic yogurt sauce sounds good too.

    Andrea: You'll be happy you made them at home again.

  24. great job Jenn oh and I added your badge your blog is great Rebecca

  25. They came out great! And sound real delicious with the brown butter sauce!

  26. I love gnocchi and this dish sounds awesome!

  27. CC: Cool awesome.

    Sarah: =)

    Reeni: It's so good!!

    Oyster: I'm making gnocchi at home from now one!!

  28. Homemade gnocchi are a wonderful treat!

  29. That does it - I must make gnocchi! Even better, your brown butter garlic sauce sounds insanely delicious. As for the potato ricer, I can vouch for it's absolute wonderful-ness: I will never use a potato masher ever again. I should buy another one just in case I wear this one out . . .

  30. Tangled: Yeah, I seriously need to invest in a ricer.


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