Saturday, October 3, 2009

Snow Pea Fried Rice

I happened to be released early on set the day I decided to cook this and even though I was super exhausted, I still wanted to cook something for other members of the household. In the fridge was some left over white rice. This is a great way to use up any left over rice you may have from those Chinese takeouts. Then I happened to glace at the snow peas that I nearly forgot about. Oops. I grab a couple of eggs while I was still at the fridge.

I blanched the peas in some boiling water and cooled them in some cold water to stop the cooking process. Pop out the little peas from inside and kept a few of the shells. Then I did a quick saute of them before adding the rice. Mixed in the egg and did the constant stir and scrap move until the egg was fully cooked. Served with a sprinkle of paprika on top. That part is optional.

Serves 2

Snow Pea Fried Rice
1 c snow peas - blanched, steamed or from frozen
3 c cooked white rice
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 eggs - beaten

Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the peas and saute until cooked and tender. Roughly 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Then add the rice. Break the rice apart while stirring until soft.

Constantly stirring and scrapping the side to keep the rice from sticking. Once the rice is soft once again. Stir in the egg. Be sure to season with a little salt before adding.

Again constantly stirring until the egg has fully cooked.

Serve warm.


  1. You are the master of simple & delicious!! Yum :D

  2. yummy you know how i love fried rice lol

  3. Ruth, Andrea, Girlichef: Thanks.

    CC: Who doesn't love fried rice?

  4. Oh man I have tons of peas in the freezer! Guess I need to try this.

  5. I so love fried rice! Sounds fantastic with snow peas.

  6. Oh yum! Growing up, my mom used to make fried rice all the time from our leftovers. And I've never actually removed the little peas from the snowpea pod - so cute :)

  7. That looks just lovely. Fried rice and snow peas are both some of my faves.. and you combined them, Fantastic!

  8. delicate, simple and good for you! Beautiful!

  9. Laura: You should.

    Lisa, Donna, Trish: Thanks.

    Phyllis: Yeah...It was kind of a last minutes decision to remove them from the pods. hehe...

  10. Something about fried rice - it is so comforting. And tasty. Great use of what's on hand. I could go for this right now.

  11. fried rice is a great choice with peas... GREG

  12. Snow peas are one of my favorites. Sadly they are no longer in season here. I might have to pick up a pack of frozen ones now because you have me craving some!

  13. "I happened to be released early on set the day I decided to cook this and even though I was super exhausted, I still wanted to cook something for other members of the household." and that is why you rock! Peas turn this baby around.

  14. this looks so yummy! so comforting!

  15. LL: :-D

    Greg: Yes, it is.

    Jen: frozen is good, too. But of course it can't beat fresh.

    doggy: Awe shucks...thanks.

    Teresa: Thanks.

  16. You blog, you do a bazillion different jobs, and you still cook for your household. I'm impressed!!

  17. This looks wonderful. I usually have a version of fried rice for breakfast and sometimes use snow peas. Thanks for sharing your version with us. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  18. Snow peas are one of my favorites - I love them raw. This looks yummy!!

  19. Mary: thanks.

    Reeni: Them peas are goood!

  20. I love snow peas. Growing up we would grow them in our garden and we came up with a lot of great ideas to use them. I like this one. It looks healthy and delicious:)


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