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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Avocado Eggrolls

One of my favorite appetizers from the Cheesecake Factory is their avocado eggrolls. So here's my little take on it. Eggrolls are generally deep-fried. For this, I did a quick pan-fry. You can bake them too, if you'd like. The ingredients a pretty straight forward and can probably be found in your own pantry. Avocado, onion, parsley, sun dried tomato, balsamic vinegar.

I paired the egg rolls with a Filipino style teriyaki sauce. These are great appetizers or if you're like me have them for dinner.

Makes 6 eggrolls

Avocado Eggrolls

1 medium ripe avocado - diced
1/2 medium sweet onion - sliced
1/2 c parsley - chopped
1 c sun-dried tomato (drained from oil)
Juice of half lime
1 Tbsp paprika
salt and pepper
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 egg - well beaten
6 egg rolls wrappers.
Canola oil
Pinoy Style Teriyaki Sauce (recipe below)

Saute the onions in a skillet until it they slightly turn brown, near caramelizing. Add the sun-dried tomato and saute for another 2-4 minutes.

Remove from the skillet and into a bowl season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Add Parsley avocado and lime juice and balsamic vinegar. together. Mix together.

Take an eggrolls wrapper and place it like a diamond on a flat surface and place a generous scoop of the mixture.

To roll- bring the corner over and roll once. The bring in the sides and wet the top corner with the egg wash. Roll once more to seal. Do this for each.

Heat some canola oil in a skillet. When the oil is hot pan-fry the eggrolls each ride roughly 60 seconds or until golden brown. Drain on a paper towel and serve warm.

You may also deep-fry or bake these.

Serve with the teriyaki sauce

Pinoy Style Teriyaki Sauce

1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
juice of half lemon or lime
1 1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tsp worschestershire sauce

Combine all ingredients together.


Anonymous said...

This is interesting to me because i didn't know avocado could be cooked. Does it turn brown? I have to try these at cheesecake factory. All their food is to die for yummy!

Jenn said...

HH: The avocado stays green.

raquel of Cafe Nilson said...

Wow! This is a must try...I can already taste the avocado...and with that pinoy teriyaki sauce...yummmm!!!

pigpigscorner said...

wow I've never had this! The avocado filling sounds really good!

vanillasugarblog said...

oh man you didn't! hello! you are the bestest. I love these!

KennyT said...

I'd love to try making your pinoy teriyaki sauce!!

Unknown said...

I've never heard of these - but they look delicious!

theUngourmet said...

I love a light dinner like this. What a terrific idea!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a great combination of ingredients. I've always shied away from baking eggrolls. It's time to give it a try.

Banana Wonder said...

Mmmm I lurve the avocado eggrolls from cheesecake factory. Thanks for this recipe!

Jamie said...

Jenn, these look and sound so delicious! Easy to put together and super intriguing. See I always want to make whatever you post!

teresa said...

it's so funny, as soon as i saw these i thought of the cheesecake factory! they look heavenly!

Jenn said...

Raquel, valley: :)

Pigpig, ungourmet: thanks.

Dawn: yes, I did!

Kenny: go for it!

Mary: it's healthier, too.

Anna: you're welcome.

Jamie: aww. Thanks. I'm here to temp you with food. Lol.

Teresa: lol

Diana said...

That's great! I've had the avocado eggrolls from Cheesecake Factory and they are indeed delicious! Thanks for the recipe! :)

OysterCulture said...

I salute you girl, you come up with the best stuff!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I have never had avocado egg rolls. Sounds absolutely delicious!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I have only been to the Cheesecake Factory once so I cannot say I have ever had these. Although they sound freaking amazing! I was just speaking the praises of avocado's today. They are just so delicious....yum!

lk - healthy delicious said...

I love you! That's my all-time favorite thing to get at CF!

Reeni said...

I keep hearing of all these delicious eats from here and I have never been! Don't have one anywhere nearby. These look really good!!

Unknown said...

you had me at avocado! wow...these are a must try for sure!

Jenn said...

Diana: you're welcome.

Oyster: thanks.

Andrea: give it a try.

Nutmeg: next time you go, order these. You won't be sorry.

LK: :)

Reeni: they should open one near you. It's good food.

Danielle: hehe...

Jhonny walker said...

I love rolls. I adore eggrolls..and these are so is a winner and a must try

Thanks for posting!

Mardi Michels said...

These look great and I love that the avocado stays green. Yumm -o!

Parita said...

Interesting filling for rolls, love the teriyaki saucy!

alecho said...

avocado?! woah, that is so creative and it is definitely gonna be yummy!

Pam said...

I've never had this before but I KNOW I would love it. YUM!

Sophia said...

Oh wow. Now THESE should replace all the yucky egg rolls in Chinese-American restaurants!

Jenn said...

jhonny: yes it is a must try.

Mardi: that's the neat part about it.

Parita, alecho: Thanks.

Pam: I think you would, too.

Jenn said...

Sophia: thanks.

tavolini said...

oh yum. I'll take 20 of these, please :) I shouldn't read your blog before lunch--its dangerous!!

lisaiscooking said...

I thought the title sounded familiar! I haven't had those for a long time, but great idea to re-create them at home. I like the idea of baking them too.

Heather S-G said...

I want some!!! Avocado eggroll...wowza!!!

Karine said...

When there is avocado, I am in. :)

Caitlin said...

These eggrolls sound like heaven! Avocados are on my all-time love to eat list : )

Muneeba said...

Bookmarking this! I have tried these at the Cheesecake Factory and loved 'em, so will give the homemade version a shot ... looks very appetizing .. and yes, I'd totally have them for dinner ;)

Jenn said...

TavoLini: Sure.

Lisa: Hehe...

girlichef: ;-D

Karine, Caitlin: Me, too.

Muneeba: Woohoo!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum! I have thought about trying those eggrolls at the Cheesecake Factory, but never have. Yours look amazing, though. I will have to give them a try!

Viagra Online said...

I remember the first time I tasted this recipe was in my husband's house her mother told as that them to eat it we'll get married so now we have 2 married years.It was great I've never forgotten this recipe.

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