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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Choco Lemon Madeleine Muffins

How about a little basket of muffin goodness to start your day off right? I remember Heavenly Housewife, of From Donuts to Delirium, posting about madeleine cookies. Oh how I love those shell-shaped cookies. I commented about I wish I could make them, but I didn't have a the mold pan. She responded by suggesting using a muffin pan. My dahhhhling HH, you a genius!! Why I didn't think of that before I have no idea? A solution was staring at me right in the face and yet, I couldn't see it.

The original recipe came from a cookbook my mom had given me as a gift one Christmas called  Williams-Sonoma Foods of the World, Paris. The recipe was called Madaleines Au Citron or Lemon Madeleines. I enjoy a madeleine cookie every now and then maybe with a cup of tea or coffee. I've sometimes get a tub of them from Costco, whenever I shop there.

For this one, I changed it up a bit by adding a bit of cocoa powder to the recipe. I don't have a madeleine cookie mold, so in came the mini muffin pan. Though, a madeleine pan would be nice to have. (Note to self: add to kitchen wish list) Takes only several minutes to bake and it's super good with a hint of lemon flavor. You have one, you can't resist and must have another.

 Makes 12-16 muffins.

Choco Lemon Madeleine Muffins
adapted from Williams-Sonoma Foods of the World, Paris

2 eggs
1/2 c granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/2 c flour
1 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp lemon zest
1/4 c unsalted butter - melted
powdered sugar (optional)

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

Baste your muffin pan with some of the melted butter and dust the molds with some flour and pat off the excess.

Sift together the flour, cocoa and salt.

Cream together the melted butter and sugar. Then add each egg beating after each one. Followed by the vanilla extract and almond extract.

Slowly add the flour mixture and combine.  Then fold in the lemon zest.

Divide the batter evenly among the molds and bake for 10-12 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes from removing from molds.

Dusting with some powdered sugar is optional.


figtree said...

Lemon zest makes everything better. I just topped off a soup with orange zest..Ill whip these muffins up this weekend!

♥peachkins♥ said...

madeleine muffins? this will be great for breakfast..

Sasha said...

Haha, I felt the same way about her post. I say we both invest in some Madeleine pans ; )

Unknown said...

Mmmm - looks great! I've never had a madeleine cookie - or muffin (how sad!).

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are so cute. I love them. I bet they are awesome!!!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Wow what a great idea! I often find madeleine recipes I can't make because I lack a pan (On my Christmas list!) but now I know I can use a mini muffin tin I'm all over those recipes :) Delicious as always!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This is a great idea! These would be so good with afternoon tea.

Pam said...

I'll take two for breakfast please.

Parita said...

Wow what a perfect and delicious way to kick off your day :-) would love to have these for breakfast with some coffee :-)

theUngourmet said...

What a great idea! Much easier than the cookies and easy is right up my alley! :D

teresa said...

these look so yummy! i love the combo of lemon and chocolate!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

What an awesome idea! And I love the lemon choco flavor combo!

Fresh Local and Best said...

I love all of the flavors in this muffin, and it was such an innovative idea to use a muffin pan in place of madeleine.

zerrin said...

These look so cute! I couldn't stop eating these once I start. I love the lemon flavor in it.

lisaiscooking said...

The lemon and cocoa combination here sounds great! Great idea to use the muffin pan too.

Daily Spud said...

I don't care what shape they are, I'm having some!

ann low said...

Hi, first time here. Your blog is great. I'll stop by often.

Anonymous said...

I'll take five of those, please.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Sounds so tasty... Love this recipe!

Anonymous said...

These look absolutely scrumptious! I love the choco & lemon flavors here!

Muneeba said...

This has opened new doors for me. You mean that instead of waiting for my own madeleine pan, I could have been cranking out delicious madeleines (my fav cookie in the world) in my mini muffin pan this whole time??? That's it - I'm taking action right away!

Reeni said...

What a great idea! I have one of these pans! I love lemon baked goods - the sweet and tart is so yummy!

OysterCulture said...

Oh, wow, these look amazing, I have to exert some self control though. Love the chocolate lemon combo

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