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Monday, November 16, 2009

Crisp Potato Skins

 Potato skins are fairly easy to make. I had some potatoes that I had gotten from the farmer's market that I nearly forgot about in the vegetable compartment. I say nearly as I knew they were there, it was figuring out when I was going to use them

Again my absentmindedness took over and I had left the potato skins a bit longer that i should have in the broiler. Thus cooking the cheese. Other than that it was still nice and crisp and most definitely delicious.

What did I do with the scooped potato pieces? I made some mashed baked potato wit pats of butter and shredded cheese. Yum yum!!

Makes 4 skins

Crisp Potato Skin

2 medium Yukon or russet potatoes
extra virgin olive oil
1/3 c shredded cheese - your choice
2 green onion - chopped
bacon bits - optional
sour cream - optional

Preheat your oven 450˚F

Half each potato length wise. Coat each half with some olive oil, place on a baking pan lined with foil and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Let the potatoes cool before scooping out the inside. Coat one more time with a little olive oil and bake for another 10 minutes.

Then turn on your broiler.

Top the potato skins with some of the shredded cheese and transfer the baking pan to the broiler. Broil for 5 minutes.

Let cool for a couple of minutes, then top with some sour cream, bacon bits, and green onion.


Chibog in Chief said...

My hubby will love this!!

ann low said...

WOW! This is so easy to make, I would like to try this one day.

Anonymous said...

I love potato skins, but i am gulty of buying them rather than making them. I should try your recipe.

Amanda said...

I love potato skins, yours look great!

Anonymous said...

Crispy and delicious! My daughter would love it, she loves everything super crispy!

Debbie said...

Oh they look delicious! I can almost taste how crispy they are!

Laurie said...

Love your cute little potato skins!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

It's sad to say but potato skins are one of my favorite things on earth. They are so simple and yet so delicious:)

Pam said...

I could eat a plate of these for dinner and be happy. They look terrific.

Unknown said...

Yum - the perfect afternoon snack!

Daily Spud said...

I never met a potato skin I didn't like and these are no exception :)

Jenn said...

Dhanggit, Sophie: ;-D

Anncoo: Go for it.

HH: lol. I used the buy the ready made kind, too.

Amanda, Debbie, Laurie, Pam: Thanks.

5 Star: Your daughter and I have the same taste.

Nutmeg: I used to eat potato skins constantly when I was young. Not sure why I stopped.

Valley: Indeed.

Daily: It's had not to like the spud. They're just to darn temptingly cute and delish!!

The Duo Dishes said...

If there's sour cream, any tater skin will do!

zerrin said...

These look like great appetizers. Easy and tasty! They would be perfect with a glass of beer.

lisaiscooking said...

It has definitely been too long since I last had potato skins! I want to go make some right now.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Jenn, these look delicious and I've never met anyone who doesn't love potato skins. These look wonderfully easy to make. Thanks!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Love, love, love potato skins. I'll be making these soon! :)

teresa said...

mmmm, crispy and delicious, i love these!

Tasty Trix said...

Definitely looks addictive.

Jenn said...

Duo: I agree.

Zerrin, Teresa, Tasty: Thanks.

Lisa: You should.

Mary: It's hard not to like these. You have one, you must have another.

Andrea: Cool.

Fresh Local and Best said...

This looks like a fab appetizer, especially for parties!

Diana said...

Whenever my mom and I make twiced baked potatoes, I can never resist eating one of the tops we cut off - so good! though would be better with fixings on top! ;)

Mags @ the Other Side of 50 said...

I've been busy lining up my appetizers for the holidays. These are going on my list. YUM!

Sippity Sup said...

Oh my! I have been out of town for quite sometime. It seems I have missed quite a lot. Oh well I guess I have a lot of eating, I mean reading to do here! GREG

Sasha said...

Looks yummy!
I love potato skins. I've been wanting to make some for a while and this post finally convinced me : )

Reeni said...

Looks yummy! A great snack!

Tangled Noodle said...

I have a bag of small potatoes that would be perfect for these! Good thing they bake up quickly - I'd be too impatient for these.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum! These look great. I'm thinking of making these for my hubby while he's watching football this weekend.

Dewi said...

Wonderful idea Jenn, sound terrific.

Kathleen said...

Potato skins have always been a favorite! I can't wait to try yours

Anonymous said...

I love potato skins! I like to get them as an appetizer at restaurants.

theUngourmet said...

Oh my gosh I haven't had potato skins in a very long time! They look scrumptious! I think I had better make some tomorrow. Maybe for my lunch!

Jenn said...

Fresh: Yes, it is.

Diana: I've got to have the fixings on mine.

Mags: Cool.

Greg: lol.

Sasha: Go for it!!

Reeni: Thanks. They are.

Tangled: I guess You've got a recipe to use them in.

Jen: This is perfect for football games.

Elra: Thanks.

Kathleen: They're really something that everyone would like.

Hummingbird: Same here.

Ungourmet: I say do it.

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