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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daikon Miso Soup

I had bought a large fresh daikon radish from the farmer's market. I love diakon radish. It's some good stuff. It's used in a Philippines soup called sinigang. I'll be making that in the near future. For this one soup, I just wanted something fairly simple. It can't get any more simple than making miso soup. How easy is it? Well, all you need is stock or water and miso paste. Then add tofu and green onions. It only takes minutes to make.

I love miso soup. I always make it a habit to order a nice hot bowl of the stuff whenever I eat out at a Japanese restaurant along with with some fresh edamame and whatever sushi I'm in the mood for.

Traditional miso soup uses dashi, which is fish stock. Since fish stock isn't readily available as vegetable or chicken, I went for some veggie stock. making this a perfect vegetarian dish. So some veggie stock, water, daikon radish and a little salt and pepper and that's about it. I added some ramen noodles shortly before serving as it doesn't take long to cook.

Serve 2.

Daikon Miso Soup

1 12oz can vegetable stock
1 Tbsp white miso paste
1 1/2 c water
1 long daikon radish - peeled & cut into 1/8-inch slices
1 packet ramen noodles (minus seasoning)
salt & pepper

Combine the water and vegetable stock in a pot. Add the radish and bring to a slight boil and until the radish becomes tender.

Dissolve the miso paste in a small bowl with some of the stock before adding into the soup. Then add the dissolved miso into the pot and let it simmer for several minutes.

Add the ramen noodles 5 minutes before serving.


Debbie said...

It does sound simple to make and looks delicious. I need to give this one a try!

Anonymous said...

I've never had miso soup (i know, hard to believe), I need to try it one day.

vanillasugarblog said...

jenn this sounds so good. I love my miso & seaweed soup, but must try adding in daikon. very clever my dear.

Unknown said...

you can't beat a simple dish as comforting as soup! Its good to know that the veggie stock works (I'm allergic to fish)

Admin said...

This looks like a perfect fuss-free, quick, comfort food. I didn't like daikon growing up. Now I can't get enough of it.

Can't wait to see your version of sinigang. I LOVE the stuff!

teresa said...

oh yummy! i love soup like this, how comforting!

Pam said...

Simple soups are the best - this looks wonderful.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Miso soup is a favorite of mine as well. It's easy and fuss-free. I love the addition of radish to it.

Bob said...

Mmm, ramen. I've never tried daikon, I wonder if I can get it around here.

theUngourmet said...

I love daikon! This looks like a great lunch for me! Thanks! :D

Jenn said...

HH: You must try it!!! ;-D

Danielle: Yeah, it's great for those with allergies or simply want to keep it vegetarian.

Bob: Diakon is really great. It absorbs flavors really well.

Unknown said...

Simple and YUMMY! This looks super comforting. Great meal Jenn!!

The Duo Dishes said...

For some reason, miso soup seemed just a tad more difficult. Good thing to know it's this easy. Can you use any kind of miso?

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I love soups with daikon. This sounds simple and delicious!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

This looks great! I actually saw daikon today and thought to myself "what would I make with that?" and now I know!

Sophia said...

Oh I love daikon in brings such a natural sweetness, and what a great combo with miso!

Dewi said...

Oh I love daikon, and love miso as well. I never combine the two, but I can imagine how good they are together.

Unknown said...

This looks great! I love the big chunks of diakon!

Anonymous said...

I grew up on daikon radish. We put it in soups, ate it pickled, put it in Korean sushi.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum... looks tasty! A bowl of that soup would be perfect today since it is cold and rainy here!

pigpigscorner said...

Simple and delicious! I love daikon too!!

Reeni said...

This is so fresh and delicious! And very unique!d

OysterCulture said...

Oh wow, now I need to make some of this to feel healthy again after eating all the choco lemon Madelein Muffins and the Baked catfish with tomato salsa and the Brussels sprouts.

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