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Friday, November 6, 2009

Vegetarian Egg Benedict

I decided to cook a little brunch on a Saturday. It's been a while since I've done that really. Usually I just have myself a nice piece of toast with a little bit of butter or nutella or a bowl of cereal with a splash of milk. But on this particular day I decided to make some special for myself. There wasn't any special occasion. It was a lovely day out and that called for a nice simple meal. A lazy Saturday

This is actually the first time I've poached an egg myself. Usually when I have it, it's other people who've made it for me. I looked on the web on various "how-to" I alsao didn't have many eggs, so I couldn't afford to mess up many times. I still have to work on my poaching skills, but I'm happy with the way the eggs turned out. I like my yolks slightly runny. I've got to practice a bit more on getting the egg to stay in shape.

I got a little lazy to make a hollandaise sauce. After stressing out over poaching eggs, making a sauce wasn't an option for me. It was a lazy Saturday remember? No room for stressing out. So I opted for a simple honey-mustard sauce instead. Toasted a couple slices of bread and topped it with some slices of avocado, tomato and the poached eggs. Drizzled some of the honey mustard sauce and devoured the whole thing.

Makes 2 open-faced sandwiches

Vegetarian Eggs Benedict

2 eggs
2 tsp white vinegar
2 large slices of sourdough bread
1 small tomato - sliced
1 small avocado - sliced
ricotta cheese
Juice of half lemon
salt and pepper

Honey Mustard Sauce
2-3 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
2 Tbsp Honey
1 tsp lemon juice

Toast the bread in the oven or toaster oven.

Combine the ingredients for the honey-mustard sauce and set aside. Toss the acovado slices in some lemon juice to keep it from browning.

Fill a skillet halfway with water. Add the vinegar. Bring the water to a slow boil.
The best way to add the egg into the water is to crack them into a small bowl, that way you can remove any shell that may tag along for the ride.  Slowly add the egg and reduce the heat to a simmer. For for roughly 3 minutes until the egg whites have set and the yolk remains soft. Cook a little longer for harder yolks.

Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel to drain.

Assemble the sandwich:
Spread some ricotta cheese on each slice of bread. Top with some slices of tomato then avocado. Top with one of the poached eggs. Season with a tiny pinch of salt and pepper. Drizzle a generous helping of the honey mustard sauce on top.


Anonymous said...

Looks great, I love the colours. Also nice sauce. I've never poached an egg before, I think they look super! If its something you want to do again, i know they make little "pots" that sit in the hot water and it makes poaching super easy. Got one, but never used it yet ;). Hope you have a great weekend.

alecho said...

I love egg Benedict! and it's perfect for me (I'm trying to eat more veggie these days). Yup, I agree. Looks great, and I'm sure it tastes awesome too!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Awesome brunch sandwich! I love poached eggs. You did well! :)

Pam said...

What a beautiful and tasty breakfast - much better than cereal. The sauce sounds tasty too.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I love the use of avocado. One of my favorite things ever:) I'm totally going to give this a try since my boyfriend has been on a eggs benedict kick lately :)

Ken said...

A great take on a classic! GREG

Ken said...

When I travel KEN is SippitySup. GREG

vanillasugarblog said...

I cannot get enough avocado in my sammies. I love that you used it in a breakfast with an egg, and then some tasty sauce. GENIUS!

Bianca said...

It's simple and tasty, works for me! I also like the honey mustard sauce. Nice touch!

Jhonny walker said...

This is just super duper good.. so eggy and comforting. Will make it this weekend :)

Jenn said...

Thanks Everyone!!

HH: maybe it time you dust it off and give it a try. It's pretty good.

Alecho: same here. As much as I love my meats, I love my veggies even more.

Nutmeg: This is perfect them.

Greg: I knew it was you. ;-D

Dawn: I used to eat avocado sammies everyday. I can't get enough of it.

Bob said...

Nice, I bet that's awesome. Love the honey mustard sauce in particular.

Kathleen said...

Eggs Benedict is my favorite breakfast!! This sounds like a great version.

teresa said...

oh this is just too yummy! i love how colorful it is, a great way to start the day!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely way to start the day. It sure beats corn flakes.

noodlegirl said...

I love this idea!

Lele said...

You are a GENIUS! I love eggs benedict but it is succccch a pain to make!
You have basically combined all my favorite things (poached egg, crusty bread, avocado, honey mustard)!

theUngourmet said...

Looks great Jenn! I actually use these little silicone egg poaching cups. Have you seen them? They work pretty well.

Christo Gonzales said...

I learned a poaching trick and I dont mind passing it along - 1) crack the egg into a little bowl first 2) make sure you have put about a tablespoon of vinegar in the water - it helps the eggs stay in shape 3) make a whirl pool with a wisk and slide the egg into the twirling water - this causes it to tumble over itself creating a perfect shape 4) let boil about 2 minutes and remove to a cool bath if you are poaching multiple eggs

I find with this method I can best do two at a time - three and four starts to get tricky.

(ha my word verification was 'carma')

Bread and Jam said...

I love eggs Benedict but usually order it out because my poached eggs never turn out the same way twice. Yur looks great and I like the avocado idea.

OysterCulture said...

Love this, it looks so refreshing and colorful. The perfect Sunday brunch dish.

Reeni said...

This is so fresh and yummy looking! I love the ricotta in it. I've never poached an egg before either!

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