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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Production Eats - No. 14

This week I worked on Lie to Me again. It's basically a continuation from the week before. This time we shot at the Fox Studios lot, so I ventured into the nearby commissary rather than the cafe I had gone to the last time I was there. There were a few good choices like a beef stew that looked tempting and a chicken quesdadilla. But I decided to venture into the sandwich department.

Caprese sandwich. Or as they put it on the little menu board for the "sandwich special of the day": Mozarella, tomato, basil on foccacia. Served with a side of steak fries. Or their slaw or bag of chips. As you can see, I went for the steak fries that I dipped in some ranch dressing and ketchup. Look at the huge chunks of fresh mozzarella. Just the way I like them.


Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

A caprese sandwich sounds perfect! And I love french fries dipped in ranch dressing! :)

teresa said...

i LOVE the look of that sandwich, delicious!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I usually get this sandwich from Kenny Roger's Roaster here in manila...

Reeni said...

That looks absolutely delicious on focaccia bread! And french fries and ranch yummm!

Diana H said...

I hope those were fresh tomatoes. It's winter here and nary a fresh full of flavor tomato to be found. I love caprese.

theUngourmet said...

Caprese salad is my absolute favorite so I know I'd love this sandwich! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely big fat sandwich, looks so good :)
HOpe you had a great weekend.
*kisses* HH

Bob said...

Holy crap, look at that cheese! I need to make one of those.

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