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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bread + Butter turns 1!!!! (...with a little giveaway)

I did it!! A year ago today, I began this little blog as a way to share my recipes and ideas to just friends and anyone who is and was willing to read. I've been blogging way before this one, but it was mostly for my observations and film experience/interests on Misadventures of Little J. I still frequently writing on there every week. Have a look. Then one day in March, I decided on whim to start another blog. And in popped up Bread + Butter. Why the name? Because it's one of my favorite things to eat in the world. It's one of the first things they bring you at restaurants. And I'm sure it's two things that are in every household. The name can go two ways. Bread Plus Butter or Bread and Butter. I like both. It was really just a thing I thought I'd post maybe once or twice a week, if I was lucky. Now look at it. 376 posts later, it's grown into something I couldn't have imagined.

To kick off this little blogiversay I made a little cupcake doodle as seen above. It's chocolate with pink vanilla frosting. Yum. (That's my chocolate fix, since I gave it up for lent.) Or I can just show you a big coffee cake muffin I had while having my morning at a little shop the other day. :) That thing was twice the size of my fist!!!! But it was really delicious.

I need to give a shoutout to a few people. Eric at Eric Rivera's Cooking Blog, Tangled Noodle, doggybloggy at ChezWhat?, Oyster Culture at Oyster Food and Culture. You guys were one of the first commentors here and I can't thank you enough for sticking around.  It was almost like a "Julie & Julia" moment, when I had my first comments, except that they weren't from someone directly related to me. For you loyal readers and visitors here, in the most heartfelt way that I can through the interweb, I thank you all for being so awesome. You make this blog enjoyable to do every single day. Even though I haven't been able to reply to the comments as much these days, I do enjoy reading them and I do read all of them. I promise.

So in honor of this 1-year blogiversary, I'm having a giveaway. Ooooooo.... I wanted the prize to be something related to one of my favorite foods of all time. That would be...sushi!!! (Oh, I'm planning on doing a sushi week here on B + B, so keep an eye out.) The winner will receive this cool sushi book called Easy Sushi. It's filled with how-to's on how to make the various sushi rolls. Also to help you get started, I'm including a little sushi kit that has a rice paddle, bamboo rolling mat, and a little instruction booklet. I do love sushi!!

There are 4 ways you can enter.

1. Leave a comment simply stating what your favorite food is. 
2. Follow me on twitter, leave a separate comment.
3. Become a fan on Facebook, also leave a separate comment.
4. Subscribe via email or in a reader, again leave a separate comment.

That's it. Simple and easy peasy. You've got until Saturday, March 13, 2010. And by the grace of, a winner will be chosen. Or I may do it the old fashioned way, pick a piece of paper out of a bowl.  So have at it and comment away!! Now let's par-tay!!


Jamie said...

How exciting! And I love visiting here to hear all the latest and stare at your fab recipes. Can't tell you how often I've been inspired by something I saw on your blog and have run off and cooked something similar for dinner. Congratulations on one fantastic year!

Jamie said...

I also follow you on twitter :-)

alice said...

Happy Birthday Bread + Butter! I could have sworn you were doing this longer than me. You're an amazing person with an amazing food blog. Wishing you much success this year!

Christo Gonzales said...

happy birthday to you blog......

Sharon H. said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite food is mashed potatoes!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday!!! Congratulations! Hard to pick my favorite food but I do follow you on twitter :)

Tangled Noodle said...

There are few things better in life than meeting a kindred spirit - I knew from the start that I'd keep coming back here. Happy 1st Blogoversary, Jenn! Now, I can't start the day without a cup of coffee and some Bread + Butter. 8-D

Sushi has got to be one of my favorites but there are so many others . . . Wish I had the metabolism to eat 'em all!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I'm always inspired by your daily posts - it drives me to post more regularly!

As for my favorite food - it's a toss up, but I think cake (in any incarnation) wins out!

vanillasugarblog said...

Congrats girl! I love your blog and only wished I lived back in cali to go to all the fabulous places you go to.
My favorite food is SUSHI! I am roll challenged!

Admin said...

Happy blog anniversary, Jenn! What an accomplishment. I hope Bread + Butter continues for a long time.

Favorite food? Without a doubt - chocolate cake with chocolate filling and chocolate frosting.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, first of all, happy first birthday to your blog baby :D
I have so many favorite foods, so this isn't easy. I guess I'll say Laduree macarons, coconut flavour.
*birthday kisses* HH

Mardi Michels said...

Congrats Jenn on your blogaversary!!!! Look how far you have come in one year - amazing! Heading over to follow you on Twitter!

Rebecca said...

Happy Blogiversary! :) B + B rocks! Hope you continue it for another year so we can all wish you a happy 2nd birthday! Woot woot! My fav food is sushi as well!! CHEERS!

chow and chatter said...

happy birthday to your wonderful blog its one of my favs love Rebecca

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Happy, happy Birthday to Bread & Butter! :)

My favorite food is cheese!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I follow you on twitter.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I'm a fan on FB.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

You are in my reader! :)

Dewi said...

Happy 1st Anniversary Jenn! Looking forward to more delicious post.

CinnamonAndSass said...

I have a LOT of favorite foods, but I think my favorite is also warm fresh bread straight out the oven smothered with butter! Second favorite...probably pie, in all shapes and forms.

katiecitrowske at hotmail dot com

Pam said...

Happy blogiversary! Bread and butter is my favorite too. I also felt the same way when I got my first few comments - it was so exciting.

Holly said...

Happy Blogoversary!!
I'm new here to your blog and i will be returning:) Please come by and check out our new food blog-

Bob said...

My favorite food? Bacon. As if there was any doubt. :D

Heh, it's funny I've actually been talking to a buddy of mine about trying out sushi for the first time.

Bob said...

Oh, and I follow you on twitter.

Bob said...

I added you as a favorite on FB too. :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Happy Blogiversary! I'm so excited for you :) I had no idea that we started our blogs around the same time. I totally know what you mean with the Julie & Julia moment with comments. Reeni was the first person to comment on my page (well non related or known in real life) and I don't think I will ever forget that.

Now onto your giveaway. Awesome! I love sushi but have never tried making it at home. My favorite food is hands down fresh baked bread and sweet cream butter. Oh yeah! I also really love crispy duck..... :)

Bob said...

And I've been following you in a reader for some time. And happy blogiversary! Heh.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I'm now following you on twitter.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I'm your fan on FB.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

You're on my google reader.

Sharon said...

Happy Blogiversary!! How exciting, love reading the blog so keep it up!!!
Oh and one of my favorite foods is Chicken parm... there sre so many....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenn,

I love the spirit and energy of your site as well as the layout, recipes, and food but most of all I like what you're doing for everyone in food blog land. I have had people comment to me about your persistence in commenting on my site and I really love that you go out of your way to do that.

Congrats for 1 year. Hit it big in the movie world so I can cater for you :)


Joie de vivre said...

I can't believe your blog is only 1! It seems like you've been doing this forever. You have gorgeous pictures, a wonderful voice and yummy recipes. Congratulations!

The Duo Dishes said...

Congrats! Already following you on Twitter and you're on the rss feed. Yay! What a way to celebrate.

Joie de vivre said...

My favorite food has to be pecan pie.

Joie de vivre said...

I follow you on twitter.

Joie de vivre said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed. Basically, I am a Bread + Butter FAN!

Phyllis said...

Happy 1 year anniversary Jenn!! :)
It's always fun to see what you're cookin' up. I just added you on twitter, but my favorite food is Sarawak laksa.

Parita said...

Happy 1st Anniversary!! My fav food is chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream...yummmm!

Cookin' Canuck said...

Congratulations, Jenn! I always enjoy your posts. This sushi book looks great.

Cookin' Canuck said...

Following you on Twitter.

Cookin' Canuck said...

Also a fan on Facebook.

Lana @ Never Enough Thyme said...

Biggest congratulations, Jenn! Such a fantastic blog. I enjoy visiting every day. Also, thanks to you for your own frequent comments on my blog and so many others throughout the web. Please keep it up!

Justin said...

hey, what... no shout out for me? just kidding. congrats. i guess i thought you'd been doing this longer... and you don't have to enter me in the drawing. i think i might already have that book, and i definitely have some other sushi books (that i don't use when I experiment!)

AllThingsYummy said...

My favorite food is chips & salsa. So yummy!
Congratulations on a year of blogging success.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! My favortie food? lets seee.....there are so many but for the sake of this comment, I'll say chicken picatta!

Unknown said...

I'm already following you in reader (have been for a while now)...just started following you on twitter and became a fan in facebook...aaaaaaaaaaand, listed you as a "favorites" on my facebook page (do I get brownie points for that one? LOL)

Esi said...

Happy blogiversary!

Tasty Eats At Home said...

I can't have A favorite food, that's impossible! I do love chocolate, and peanut butter, and coconut, and Southwest Asian cuisine, and Mexican...I love food.

Happy Blogiversary. It feels like I've known you forever, can't believe it's been only a year! But 376 posts? Wow!

lisaiscooking said...

Happy Blogiversary! And, many more to come. Can't wait for sushi week. My favorite food: doughnuts.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Happy one year of blogging! Congrats :) If I had to pick a favorite food, it would probably be avocado... or maybe cannoli.

krissy @ the food addicts said...

hey jen! congrats on your 1 year anniversary of the blog :) great job on coming this far - and there's so much more greatness to come! i gotta say, sushi is by far my favorite food. we've done a few sushi parties at our house and it was so much fun. you should check out our blog post on that to get some ideas for your own sushi post! i'll keep my fingers crossed to win this sushi book... i would love to learn more about sushi!

Joanne said...

Congrats! A year is a big step.

Favorite food? Gotta be peanut butter. Hands down.

katklaw777 said...

Happy #1 to you! I do enjoy your fave food is cheese, any way, shape or form! katklaw777 at yahoo dot com Thanks

katklaw777 said...

I subscribe via email. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com Congrats again!

Daily Spud said...

Happy 1st bloggy birthday - may you have many more of them! And I don't think you need you ask what my favourite food is :)

Brad said...

Hi Jenn thanks for the chance to win, love sushi!!

Brad said...

Hi already following you on twitter, facebook and RSS thanks

CDC said...

congrats on the 1 year!

kristenchastine said...

hands down, my favorite food is mac n cheese.
happy blog-o-versary! i do love this blog...thanks for posting!

theUngourmet said...

Hurray! It's your blogs birthday! Woo-Hoo!!

Sushi is my favorite! Great giveaway!

theUngourmet said...

I follow you on twitter. Tweet. Tweet.

theUngourmet said...

FB too! :D

pigpigscorner said...

Happy birthday to your blog! My fav food is SUSHI!

Sally said...

I too love SUSHI! I could eat it every day. I'm just starting to learn how to make it at home so your kit would be amazing. Congrats on your first year - I'm a big fan and love the recipes as well as the Production Eats. Looking forward to reading you for another year!

Reeni said...

Happy Blogiversary! Have another great year!

Judith said...

Just found your site at 5 Star Foodie. Hard to narrow down my favorite but I suppose Thai or Tex-Mex would both be right up there at the top.

Pam said...

Happy anniversary! I too have a hard time picking a favorite food, but honestly, I think it would be sushi. Maybe because I don't get it nearly enough? I love burgers too, but it's a little easier to have those as often as you please versus having good sushi very often.

Pam said...

I also follow you on Twitter as pamloveland

Pam said...

And I found you on Facebook! I didn't know you were there :)

Pam said...

Lastly, I've already been a blog subscriber. I have to say, I was excited about your donut/muffin recipe! I watch that show on Food Network too and had already told the kids I wanted to try to figure out how to do that, unfortunately, while I'm good at cooking - not so much with baking. I'm glad you figured it out for me! Thank you!

Debbie said...

My very favorite food is of course, chocolate cake!!! Nothing can top chocolate cake! Your blog is wonderful Jen, and I always look forward to seeing your new recipes. You are one creative lady...and keep on bloggin!!!!

OysterCulture said...

You're only 1!!!! Cripes, I felt like I've known you forever - in the best possible way. Your blog is a go to site for great, creative, quick ideas. Can't wait to celebrate #2 with you.

tavolini said...

Nice! Congrats on year one--Girl, you are so prolific I expect to see you on the scene for a minute!

My favorite food in the entire world, that I can and would eat every single meal, is pizza. I love, love, love, love pizza. Tavo won't even eat it because he's so sick of it. I have cut back to only once or twice a week, and that has proven quite difficult.

Victor said...

Happy Bligiversary! Love your recipes, keep on posting!

Favorite hard to choose, if it is bread and butter, I would say butter chicken with naan bread :)

Cocktails & Cashmere said...

Happy Birthday! Here's to another year...:)

Sippity Sup said...

Congrats. I just heard about the giveaway! I am eligible? Is it too late? I already follow on Twitter and just added Facebook. GREG

Deeba PAB said...

Congrats on the one year milestone my sweet. It's a precious one, and love the way you wrote your post. Lovely to stop by always... love the connect with events, people, places & food here. Sushi? Can't wait for your series on that.

DianasaurDishes said...

Congrats! So proud of you! My favorite food is in the same vein of sushi, ahi poke! Can't get enough of the stuff, which is way more expensive to make in Washington than in Hawaii.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite food is roasted potatoes :)

Unknown said...

I subscribe via google reader.

Anisha said...

Happy First Blogoversary! So glad I met you at the Stir It 28 event! :)

I follow you on Twitter!

Anisha said...

Favorite food? That's kind of tough, no?

I'm cheating and picking two things:

(1) Any Indian dish by my mom, except biryani!
(2) Sashimi - can eat fish all day, except Meatless Mondays, that is!

Anisha said...

Just became your Facebook Fan and my blog's fan page's fan... if that makes any sense!

Can't wait for another year!

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