Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

I hope you all have/had a lovely and fun day with family and loved ones. Today, I'll be having these...

It's a peeps party!!! It's not Easter for me until I have some peeps. Purple, pink, orange, and we can't forget the original yellow. Though, the store I got these from ran out the birdie kind. It's alright. Can one overdose on peeps? As long as I have my marshmallow treat, I'm good.

Peep s'mores anyone? I have the graham crackers and we can't forget...

I tweeted this pic shortly after purchasing it yesterday. Excited? Why, yes I am! I'm a dark chocolate kind of girl. Did you know it's healthy for the heart? So eat up and merry!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!


  1. Happy Easter! Today, we're going with Pinoy pork barbecue skewers - the sun's shining too brightly not to grill outdoors. If I'm motivated, I'm also going to bake . . . something. 8-D

  2. oh i need to try one!
    Happy Easter lol Rebecca

  3. Happy Easter Jenn...have fun with the peeps!

  4. peeps s'mores? fantastic idea! happy easter!

  5. I am a dark chocolate kind of girl too. Have I mentioned my love for Trader Joe's Pound Plus? I can't remember but it is worth repeating. You will love it Jenn, definitely check it out!

  6. Happy Easter to you and your family! I could never get into peeps...

  7. Happy Easter Jenn! Oh i love dark chocolate, now I am craving for some!

  8. So late on this but happy belated Easter, Jenn! So are you going to let any of the peeps go stale? Apparently it's a popular way to eat them!


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