Friday, May 28, 2010

All I Do is Eat, Eat and Eat!!

Still enjoying my time here in the Philippines. The title of this post basically sums up what I've been up to since my arrival. It's been a week and I have one more to go before this little excursion ends.

Thought, I'd share a couple photos of the good eats I've been having these past few days.

 Beef Tapa with rice and egg from Jollibee. (this was my first meal upon arrival -- breakfast)

 Chicharron from one of the local shops.


'Dirty' Cheese Ice Cream



Roasted Piggy

Those are some good eats, eh? Of course, I'll write more about them later. Each day I'm stuffed with delicious goodies. I'll leave you with the following pic I took taken from my trip to Baguio City this past Wednesday. I remember coming here before I moved to the U.S. with my uncle and mom. It's great to see it again after 20+ years.

View from Mines View Park, Baguio City


  1. looks beautiful and I have heard from friends that your country is famous for hospitality and offering lots of food he he enjoy Jenn


  2. I know what you mean. It's hard to not eating when you are on vacation. Especially if you miss the food so much. Love that suckling pig!

  3. hey, a vacation isn't a vacation if you weren't eating the whole time! everything looks awesome!

  4. rebecca shared this link with me and im glad to have found your blog. enjoy your vacay... try to go to dampa... that was featured in anothony bourdain's no reservations... that's why i tried it.
    take care

  5. Glad you're having a good time so far - holidays should be all about good eats!

  6. So exotic! If you could could you give a bit more details? Particularly what dirty cheese ice cream entails?!

  7. oh dirty cheese ice cream. what the heck is in that one?
    it's really humid there isn't it? i don't know if i'd want to visit because of the humidity--isn't it like fierce? lol

  8. Looks like a great time... The food looks great. Hope you're having an amazing time and enjoying your vacation!

  9. LOL, you remind me of myself on vacation - nonstop eating! So what makes that dirty cheese ice cream so dirty?!

  10. Sounds like you are having a great time! Eat, eat and eat is the best way to spend a vacation!

  11. Looks like you're having a great time! What is dirty cheese ice cream?!

  12. Everything except the piggy looks wonderful! Hmmm. I wonder what that cheese ice cream tastes like??? Nice photos. Glad you're having a good time! ;)

  13. every Filipino who comes home has the same experience =) Enjoy the rest of your eating spree!

  14. Amazing view, and the food looks fantastic, well except for the little piggy. I have troubles with food that is kind of looking at me. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  15. So happy you are having so much fun, thanks for sharing the photos to keep us informed, you've just proved that I need to get to the Philippines to sample its delights myself.

  16. You ate so much! What a great way to visit family and enjoy so many foods. Jealous! :)

  17. Whoa that is MY kind of vacation. I love to eat on vaca. There are some many good east you can't get at home!!


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