Sunday, June 6, 2010

I have returned!!

Hello fellow readers! I hope I still have some readers out there. I'm back from my trip to the Philippines. Two weeks is definitely not enough to do and get things done. But I enjoyed every moment of it. It came to the point where I really didn't want to leave. That's how it always happens when I take a trip there.

But I've got some delicious goodies to share with you. Let me just get myself organized here a bit and do a little catching up. I did eat quite a lot of meals and I've got the pounds to prove it. hahaha... Anyway...Stick around. My Philippine foodventures will be coming up shortly.


  1. Yay! Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you brought back!

  2. see now that's what we like to ate a lot. being a foodie that is good news

  3. Welcome home daaaaahling! You have been missed.
    *kisses* HH

  4. Welcome back - can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  5. Welcome back!! Will wait for your foodventures!

  6. Welcome home Jenn! I love how that bus has a placard at the top that says "Food Trip" - how appropriate! Can't wait to hear about all the weird and wonderful stuff you ate :)

  7. Welcome back! Can't wait to read all about your trip!

  8. So glad it sounds like you had a grand trip and I look forward to hearing all the details!

  9. Yay...welcome home!! Gorgeous pic...and I totally want to go for a ride on that bus ;)

  10. Glad you're back safe and sound! And I can't wait to hear all about the adventure and the food!

  11. Hey .... welcomeback jenn. I assume you still having jet lag?

  12. Welcome home! I look forward to reading about all of your adventures, food and otherwise. I'm also on the road with the hubs right now, so please take your time so that I can keep up with all the great upcoming posts!

  13. Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

  14. Welcome back The blogosphere hasn't been the same with out you. GREG

  15. Welcome back! And looking forward to reading your adventures.


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