Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tis the season for graduations!!

This past weekend I helped celebrate my best friend's college graduation. It was a lovely drive up to Santa Barbara on a Saturday. No traffic, but it was a smooth ride all the way from LA.

Passing by the beaches down on the 101 freeway. I want a beach day very soon!! Heading to University of California, Santa Barbara. It was a hot day. Fully crowded. Luckily, we arrived a little early, so we relaxed at my friend's apartment before walking over and grabbing our seats.

Did I mention it was hot? Sitting there as the sun beat down. But it was worth seeing my best friend receive her diploma. After the ceremony, we had a small reception back at my friend's apartment.

A small buffet of ham and cheese roll ups, ravioli pasta, veggie crudite, fruit salad, california rolls, tender buffalo wings. With some wine and beer to wash them down.

 Her mom also whipped up some homemade tostadas with beans,  salsa, lettuce, guacamole and cheese. Delicious!! I would have taken two, but I was close to being stuffed by that point.
It was that good.

Not to forget dessert - a slice of fruit tart (with peaches apples, strawberries, blackberries with a layer of custard, cake and a crisp shortbread crust) and chocolate cupcakes all from Porto's bakery. 
My fave bakery!!

It was a good time and a simple celebration. Congrats to my BFF for getting her degree. 
Now she can relax and enjoy the summer. :)


Also...for all you LA people. This Saturday, June 19th, is the summer EAT MY BLOG bakesale. All proceeds will go to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. It will be held at Tender Greens in West Hollywood from 10am to 4pm. Click on the menu photo below to see all the delicious goodies that I, along with several other SoCal bloggers, will be baking up. It's a big list, but we're all willing to pitch in for a good cause. (I say go for some Nutella Blondies *wink wink*)

Please stop by and purchase yourself some delicious yum yums. For more info you can also check out the EAT MY BLOG official blog.


  1. The dessert looks fantastic. Graduations are always fun!

  2. congrats to your friend! The homemade tostadas sounds delicious!

  3. You are one dedicated friend to subject yourself to the hot Santa Barbara sun! But food looks like it was worth all the potential sun damage.

    How nice of you to participate in this bake sale. I am definitely going to try to make it but with a bday party in Santa Monica and a dinner in PV, it might not happen. :(

  4. Looks like a lot of fun. Its so nice to be able to share in those special celebrations.

  5. The tostada looks insanely delicious right now! A nice reward after sitting in the hot sun!

  6. It would be worth sitting through a graduation to get at that buffet. ;)

  7. oh love graduations you could have had tea and cake afterwards he he

  8. Congrats to your BFF! Have fun at EAT MY BLOG this weekend :)

  9. Congrats to your friend. The tostada looks amazing!

  10. It can't possibly be as hot as HERE! It's 90+ degrees, and HUMID. Or can it? Is SB weather a lot different from LA weather? Great of you to drive all the way there for your best friend though! What did she major in?

  11. Sounds like a great celebration! I love a table full of food like that.

  12. Congrats to your friend! Looks like a fun and tasty road trip to Santa Barbara! :)

  13. Congrats to your friend! Looks like a whole lot of wonderful goodies! I wish I lived closer, I'd love to come to the Eat My Blog event. Hope it's a huge success!

  14. Congrats to your friend! Her mom's tostadas looks so tempting!

  15. Pretty helpful info, lots of thanks for this article.


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