Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Egg and Tomato with Ravioli

As I write up my Philippine foodventure posts, thought I'd try to get back into the swing of things with this little dish. My posts at the moment may seem a little sporadic rather than the daily variety, but once things have settled down everything will be a-ok. That's the thing for going on vacations, right?

I had this the day before I left for my trip. I had a couple eggs left at the time. I didn't want to leave it in the fridge and let it expire while I was away. That would have been a waste of some good eggs. So I somewhat turned it into a sauce of sorts. I cooked up some canned diced tomatoes first. Letting the juices come out and simmer, before adding the beaten egg. I actually had this Idea to try and make some egg drop tomato soup but ended up with scrambled eggs with tomato. Hahaha... I guess the juices of the tomato dried up a little. Maybe I'll add some stock next time. I guess this was a sort of failed attempt at that.

I did manage to salvage it with some ravioli. Thank goodness for pasta right. I bought another package of the bertolli ravioli. But you can use any variety of ravioli you'd like. I really like it quite a lot. A little filling, but really good. I also add some dry herbs into the mix. It was a little reminiscent of that pasta scramble I had a while back. Not bad, eh?

serves 2

Egg and Tomato with Ravioli

1 pk Ravioli
1 12oz can diced tomato - minus juices
3 eggs - beaten
1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp dry thyme
2 large cloves of garlic  - fine chopped
olive oil

Heat a good drizzle of olive oil in a skillet, coating the bottom of the pan. Combine the dry herbs with the beaten egg. One the oil is hot enough, saute the garlic for 30 seconds and add the egg. Stir occasionally to keep the egg from sticking to the pan. When the egg is nearly cooked, add the diced tomato and stir to combine. Cook for another few minutes.

Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Season some salt and a tiny drizzle of olive oil. When the water is boiling, cook the ravioli till al dente. Roughly 4-6 minutes.

Place some the ravioli on a plate or bowl and scoop some of the egg mixture on top. Serve warm.


  1. Ah, I've missed you :), so happy to see more of your yummy creations.
    *kisses* HH

  2. Welcome back!! The ravioli looks and sounds great!

  3. Yummy! I love these kind of meals! Nice creation!

  4. No worries, Jenn. My posts are always pretty sporadic, vacation or not, LOL! This simple pasta dish looks scrumptious. I wish I had a package of ravioli lying around :)

  5. Funny how life always gets in the way of blogging, not fair..

    Dish sounds uniquely terrific!

  6. Welcome back Jenn! I've been reading your posts while you were gone, even though you nearly lost me with the pic of the roasted pig!

    Coming home is a real let down isn't it? I can relate...I'm still down and I've been back for a couple of months now!

  7. take your time, we'll all be here when you ready to post.
    did you deep fry those ravioli? or am i just wishing?

  8. I can't wait to read all about your trip and your fabulous eats! :) Welcome home - we missed you!

  9. Welcome back! What a great use for eggs! Not only would those eggs have gone to waste but it woulda been a smelly mess too! I'll have to keep this easy recipe for future meals.

  10. I am glad to see you back Jenn. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure!

    The ravioli looks so good...nicely done.

  11. Welcome back Jenn! Your ravioli look delicious and the eggdrop tomato soup sounded like a good idea to me too! Can't wait to hear about your trip.

  12. Yum! Glad to see you're back safe and sound... And with a fabulous recipe, too!

  13. I've missed you, Jenn!
    and gosh, that ravioli does look amazing, I never thought to eat it with an egg scramble!

  14. its hard getting back in the swing of things this looks tasty i need to try it
    go feed some ducks he he

  15. I simple pasta to get things back to normal! GREG

  16. Very interesting dish...looks wonderful!!

  17. You're so organized to use all of your groceries before leaving. I usually forget something in the refrigerator that I regret when I get home! Welcome back!

  18. while all my childhood friend loved spaghetti, ravioli was my favorite pasta dish as a child! nice dish!

  19. Oh wow Jenn, my mouth is watering! This looks incredible! I'm going to have to try this soon!

  20. Welcome home, Jenn! You always manage to whip up the delicious creations! ;)

  21. Another great idea, and its been so fun reading about your adventures in the Philippines. I for one am happy with getting your posts however they come as I know life has a sneaky way of getting in between.

  22. Looks great! I've always liked egg and tomato, I love the idea of tomato drop soup. You need to try again and post about it!

  23. Dear Jenn!
    Great idea!
    Eggs go so well with tomatoes!
    Great pic!

  24. I absolutely love the simplicity of the recipe, and I can only imagine (until I try it for myself) how amazing it must really taste! We've missed you! :)

  25. I love how simple and wonderful these look!

  26. A super simple dish with a big flavor payoff - I likey!
    Can't wait to hear more about your overseas adventures ... the pictures still haunt me!

  27. For my part one and all must browse on this.


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