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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Production eats - No. 25

Last week... I worked on the show Bones. I got to play a lab tech which was pretty cool. A lot of shows are beginning to shoot their new seasons now so hopefully things will start to pick up again. When lunch rolled around I ventured into the News Cafe on the Fox lot.

 I order their veggie sandwich. Which had some grilled bell pepper, squash and zucchini on slices of wheat. Yum!! IT also had some lettuce and tomato slices. I should have asked for the bread to be toast as untoasted gets stuck to the roof of my mouth. Aside from that I enjoyed the sandwich. It was veggilicious!

Of course the usually salad with corn, fresh mushroom slices, with balsamic dressing.


lisaiscooking said...

I love a grilled veggie sandwich. Sounds healthy and delicious!

Anonymous said...

Well, I've already had lunch, but I'm always up for another one ;)
*kisses* HH

Ameena said...

I'm glad that the industry is picking up again! It's definitely been a quiet summer.

The veggie sandwich looks delicious Jenn!

Pam said...

You have such a cool job. The veggie sandwich and salad both look tasty.

teresa said...

you've got to have one of the coolest jobs ever! the food looks so good!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love veggie sandwiches too!Your job is very cool..

Reeni said...

The sandwich sounds excellent Jenn!

sophia said...

Pray tell, what does a lab tech do? You have so many talents and capabilities, it isn't even funny. :-)

Anonymous said...

Such fun things going on at your job! the grilled veggie sandwich sounds yummy.

Taylor said...

I love Bones! How cool!

OysterCulture said...

Yum everything looks tasty, especially the salad.

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