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Friday, April 16, 2010

Leftover Chicken Salad with Honey-Dijon Dressing

I was wandering around Whole Foods trying to think what I can make for dinner. I had plans to make something with tofu for the weekend when I remember I had a head of lettuce in the veggie compartment as well as a tomato giving me those sad puppy dog eyes saying "eat me." An old fashioned salad just didn't seem too appetizing to me at the time, so I bought myself some pre-sliced white mushrooms, from the hot foods section I got one large cajun roasted chicken breast and one whole roasted yellow bell pepper.

When I got home I just prepared everything. removed the skin from the chicken and shredded it. . Chopped up a tomato, the lettuce, the bell pepper and some of the mushroom. Added some pineapple tidbits. And tossed it all together.  Another way, I'd like to call this is the leftover chicken salad because you can use up any leftovers you may have sitting in the fridge.  Of course, you don't have to follow exactly what I have here. make it your own and jazz it up. I paired with a honey-dijon dressing with a hint of soy sauce and olive oil. It was filling in a good way.

Serves 2-3

Leftover Chicken Salad with Honey-Dijon dressing

1 c cooked shredded chicken (breast) - from roasted, fried or baked - no skin
1 small head lettuce - rough chopped
1 medium tomato - deseeded chopped
1 small yellow bell pepper - deseeded, stemed, rough chopped
1 c pineapple tidbits
1 c  white muchroom - rough chopped
1/2 c firm tofu - cubed - optional

Honey Dijon Dressing
1 Tbsp dijon mustard
2 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp soy sauce

Combine ingrediets for the dressing together. Blend thoroughly. Set aside.

For the optional tofu, heat a small skillet with a little olive oil. Pan sear the tofu pieces until they have lightly browned.

Mix together all the salad ingredients. Drizzle the dressing and toss thoroughly to distribute evenly.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful salad. I bet I would love that salad. One of my all time favourite things to eat in front of the tv is chicken fingers with strong honey mustard. This salad reminds me of that.
Have a great weekend ahead.
*kisses* HH

collin said...

Wow!! Quite interesting. I will surely try this. Thanks for sharing.

Take the Salad Personality Test and find out which salad are you like. I have taken the test and enjoyed a lot. Hope u too will enjoy it. Have Fun!!

Tangled Noodle said...

I'm becoming quite adept (if I may say so) at tossing together sundry stuff from the fridge to make something close to an edible dinner. Haven't sent the hubs to the hospital yet, so I must be doing something right! Will hang on to your honey-dijon dressing - sounds delicious. 8-)

Phyllis said...

Rotisserie chickens are awesome for leftover meals! Yummy salad :)

Ameena said...

I love dijon anything. This salad is no exception! Back when I used to eat chicken I used to love the Costco rotisserie chickens. Have you had those? Delicious!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great salad! Buying cooked chicken is one of my favorite shortcuts... :)

Pam said...

I just happen to have leftover chicken to use up - the dressing sounds fantastic.

Reeni said...

You can't beat a good salad! And I love honey mustard - always make my own - but never put soy sauce in it. I bet it gives it nice flavor.

teresa said...

mmmm, this is something i could eat day after day!

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