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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Caramelized Onion Crostini

For some reason when it's unreasonably hot outside, I'm not in the mood to talk or write much. I just feel like vegging out. Here's a little idea for a crostini. Me and my appetizers, right? Okay, its some caramelized sweet onion mixed into a balsamic vinegar reduction placed over a piece of swiss cheese and a garlic flavored crostini made from a pan de sal mini loaf. Phew...that was a mouthful. Try saying that ten times fast! Oh and a sprinkle pinch of grated parmesan on top.

You can use whichever bread you desire. Traditionally, a crostini is made from slices of a french baguette. This is a great way to start the meal.

This recipe will generally make about a dozen. It's a good snack or meal in itself. Either way, it's a yummy time!

Caramelized Onion Crostini

1 medium sweet onion (sliced into half moons)
1 Tbsp dry thyme
3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 french baguette (cut into 1/2 slices)
Olive oil
1 Tbsp butter
Garlic powder
Swiss cheese slices (cut into sizable pieces for the bread)
grated parmesan cheese

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

Baste both sides of the the bread slices with some olive oil and sprinkle a little garlic powder over them.

Place them on an ungreased baking sheet and toast them for roughly 5-10 min.

In a sauce pan, melt the butter and heat the oil. Add in the onions. Cook them until they slightly turn brown in color. Season with the dry thyme. Remove from the pan and set aside.

Using that same pan, add in the balsamic vinegar. Heat it until it slightly thickens. Add in the onions once again and stir, coating them.

Putting it together:
Take a crostini place one of the cheese slices on top followed by some of the onion. Sprinkle a tiny pinch of parmesan on top and voila!


Denise said...

It is only 6am and I want some of these. This will be an addition to my annual Xmax cocktail party. love the addition of thyme. Very yummu looking!

Anonymous said...

How delicious. You have some of my favorite flavours here! Bread, cheese, carmelized onions... whats not to like!

Zoe said...

I can eat caramelized onions on just about everything. Why is it so so good?? Great appetizer idea here!

Christo Gonzales said...

the caramelized onions look so tempting - nice crostini!

Miranda said...

This looks terrific!!!!
My husband LOVES caramelized onions...I am going to make this one day...

Dana Fallentine said...

Oh my, my mouth is watering! Yummy, yummy!

Creative Classroom Core said...

What a fantastic sounding appy!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

These crostini sound awesome!

Teanna said...

I LOVE the sweet, creamy taste of caramelized onions! That is the perfect party appetizer!

Heather S-G said...

These definitely look delicious. I love caramelized onions w/ stinky cheese...perfect!! :D

Mary Bergfeld said...

These look seriously good! I love caramelized onions so this recipe has my name on it.

Pam said...

Caramelized onions are one of my very favorite foods ever - this is my kind of crostini.

Pooja said...

Looks delicious! I love caramelized onions. Nice combo of ingredients!

theUngourmet said...

Looks like a great little appetizer!

Lana said...

Love it! Just give me a plate of those and a glass of wine and I'm good to go.

oysterCulture said...

oh yum!

Jenn said...

Denise: I get that way in the morngin too.

Heavenly: Cool!

Zoe: Yeah.. good question. Why is it so good?

Doggy, finsmom, Andrea, Teanna: Thanks.

Miranda: You hubby will definitely love this.

Dana: Mine, too. lol.

Girlichef: Me, too.

Mary: Awesome!

Pam: Woohoo!!

Pooja, Ungroumet: Thanks.

Lana: Definitely goes great with a glass of wine.

Oyster Culture: ;-)

pigpigscorner said...

You got me at caramelised it!

Kristin said...

This looks delicious! I might try a serving for lunch.

The Duo Dishes said...

Mmmmm onions. They are oh so good. This sounds like a winner for all of us folks who don't mind sticky breath1

Jenn said...

pigpig: ;-)

Kristin: Go for it!!

Duo Dishes: I don't mind having onion breath. lol.

lisaiscooking said...

Ya, it's definitely unreasonably hot here, and I've been completely vegged out all day.

Your crostini are bites full of great flavor!

Reeni said...

These look amazing! I love the onion - what a great combo of flavors.

momgateway said...

simple recipes are the best!

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

Hey that's a great dish for a party-nice little party bites!!

Jenn said...

Lisa: As much as I want to do stuff, vegging out seems like the only option. lol.

Reeni, momgateway, Sweta, Tastyeats: Thanks.

Sippity Sup said...

Back when I could actually open my mouth and chew this is the kind of thing I would have chewed on for hours! GREG

Anonymous said...

I can relate. Too hot = vegging. But, caramelized onions = mmmm.

Anonymous said...

oh yum. Definately whipping myself up a batch soon

Justin said...

ooh, these sound great

Phyllis said...

You had me at "caramelized"!

Donna-FFW said...

These sound heavenly. I love caramelized onions, balsamic, OMG!! Swiss too.. love it!

Jenn said...

Greg: You will again one day soon!!

Hummingbird: ;-)

Pixel: enjoy!

Justin: Thanks.

Phyllis: Keyword caramelized!!

Donna: you love it all. hehehe...

Parita said...

Caramelized onions look fantastic, i cant imagine my life without onions, perfect appetizer!

Jenn said...

Parita: I can't imagine my life without onions too.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I should not be looking at your blog when I'm hungry! This looks delicious and I love caramelized onions!!!

Jenn said...

Nutmeg: I do that all the time.

kamran siddiqi said...

I totally want some of these! Caramelized onions are just too good to turn down. Will be sure to make this right away. Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

Jen @ said...

So yummy - I love caramelized onions. These look delicious!

Jenn said...

Kamran: Your welcome.

Jen: They definitely do.

escort said...

Goodness, there is really much worthwhile data in this post!

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