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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Little J's Potato Salad

Don't you just hate it when you accidentally click on "publish" rather than "save as draft" when working on a post. Then all of the sudden, the cursor goes wacko on you and randomly darts of in a weird direction. Ugh! Anyway, here's my potato salad I had mentioned with the Grilled Shrimp Skewers. I call this Little J's Potato Salad. Little J is a nickname I've had since high school and it's pretty much stuck with me ever since.

This is an adaptation from a recipe my mom had gotten from a friend. The original version had a strong vinegar taste to it that didn't suit too well with my palate. So I tweaked it and what you have here is a balance of flavors. Not overbearing, just right. I love this version. Whenever I can I try to make a batch of it. It's really good. Not like your usual potato salad, whatever that may be. The yellow color comes from the mustard in the recipe. With a touch of vinegar, some relish, onions, sugar and mayo. A nice subtle sweet flavor. Plus, a hefty dusting of paprika.

This will make you go back and get seconds.

Little J's Potato Salad

4-5 Large Russet Potatoes

1/3 c Sweet Onion (finely chopped)
1/3 c sweet relish
1 c mayo
1/2 c sugar
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 c Yellow Mustard

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Size is to your choosing.

Bring a pot of water to a boil, season liberally with salt. Add in the potatoes and cook until tender. When a fork pierces through without any hesitation that means the potatoes are done.

Drain and let them cool.

In a bowl, combine onions, relish, mayo, sugar, vinegar and mustard. Combine well until the sugar has dissolved.

When the potatoes are cool enough, pour in the dressing and toss to combine. Use a two bowl method. By pouring the potatoes back and forth until everything is coated with the dressing.

When ready, sprinkle as much paprika as you'd like and enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Not so long ago I deleted a whole posting and pics when I pressed "delete" instead of "publish"!
I can tell you things were starting flying!
Now this potato salad dose not sound delicious but the pic would have an artist stop his work!

Parita said...

OOOOhhh potato salad looks mouth watering jenn, perfect blend of flavors!

Anonymous said...

could there possibly be anything more comforting than potatoes? i dont think so :)

Miranda said...

I absolutely love potatoe salad. My grandmal makes the best and looks a lot like youres, but she adds pickle juice!! Yum!!!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

I love the flavor of apple cider vinegar! It looks and sounds absolutely delicious!

chow and chatter said...

nice with the cider good idea little J

Christo Gonzales said...

little J's potato salad looks so creamy and good - I will make this for my son the potato salad fanatic....thanks!

Hari Chandana P said...

looks yummyyy... lovely clicks!!

Creative Classroom Core said...

Looks great!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I loove potato salad with mustard. I can't live without starch!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great recipe! I love paprika but have been out for a while. Reminds me to pick some up...

Pam said...

I love simple foods - this looks amazing.

I often delete posts on accident... it drives me nuts!

The Duo Dishes said...

Adding vinegar is interesting. We've never done that with a mayo based tater salad. Good tip.

Sippity Sup said...

You know summer is full pitch when the potato salad come out! Yum GREG

Laura said...

yum!! it is so gorgeous! I'll need to make some now!

Reeni said...

How delicious this looks - and I love lots of paprika on my tater salad!

Pooja said...

It has happened to me too when I clicked publish instead of save. But luckily the Google Reader was slow in indexing my updates and hence got enough time to edit! The potato salad looks so creamy and yummy! Loved the addition of paprika on top :)

Jenn said...

R-G: Thanks.

HH: I agree

Miranda: Coolios!! ;-)

Jen: Thanks. It's really good.

Chow and chatter: ;-)

doggy: Neat-o> I hope he enjoys it.

Hari, Finsmom: Thanks.

Hummingbird: Me, too.

Andrea: Can't live without paprika

Pam: ;-)

Duo Dishes: Give it a try. It's really good.

Greg: So true.

Laura: Go for it!! hehehe...

Reeni: Same here

Pooja: That one of the good things about google reader. lol.

Cucinista said...

Ha! Love the story about saving v. publishing. I have had a few "incidents" with that. Sort of like sending an email before finishing or proof reading or making sure it's going to the right person... Luckily, your post made it out into the wide world and I bet it's destined for greatness. Yum!

Dewi said...

Love the paprika in there Jenn!

Daily Spud said...

Well you don't have to sell me on potato salad (but you knew that!) and of course I would be going back for seconds and maybe thirds :)

MaRyA said...

yey! another one to try! i love potatoes!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This certainly looks delicious. I haven't used relish in my potato salad to date, but you've got me thinking.

Anonymous said...

loving the paprika on top! Haha, Little J? I can imagine why! I remember your baby photo, so cute and tiny!

Jenn said...

Cucinista: Definitely like sending an email.

Elra: Thanks.

Daily Spud: I knew you'd love this right off the bat.

MaryA: Thanks.

Mary: WOOT!

Burpandslurp: LOL. It's an east answer as to the nickname.

Donna-FFW said...

I love potato salads that dont have many ingredients. This sounds perfect for me. I like to taste the potato!

theUngourmet said...

I've never thought of putting relish in my potato salad. What an awesome idea! Your recipe looks scrumptious!

Jenn said...

Donna: you can definitely taste the potato.

ungourmet: Thanks.

lisaiscooking said...

I like the combo of mayo and vinegar. And, the paprika on top draws me in every time. Love it!

pigpigscorner said...

Great flavours there! Love the addition of paprika!

Jenn said...

Lisa, Pigpigscorner: Thanks. ;-)

Heather S-G said...

That's seriously one of my biggest "AAAAHHHH" moments (when I hit publish by accident...hate it)! Your tater salad looks awesome!

teresa said...

this looks like the perfect tato salad, very flavorful!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Yummy! I love potato salad:)

Jenn said...

Nutmeg: same here.

Tangled Noodle said...

Bright and creamy potato salad makes me hungry! Your adapted recipe sounds like it would have a nice sweet-tangy flavor instead of that vinegary taste. Well done!

Jenn said...

Tangled Noodle: You got it right on the nose! said...

Little doubt, the dude is totally just.

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