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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Carrot Ginger Soup

"No soup for you!!" says the Soup Nazi. Remember that from Seinfeld? Although, I wasn't always a fan of the show, it did have its moments. It was a show about nothing really. How did Seinfeld come up? Well because I made soup. I love carrots. Though, I must admit I don't eat it enough. I need my betakaroten! I mostly like it in stews and soups. Once in a while I'll have it with some ranch dressing n a crudite. 

For this simple soup, all you need is carrots, stock, onions, and ginger. I used vegetable stock, but you may use chicken or water. It's all up to you. I chopped the carrots and onions, then cooked away. Luckily the weather's been more on the chilly side lately, so I was more than happy to make this soup.

Once the soup was ready, I took half and blended it until it was creamy. Making into a mix of creamy plus slightly chunky. I think I've mentioned before that I'm not really fond of watery soups. I need to have some sort of texture to mine. But, of course, if that's the only option I won't complain. 

Anyway, this was soupylicious! I know it's not a word, yet it seems fitting.

Serve 2-3

Carrot Ginger Soup

4 carrot sticks - chopped into 1/4-inch pieces.
1 small onion - chopped
3 Tbsp fresh ginger - finely chopped
2 12oz can vegetable stock (or 4 cups water or 2 12 oz cans chicken stock)
salt and pepper to taste
extra virgin olive oil

In a pot, saute the onions and garlic in tiny drizzle of olive oil. Once the onions have become translucent, add the ginger and saute for 2 minutes.

Add the carrots and stock. Season with a little salt and pepper. Move the heat to high and bring to a boil. Once boiling, lower the heat again and let it simmer for 20-25 minutes.

Then take half the mixture and puree in a blender, food processor, or immersion blender. If you don't have either, you may leave it as a chunky soup.


Anonymous said...

Thank god there are no cake nazis or Moi would really be in trouble :D

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I love, love, love carrot ginger soup. Yours looks and sounds great!

Debbie said...

Suddenly my lunch does not look that appealing....I want that carrot soup! Looks delicious!

Mardi Michels said...

I love carrot ginger soup and yours looks so simple!

Bob said...

What a great, simple soup. I'm definitely making that this winter.

Nithya said...

Yummy combination.. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely simple soup! I'm really looking forward to giving this a try.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

A Seinfeld reference is always fun:) Great looking soup and the flavors and sound amazing!

theUngourmet said...

My husband and I were just joking around about the Soup Nazi the other day. We used to watch Seinfeld all the time.

I love your soup too! I was thinking it might taste good with coconut milk in it. What do you think?

Jenn said...

Thanks everyone!

HH: lol

Ungourmet: Yeah, coconut milk would go great, too. I sometimes use evaporated milk in my soups.

teresa said...

mmm, i love the ginger, great idea with those carrots. plus is so pretty!

Admin said...

Ha ha. Me too. Can't talk about soup without the Soup Nazi popping into my brain. :) What I love about this soup is that it's delicious piping hot and also when it's chilled. Have you try chilled carrot-ginger soup? Perfect summer soup, I tell you. Can't beat this flavor combo.

Phyllis said...

Love Seinfeld and the soup nazi! I used to think all the ridiculous stuff in the episodes was made-up until I moved to NYC and realized it was all based somewhat on fact and NY customs! Your carrot-ginger soup looks gorgeous, you really come up with amazing recipes with just a few simple ingredients :)

Pam said...

I've never had carrot soup before - it looks really tasty.

Diana said...

I LOVED Seinfeld - especially that soup nazi episode - classic, just like this carrot ginger soup! ;)

chow and chatter said...

oh great soup Jenn

Cathy said...

It's freezing weather here and definitely soup weather. Love the carrot - ginger flavor combo.

Kim said...

I remember visiting the soup nazi's restaurant years before the Seinfeld episode came out. When it did, I couldn't believe it- they had him down pat!

I love a pureed soup and I actually eat a boxed version of this one. I've always wanted to stop being lazy and make it myself. I also like a version with added pistachios. This looks terrific!

Reeni said...

I do remember that episode - I know them all by heart. They play the reruns here every day, many times a day! And I'm addicted to them. Their silly funny. And this soup - it sounds so creamy and I love it with the ginger.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum! I re-enact that Seinfeld episode every time I make soup. You'd think I get sick of it... but no! This soup looks fabulous. I was just thinking about carrot soup las night!

Brad said...

Sounds like a great soup for cold weather. That is my fav Seinfeld episode, it always makes me laugh. Thanks!

vanillasugarblog said...

this is really good for you too! I sound like a Mom don't I? LOL

tavolini said...

I like the simplicity of this! And with all the beta carotene and ginger, sounds like it will keep you healthy ;) said...

Thanks for your post, very useful information.

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