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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Persimmon Pouch

I had gotten a couple of persimmons from a family friend. This was actually my first time trying out these tasty fruit. I've also been seeing quite a bit of persimmon recipes around the blogosphere, so looking around it gave me a few ideas on what I could make with them.

So the first thing that came to mind was to make a kind of tart with them. Here comes Mr. Puff Pastry to the rescue. I sliced up the persimmons and simmered them with some brown sugar and cinnamon. Almost making a compote out of them. Then baked it in a puff pastry that I wrapped up like a bundle. I saved the brown sugar syrup that was left and drizzled it over the puff pouch.

Serves 3

Persimmon Pouch

2 ripe persimmon
4 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp cinnamon
1 sheet puff pastry - defrosted
1 Tbsp unsalted butter - melted

Bring a small pot of water to a boil and poach the persimmons for 30 to 60 seconds to help losen the skin. Let it cool for a bit before removing the skin. Slice the persimmons into thin wedges and place in a sauce pan. Add the brown sugar and cinnamon to the sauce pan and cook on medium heat until persimmons are slightly tender and the sugar has dissolved.

Preheat your oven to 400˚F

Lightly roll out the puff pastry and place on a parchment lined baking sheet. When the persimmons are ready spoon the fruit onto the center of the dough. Reserve the brown sugar syrup for garnish.

Fold the dough by bring the corners to the center.

Baked for 20-25 minutes.

Drizzle the reserved brown sugar syrup on top.


Debbie said...

I have never had persimmons...I need to try them already. Your recipe looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

I've never had a persimmon either. You know whats funny? HOw come everything tastes good in puff pastry?

theUngourmet said...

This looks so good! I must go and get more persimmons!

teresa said...

mmmm, i love that you use puff pastries! this looks wonderful!

chow and chatter said...

yummy with hot custard

Heather S-G said...

Oh yum! And ya know, I've never had persimmons either. They sound absolutely delicious :)

Bob said...

I've never had a persimmon either, but that looks gorgeous! I would definitely try it. Heh.

Dewi said...

Now I am really thinking about you Jenn. Would you like to come over and get some chocolate puff pastry?

Fantastic idea to use persimmon. I am sure it is delicious!

The Duo Dishes said...

You love your puff pastry. You should be the puff pastry ambassadress of Los Angeles!

kamran siddiqi said...

I love, love, love persimmons! It's one of my grandmother's favs! And I love how you made it into a pouch!

I am thinking of using your recipe to make chausson aux (persimmons- I don't know how to say it in french)

Great post!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Never knew that you could bake persimmon....and GREAT creative way to use puff pastry, Jenn! You never fail to impress!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great idea! Sounds & looks absolutely delicious...

Anonymous said...

Persimmons sound super delicious baked inside the puff pastry!

Pam said...

Mmm. I happen to have a persimmon on my counter, now if only I had some pastry in the freezer.

Mimi said...

I was on a persimmion kick this fall, but I had they soft Hachiya persimmons. Did you used the firm, fuyu persimmons in your pouches?

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Yummy! I have never had persimmon but sometimes I have to try one...haha. I like the idea of simmering them with sugar and cinnamon...yum!

Jenn said...

HH: Becuase they just do. lol.

Mimi: I'm not sure which variety they are. A friend just handed them to me and said they were good. ;-D

pigpigscorner said...

I've never tried cooking persimmons, this looks and sounds so good! I'm all up for warm desserts nowadays.

Reeni said...

That looks so amazing! I don't know why but brie came to mind. I wonder if it would be good with a hunk of brie, topped with compote and wrapped up!?

cleananglingpledge said...

I read so much useful data above!

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