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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Greetings from Manila!!

We made it safely across the pacific. We arrived yesterday in Manila around 6:30am. 16-hour plane ride equals very shallow sleep. Not to mention, I staying awake for the rest of the day. I didn't really get to sleep till probably 1-o'clock in the morning (Philippine time). Catching up with relatives I haven't seen since my last trip.

Right now I'm in Nagcarlan, Laguna. My mom's home town 2-hrs south of Manila. This is where she grew up and most our family still resides. Yesterday was a great start to the trip. A slight bummer though, I developed a bad sore throat. All thanks to the extreme change in weather. Hot and humid for one then cloudy, slightly rainy and humid the next. I felt like I was losing my voice. I got some throat lonsenges (sp?) from the local pharmacy. It's getting better slightly so that's good thing.

Right now final preparations are under way for the San Rafael Fiesta. It's a town wide celebration and it will be fun. I had attended this event a couple years ago and it gets hectic. One of the photos is of my mom and I when we took a pitstop with some relatives to a market to buy some goods before our drive into the province. The other was taken today of the open market in Nagcarlan. It's huge with many different vendors/stalls selling produce, fresh meats, rice, home goods, snacks, misc items inside.

Anyway... Just wanted to let you all know that my mom and I made it here safe and sound. Been trying to capture every, if not most, of the moments happening. Got a post in the works and will be posted very soon. Hope you're well my friends.

Sent from my BlackBerry®


Tangled Noodle said...

Great to hear that you've arrived safely in the Philippines, but sorry to hear about your sore throat. For lozenges, I recommend Strepsils - they helped me out a lot with similar symptoms. Looking forward to hearing about the San Rafael Fiesta!

Anonymous said...

Your immune system drops when you travel, so take good care and try to get some sleep. Have a a fabulous time, love the pictures you posted.
*kisses* HH

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Enjoy your trip! :)

Dewi said...

Wow, your mom look so young, healthy and pretty. Glad to know that you arrived safely. Can't wait to see your post about the food there. Must be delicious and scrumptious. Enjoy the rest of your visit.

teresa said...

oh wow, what an amazing trip you're having! keep the pictures coming!

vanillasugarblog said...

oh yeah the humidity is KILLER there.
get some zinc pills to help speed up the sore throat. your immune system is waaaaay down and zinc pills (not that powder crap or tablets that everyone uses) will help boost it back up fast so you can enjoy.

OysterCulture said...

happy you made it and are not letting your sore throat get you down. Have a wonderful time catching up with family and enjoying the festivities. I made my first batch of pork adobo in your honor! It turned out so good my hubby said we should only eat Filipino from now on. Next up, chicken adobo.

sophia said...

Glad you made it safe and sound! The weather is TERRIBLE here...I'm showering 3-4 times a day! I hope your throat gets better...drink hot water with lemon and honey...the BEST remedy ever!

lisaiscooking said...

Hope you feel better! Can't wait to see more photos from your trip.

Reeni said...

Glad to hear you made it safely! Hope you feel better!

Phyllis said...

I always get sick on the plane, especially after a marathon flight to Asia. Hope you feel better soon, Jenn, there's a lot of good eating to get to! Enjoy the San Rafael festival and have a great time catching up with all your relatives. :)

The Duo Dishes said...

Fun! And you're so good for posting while you're away. Such a responsible blogger! :)

Anonymous said...

Have a fun celebration and stay healthy!

Lana @ Never Enough Thyme said...

Glad you're having a great time and look forward to hearing all about it! Be safe!

Muneeba said...

16 hours ... man, that would drive me up the wall! But yayyyy that u made it, and are now in the midst of having a great time, despite your sore throat :) Can't wait for a foodie report on Manila!

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