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Friday, November 5, 2010

Spinach and Mushroom Pizza

Tis a time for pizza once again. The one thing I notice about thin crust is that it tends to bake up a little quicker than the regular thick. Means faster time less time I have to wait to eat. Yum! Anyway...This time around it's just simple ingredients. I didn't do any thing special with them. Just the usual sprinkle and spread evenly of fresh spinach and white mushroom slices. I reserved some of the fresh spinach so that I can place it on top after it's bake, so it'll have a mix of cooked and fresh. Another easy weeknight good eats.

Now I'm thinking about dessert pizzas? Even breakfast pizzas.  Hmm...the ol' hamster wheel in my head is turning and turning and turning.

Serves 2-3 depending on pizza size

Spinach and Mushroom Pizza

1 homemade or pre-made pizza dough (recipe)
1/2 c marinara, pasta or your choice of pizza sauce.
3/4 c sliced white mushrooms
1 small bundle of fresh spinach (stems shortened)
1 1/2 c shredded mozzarella
extra virgin olive oil

Preheat your oven to 450˚F

On a lightly floured flat surface. Roll out the pizza dough to your designed size. Place the dough on a baking sheet.

Perforate the dough with a fork all around. Spread the marinara sauce evenly on top, then sprinkle 1 cup of the shredded cheese, follow by 2/3 of the fresh spinach and mushroom and the rest of the mozzarella. Drizzle a a little olive oil over and bake in the oven for roughly 10-15 minutes or until the crust has turned a light brown.

When the pizza is done take the rest of the fresh spinach and spread them on top.


blackbookkitchendiaries said...

i love spinach in my pizza:) this look so yummy! thank you for sharing this.

Justin said...

oh it's all chilly here in nyc. definitely time to start making pizza again!

lisaiscooking said...

Spinach and mushrooms are two of my favorite pizza toppings! And, breakfast pizza sounds great.

teresa said...

oh yum! i love all of your pizza varieties, especially when they are as delicious as spinach adn mushrooms!d

vanillasugarblog said...

that's a might good looking crust there girl.

Donna-FFW said...

Great creation.. waiting to see your take on the breakfast pizza!!!

Katrina V. said...

I love making pizzas -- homemade crust is always the best, plus you can throw anything on it! These look tasty.

Reeni said...

A delicious combo for pizza! Love the fresh spinach too. And yes, please - dessert pizza!

theUngourmet said...

I love this flavor combination for pizza. Yum! It looks terrific!

Ameena said...

I love spinach on my pizza too! Not that I've had pizza in a while...I just can't get myself to spring for a $10 gluten-free crust at WF. I know, I am cheap. :)

Anonymous said...

Another delicious pizza, love your choice of toppings. I love spinach on my pizza too :D
Have a great weekend!
*kisses* HH

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I love thin crust pizza. I have to make homemade pizza again; it's been way too long! Love your toppings! Happy Sunday!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Yummy! I love spinach on my pizza, it's one of my favorite toppings.

Daily Spud said...

Oh yes, dessert pizza please! Come to think of it, breakfast pizza sounds pretty good too :)

Pam said...

This is my kind of pizza! YUMMY!

Heather S-G said...

Oh, spinach and mushroom pizza! Sounds absolutely PERFECT!

OysterCulture said...

You are on a pizza kick and this sounds simply luscious - I love mushrooms, especially on pizza and with spinach - that just sounds perfect.

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