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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baked Garlic Tater Tots

Tater tots. In a way they're sort of like the mini version of the hash brown. The traditional way of making tater tops is to fry them. Yet again, here I am turning things around and baking them. I had 8 baby red potatoes that I had gotten from the farmer's market and my initial choice was just to roast them in the oven. But I had a craving for hash browns early this week, which developed into wanting tater tots.

You can use one large potato rather than using the baby ones. Be sure it's a potato you'd use for making a baked potato. Russets are good. I added a good helping of garlic powder. Not in an overpowering way, but you instantly know it's there. It's very tasty. I liked it better than the fried version. Eek! Gasp! Yes, I chose the baked over fried. I had this with some regular ol' ketchup. Lots of it.

The recipe will make about 15 taters.

Baked Garlic Tater Tots

8 baby red potatoes ot 1 large russet potato
1-2 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp all purpose flour

Bring a pot of water to a boil.

Boil the potatoes until they are tender. Rough 20 min. To make sure it's ready, poke the potato with a knife or fork and should pierce through the skin without any hesitation.

Let the potatoes cool. Preheat you oven to 425˚F.

Then with a grater or potato ricer, mash the potatoes to bits.

Season with a little salt and pepper. Mix in the garlic powder and flour. Form in to little balls.

Place them on an baking sheet. Bake for 30 min. Turn them after min to give them an even browning.


pigpigscorner said...

Baked definitely sounds much healthier! and garlic makes everything better =)

chow and chatter said...

these look so cut you are the queen of lovely and tasty finger foods LOL

Anonymous said...

oh i need these!!!!

Reeni said...

Crispy little finger food - these look 100 times better than the frozen ones!

Bob said...

Sweet, those look awesome. I love tater tots, but never thought to make my own.

Heather S-G said...

Um seriously...make your own tater tots!? I don't know why I never even entertained that idea...but they sound so awesome & I bet taste a million times better! Yum, Jenn!

Creative Classroom Core said...

These could easily become favourites at our house! They look fantastic!

Dewi said...

Sounds really delicious Jenn!

Jen @ said...

These tater tots look super tasty - I bet my hubby would love them... he's a tater tot fan. I often pick baked over fried... I'm with you on that!

Anonymous said...

I love that you made homemade tater tots. These look way better than anything you find frozen in the store!

Christo Gonzales said...

what a nice and tasty little bite these are - any bets on how many I could eat?

theUngourmet said...

Jenn- These look so fabulous! They look so full of garlicky goodness!

Did you have any kind of sauce or sour cream with these?

Laura said...

wow those look so good!

Jenn said...

pigpigscorner: garlic sure does!

chow and chatter: LOL. Thanks.

Heavenly: Give 'em a try.

Reeni: Way better too!

Bob: Now you can. It's pretty simple.

girlifchef: Thanks.

finsmom, elra: Thanks.

Jen: Your hubby will love these!

Nutmeg Nanny: I don't think I'll buy frozen ever again.

doggy: I'd say a couple dozen. I couls scarf some of these myself.

ungourmet: I just had these with good ol' ketchup. i didn't have time to make a sauce of some kind. I wish I did.

Laura: Thanks. ;-)

Soma said...

These are really cute, would be great for pickup food for kids or adults!

Sippity Sup said...

Healthy Tater Tots! Blasphemy! GREG

teresa said...

I have really never thought to make my own tots, now I've got to! It's funny you posted this, just a few minutes ago my hubs went on a five minute speech about how much he loves tater tots and that he never gets them, this must be a sign!

lisaiscooking said...

These sound incredible! I really should not read food blogs when I'm hungry. I'm very hungry now.

Lori Lynn said...

Haha! I thought you could only buy tater tots in the frozen section. I grew up on them. I think they were a new item back then (late 1960's) and my mom bought them all the time.

Yours look delicious!

Anonymous said...

this looks SO good and healthy! I tried some tater tots when I was in church retreat, and it was disgustingly coated with grease. This would be much easier on the stomach, and it looks so cute!

Jenn said...

Soma: Thanks

Greg: LOL ;-)

Teresa: It's definitely a sign!

lisaiscooking: I have a habit of doing that too.

Lori: Not anymore! =)

burpandslurp: well, you should give these a try. So much better than that cafeteria stuff.

Parita said...

i loved baked potatoes, planning to make some today too!!

Tangled Noodle said...

Tater tots, homemade and healthy? I am seriously in awe.

Jenn said...

Tangled Noodle: thanks.

Jenn said...

Parita: Neat-o!

Anonymous said...

These are so easy to make. Yum-Yum!

Pooja said...

Oh these look scrumptious! Baked ones are always healthy! Loved the addition of garlic powder..makes it so flavourful.

Jenn said...

Hummingbird: Thanks.

Pooja: Garlic makes things better.

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious tater tots! I love how you serve them in a glass!

Jenn said...

5 Star: Thanks.

happycao said...

hi I am new to your blog! but I was wondering, do you think these would be just as good if made with a root vegetable that isnt as starchy like Daikon or Pumpkin?

Jenn said...

Happycao: definitely pumpkin. Give it a try. =) said...

Pretty effective data, thank you for this post.

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