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Monday, November 15, 2010

Comforts of home

"Turo-turo" meaning point-point in tagalog. You literally point to the food that you want for the server scoop a good amount on your plate.

One of the neat things about living in LA is that I'm never homesick for the foods of the Philippines. It's just a short drive away. Though, there are moments when I get lazy to drive out. Ha!

What to choose? What to choose? :) Homeland deliciousness. 


Nutmeg Nanny said...

Man all that food is making me hungry!

Pam said...

Comfort food is the best!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Glad you can get some comfort food nearby... :) The food looks great!

zerrin said...

You're very lucky to have these so close to you. Seeing them in such big amounts must make you want more.

sophia said...

Can you take me to a Philippines restaurant next time? I don't believe I've ever tried Filipino cuisine before! :-)

The Duo Dishes said...

Where are the best places for filipino food here? Please let us know!

Anonymous said...

London is like that too, its like a world food court :D
*kisses* HH

Reeni said...

I'm happy for you! I think I would be there every other day!

teresa said...

awesome, how nice to have that option!

Ameena said...

I've never had Filipino (sp?) cuisine before...any suggestions as to where I could go for my first try??

theUngourmet said...

I can imagine you can find just about any food you crave in you neck of the woods. I like this point to order idea!

♥peachkins♥ said...

uy ang home na at home..but may carinderia style resto dyan..

OysterCulture said...

Wonderful to have a ready supply of favorites.

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