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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mini Apple Oat Crisp

Here I go again with my mini version. What can I say, I'm a sucker for small. I saw this recipe from for an apple crisp. I had a couple baby fuji apples left. I figured rather than eating them straight up, I'll make something with them.

I adapted the recipe to make two small tart sized crisps. I also added cinnamon to the mixture. Apple and cinnamon really do go well together, right?

I chopped my apples into itt-bitty bits. Almost like a puree or apple sauce, but slices would suffice, and placed them into mini tart pans.  Made the crisp topping and added some oats then baked it for 15-20 in a 375˚F oven and I had my dessert for the night.  A good crunch texture with the softness of the apples. Yum!!

Makes 2 mini crisps.

Mini Apple Oat Crisps
adapted from

1 large apple or 2 baby apples - peeled chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp butter - melted
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 Tbsp flour
1 Tbsp oats
2 Tbsp water
2 small ramekins

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

In a small bowl, toss the apples and cinnamon together and pour into small ramekins.

In another small bowl, combine the both sugars, flour and oats. Pour in the butter and mix well until it's like a crumbly consistency.

Pour the mixture over the apples, then pour the 1 tablespoon of water over each ramekin.

Bake for 15-20 min until top is browned. Let it cool slightly before serving.



♥peachkins♥ said...

mmmm.. I think I could smell that apple crisp from here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the idea. I've goat LOADS of apples at the moment and don't know what to do with so many ( I have 3 apple trees in the back of my house). I love the cute little minis. Have a wonderful weekend!

pigpigscorner said...

Yummy flavours and great textures! I love mini things too...they are just too cute.

Bob said...

Cant beat apple crisp. Heh, my girlfriend would love it, she also has a thing for mini stuff.

Mardi Michels said...

I love the look of these. Might stop me from eating a whole large crisp!!!

Cucinista said...

Love it! I make my desserts sometimes in individual ramekins or tart tins. They are so cute. The only problem is when you finish yours and want some more...

Miranda said...

I love Apple Crisp!
This looks fantastic. So cute!

Lauren said...

nom nom nom. I agree, aplle and cinnamon are made to be together.

vanillasugarblog said...

bite size, so we can eat more. lol

Jenn said...

Peachkins: ;-D

HH: Send some apples over!!

pigpig, Mirando: Thanks.

Bob: Cool.

Mardi: A large crisp is good to have, too.

Cucinista: Makes for easy eating. hehe...

LK: yup!

Dawn: lol.

s. stockwell said...

We are waiting for a big rain coming into Santa Barbara and this little heartwarming treat will be perfect. good photos! best, s

Heather S-G said...

You do have a things for minis, don't you!? LOL! Totally appley, oatmealy comfort disguised in a little wrapper...I like it.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Sounds delicious! I love small things too! I don't have mini tart pans or ramekins. I think I'll have to change that! :)

Reeni said...

I love these little treats!! There's no leftovers for me to over-indulge in and make my butt swell!

Jenn said...

Reeni: lol.

zerrin said...

I love the combination of apple and cinnamon, and these mini versions are so cute. I love the dishes of single portions, I don't have to share them in this way :)

theUngourmet said...

Yum! I love the shot of the bite on your spoon! Mini crisps are the best!

Sophia said...

what can I say? everything is better and cuter mini-size! :D

Jenn said...

Zerrin: Indeed.

Ungourmet: ;-D

Sophia: I agree. Mini-sized is good.

lisaiscooking said...

I love lots of cinnamon with apples, and your oat topping looks great!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This is a perfect size recipe for Bob and I. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Jenn said...

Lisa: Thanks.

Mary: You're welcome

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum... I love apple crisp! So cute that you made mini crisps!

Jenn said...

Jen: :-D said...

Wow, there is a great deal of useful information in this post!

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