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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baked Onions with A Sour Cream Herb Dip

Another baked goodie of deliciousness. The onion ring. In this case, the onion wedge? Looked like a wedge when I cut it. Or onion petal? Whatever the shape may be, I think these are a little easier to eat than a ring. Scoops up the dip or sauce better, too. But I like both. I would have done rings, but at the risk of cutting off one of my fingers with old and slightly dull knives is not a good idea. A mandolin cutter is what I need. Or sharper knives. So wedges/petals it was.

To go along with the baked goods, I also made a sour cream herb dip. Looks like thousand island dressing but a little thicker. Recipe follows the baked onion section. The pinkish color comes from ketchup. Yes, ketchup. You read right. That red stuff kids love to cover their hotdogs with. The condiment that some wanted to qualify as a vegetable back in the 80's. (What were they thinking?) Anyway, it's good with chips, too. Maybe some Roasted Garlic Tortilla Chips.


Bake Onions

1 small sweet onion (quartered and separated)
1 egg (beaten)
1/2 c milk
1 c flour
2 c panko crumbs

Preheat oven to 350˚F

Breading method: 3 containers 1-flour, 2-egg with milk beaten and season with a little salt, 3-Panko crumbs.

Dip and coat each piece of onion in the flour, then egg mixture, then panko in that order.

Place on a lightly greased baking sheet.

Bake for 20-25min until lightly browned. Flip half way through.

Sour Cream Herb Dip

2 Tbsp Sour Cream
2 Tbsp Ketchup
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Dry Oregano
1 tsp Dry Basil
1 tsp Dry Thyme

Combine all ingredients together.


Christo Gonzales said...

dang jenn you are baking all of my fried favorites to perfection...

Ozge said...

I like how you bring healthy versions to otherwise would have been more oily food! In other words I'm on the same tune with Mr.Doggy's comment.

Diana said...

I know this is odd, but I've never really had an onion ring! I had an aversion to onions when I was younger, so never was interested in trying one. These look really great though -- especially with that dip!

Heather S-G said...

You know, the petal is a great idea...dipping! I really never dip my onions rings...but I bet if I made them in petal form, I would! Awesome, thanks...these look great btw!

Justin said...

ooh, I think I've got some panko crumbs in the cupboard. this looks good.

The Duo Dishes said...

Baking the onions is what we need right now. No more fried foods...although we love fried foods. :) That dip is a keeper!

chow and chatter said...

looks lovely very creative and healthier than the fried version

Jenn said...

doggy & Ozge: Just trying to make our lives healthier with our favs. =)

Diana: Awe. Maybe this version will cure your aversion.

girlichef: Scoopage is the key. =)

Justin: Well, get crackin'. LOL

DuoDishes: The dip is really good with this.

Chow and Chatter: Definitely!

Pam said...

Onion rings are on my top five favorite food list but I don't eat them often because they are fried. I WILL be making these soon - they are PERFECT. The sauce sounds really good too.

Lori Lynn said...

I like the look of the onion wedge, and pink sauce too!

Anonymous said...

I may get into serious trouble if I keep checking out the recipes you post.

Anonymous said...

Dear jenn!
Let7s go for onion petals!LOL
BTW, have you ever tried making onion confit?

Admin said...

You're right about the onion wedges making it easier to scoop up the dip, Jenn. This looks good.

Jenn said...

Pam: You can you favorites again. =)

Lori Lynn: i think wedges are better.

Oyster Culture: I mean you no trouble. LOL.

Robert-Gilles: Ooo...onion confit. No I haven't tried it yet. My add that to the list.

Leela: I think I should start a new trend. Onion wedges!

Jen @ said...

Looks delicious! I love onion rings... These wedges look very tasty. Aren't panko breadcrumbs wonderful?

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

Wow-you must put all these healthy recipes together and bring out a book!!
Way to go girl!

Reeni said...

Those onions are so good I don't mind eating them plain! But the dip looks great. Ketchup a vegetable? haha

Zee said...

Wow Jenn! You really cook interesting things! :) I love onion rings so much... Yummy!

Anonymous said...

a healthy sub for onion rings! How cool!

Anonymous said...

yum, baked onion rings sound awesome esp with the delicious sour cream herb dip!

Bob said...

Can't go wrong with baked onion stuff! Looks great, as does the dip.

Jenn said...

Zee: Thanks!

burpandslurp: indeed!

5 Star Foodie: It is awesome!

bob: Thanks.

Debbie said...

Oh I just love how crispy those onions look. Great recipe!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm that looks fatty delicious, even if it is baked!

Dana Fallentine said...

I need to have an appetizer party... this looks like a great taste!

tavolini said...

mmm!! Are they crispy? Smart gal, I've never tried onions in the oven. It's vidalia onion season here, so I think I just might have to try that :)

Teanna said...

That is SO interesting! I've never heard of anything like it, but I love that it is a great alternative to onion rings or chips - really I am blown away! I will have to try this!

Jenn said...

Debbie: Thanks!

Heavenly Housewife: Fatty good!

~Dana: These are perfect for an appetizer party.

TavoLini: Crispy and Oh-so-delicious!

Teanna: Remember, scoopage is the key. =)

pigpigscorner said...

Such a healthy yet delicious treat! At a glance, I thought they were fried shell pasta.

Tangled Noodle said...

Onion Petals not only sound appetizing but it's a great descriptor of how much lighter and healthier these are compared to deep fried rings. This has been printed out for immediate use . . . !

Jenn said...

pigpigscorner: They do look like it. Don't they. =)

Tangled Noodle: Sweet!

teresa said...

Genius!! What a great idea, these look so tasty!

Jenn said...

Teresa: They are!

Jenn said...

Sophie: Thanks!

Corazon said...

Thanks for sharing this. i would have to say this is one of the perfect treat i've given to my kiddos. now they keep asking make one of this.

Levitra Generico said...

Looks good!! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I bet if I made them in petal form, I would! Awesome, thanks...these look great btw!

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