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Monday, August 3, 2009

Pan-Fried Cinnamon Breadsticks.

Here's another neat way to use pizza dough. Yummy cinnamon sticks. I saw something a similar on Guy's Big Bite, so I decided to try it out. Plus, I love cinnamon and I don't need to tell you about my love for bread.

I lightly pan-fried these in canola oil rather than doing the deep-fried way. Deep-frying absorbs way too much oil. This is not too oily and just right. ooks like you baked them in the oven. They begin to puff up within a few second of hitting the hot oil. It's really neat. This is so delicious with the cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top. Have it with some ice cream or whatever dessert you want. Reminds me of going to the county fair or an outdoor festival. It also reminds me of churros. I do love my churros. Or a doughnut. Yum!!

Pan-Fried Cinnamon Breadsticks

1 pizza dough
canola or peanut oil
1 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Combine the sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.

Roll out the dough on a flat surface and cut them into strips the width can be to your choosing.

Coat the bottom of a skillet with oil. When it is hot enough, carefully place the dough in the oil. They will puff up after roughly 30 sec. Cook both both side for about 60 sec. Then place on a paper towel to remove the excess oil. Sprinkle the sticks with the cinnamon mixture. Serve warm or cooled.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, i would totally be all over this one, i love bread and i love love love cinnamon.

Parita said...

Those breadsticks look heavenly..hmmm pass few on to me

Denise said...

Yum, my girlies would love these. Oh, who am I kidding, I would love

Donna-FFW said...

I love churros so if this tastes like those, its a star in my book.. Id love to dip them in a chocolate sauce, yes!

Miranda said...

My girlies would love these.
They def. would not last in my house.

Mary Bergfeld said...

These do look wonderful. So easy and delicious. That's a hard combination to beat.

Dewi said...

Great idea for the use of pizza dough! Fried bread is delicious!

Pam said...

This is my idea of a perfect treat. I love cinnamon breadsticks.

theUngourmet said...

Terrific idea! I could go for one (or two) right now!

Have a great week!

Phyllis said...

I can't believe these aren't deep fried! They look awesome!

Diana said...

Ohhh those look so good! I bet they'd be awesome with some frosting dipping sauce. :)

Ellie said...

These look delicious!!!

OysterCulture said...

One of may favorite comfort food combos, sounds fantastic!

test it comm said...

Those cinnamon stick look good! I can just imagine enjoying them while still warm from the oven.

Alta said...

Why, Jenn, why do you do this to me??? I would love these, they sound so tasty! I just found a really decent gluten-free pizza dough recipe, so I bet I could whip these up pretty easily! Yum.

Jenn said...

HH: You should have seen me. I couldn't resist.

Parita: Sure. ;-)

Denise: Hehe...

Donna: Mmmm...chocolate sauce is good too.

Miranda: Mine were gone in less than 5 min.

Mary: I agree.

Elra: So true.

Pam, ungourmet: Thanks.

Phyllis: Thanks. No deep-frying for me.

Diana: Yes, frosting dip would go excellent with this!!

Ellie, OysterCulture: Thanks.

Kevin: They're so good warm.

Alta: LOL. There you go. A fun tasty treat anyone will love.

Jackie at said...

I never knew that cinnamon breadsticks could be made with pizza dough. I love this idea. No more waste! Thanks

zerrin said...

Jenn, this is a simple yet great creativity! This is the first fantastic recipe after a 10-day-vacation.
These sticks look so appealing. It must be enjoying to make these and surprise some friends. I'm sure cinnamon itself would be surprised as well.

Jenn said...

jackie: Your welcome.

Zerrin: This would definitely be a crowd pleaser.

Pooja said...

Awesome cinnamon sticks!

Anonymous said...

Haha, at the last picture, it almost looked like fries! And mmm...I wonder how it tastes like!

Anonymous said...

Looks so yummy!

Jenn said...

Pooja, hummingbird: Thanks.

burpandslurp: Like a breadstick with cinnamon. It oh-so-GOOD!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy cinnamon bread sticks - pan-frying is a great idea.

lisaiscooking said...

I think I would like a shoe it if was pan fried and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, but this looks infinitely better!

Admin said...

Lovely! These remind me of the only thing I always get at Auntie Anne's pretzels.

Sippity Sup said...

You do this kind of thing so well. Where did you learn it? GREG

Michelle @ No Time to Weight said...

Great recipe! I know my girls would go NUTS over them :-)

Jenn said...

5 Star: Thanks.

Lisa: Give it a try. You'll love it.

Leela: I love auntie Anne's pretzels. I used to snack on that all the time.

Greg: I'm not sure where I learned it from. I think I just watched too many cooking shows. hehe...

Michelle: Thanks.

KennyT said...

Jenn, you are a genius!

lubnakarim06 said...

Oh the flavour of cinnamon in breadsticks...

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

These look wonderful - great idea to pan fry instead of deep frying. I wish I had some pizza dough hanging around in my fridge. I just might have to make some :)

Jenn said...

Kenny: I'm not genius. I just like to cook. ;-)

Kitchen: Thanks.

Jen: I like to big batches of dough and save them for later.

nora@ffr said...

hmm never baked bread with cinnamon. rili they look awesome :)

Jenn said...

Nora: Thanks.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Awesome! I love the sweet cinnamony breadsticks...I need some now:)

Jenn said...

nutmeg: Thanks,

Tangled Noodle said...

Great recipe for quick churros! And a lot less messy. 8-D This just need a side pot of melted chocolate sauce!

Jenn said...

Tangled: Yes, chocolate sauce would definitely go great!! said...

Oh my god, there is really much helpful info here!

Anonymous said...

OMG, cant believe it! i had a go and used the dough in jamie oliver's recipe and my aunt who is a very good cook and loves cinnamon breadsticks said it was perfect!! and it tastes like auntie anne's cinnamon stick!A MUSTRY!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this recipe, it's really good! My girls who are 8 and 13 yrs old are out of school for two days, and I want them to cook their breakfast as special treat for being home; they can play in the kitchen. They had fun making this cinnamon sticks. They are so proud and totally cleaned their plate.

Thanks a lot ,

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