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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Spicy Roasted String Beans

I love my roasted veggies. Any chance I get, I take the opportunity to roast any vegetable I can get my little paws on. For this, I used string beans. I actually needed to use them up as they were sitting in the fridge begging to be cooked. They were saying "Eat me! Please, eat me!" I replied, "I don't know what to make with you." The only choice I came up with was to roast them.

Seasoned it with salt, pepper, paprika and hot sauce to give it that little kick. I was going to use chili powder, but then I realized that I didn't have any in the spice shelf. Grr... That's another ingredient I need to add to the growing grocery list. My faithful tobasco had to make due for now. Love it. Topped it with some fresh grape tomatoes.

A simple healthy meal with a little kick.

Spicy Roasted String Beans

1 bundle string beans
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1-2 tsp Paprika
1-2 Tbsp Hot Sauce

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

Toss the string beans in the olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika and hot sauce. Make sure to coat them evenly. You may add more or put in less hot sauce to your preference.

Place them on an ungreaased baking sheet and into the oven for 30 min.


Cucinista said...

Ooh, roasted beans. I roast everything, but haven't yet tried beans. I can imagine how the spiciness would be a good counterpoint to the slight sweetness of the beans.

pigpigscorner said...

I'm addicted to roasted veg too! Love the addition of hot sauce! yum yum!

Kristen said...

I would never have thought to do this with beans, but they look delicious!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

These look tasty! I love the contrast in colors between the string beans and the grape tomatoes!

Daily Spud said...

Hmm - never tried roasting beans but, hey, I've got some growing in my garden, so there's no reason not to give it a try!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I have never roasted string beans before. I love that you added some heat. I'll definitely make this! :)

Have a nice weekend!

Heather S-G said...

Nice. I don't think I've ever roasted green beans...they sound delicious :D

vanillasugarblog said...

Oh these do sound so good. I would snack on them all day.

Anonymous said...

I've never roasted string beans before. That's pretty cool.

Smitha said...

never had beans this way..will have to try it out

Jenn said...

Cucinista: Yes.

pigpigscorner, kristen, jen, girlichef: Thanks.

Daily Spud: Nice. Perfect for when you harvest them.

Andrea: cool

Dawn: ;-)

Hummingbird: Thanks.

Smitha: Definitely.

Miranda said...

I love green beans. If it is cooked right, which these are...I could eat the entire batch. LOL.

Dewi said...

Delicious Jenn. I love the idea of cooking string bean this way.

Jenn said...

Miranda: I did. lol.

Elra: Thanks.

Phyllis said...

What a fab idea, Jenn. Never thought to roast string beans before, and hot sauce always makes everything taste better :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I love roasted string beans! It has to be even better with the added spiciness....yum!

Anonymous said...

A new way of seeing an old veg is always cool :D. I always do my stringbeans the same: a bit of oil, salt and pepper, and sliced almonds.

Sippity Sup said...

green beans may be an old friend but in you hands they are shiny and new...GREG

Jenn said...

Phyllis: I just only began to appreciate hot sauce. I don't know why I went so long without it.

Nutmeg: It is.

HH: I've got to try it with the sliced almonds.

Greg: Thanks. ;-)

Reeni said...

I don't think I've ever eaten string beans this way. I bet they were delicious! Yay - I'm glad you found some tomatillos! I know you'll whip up something yummy.

Jenn said...

Reeni: Thanks.

nora@ffr said...

beautiful photography as usual! love roasted vegs.. shud try this soon never tried beans b4.. m sure itll taste heavenly :)

Jenn said...

Nora: thanks.

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