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Friday, October 16, 2009

Spinach-Ginger Soup

Yes, we've had some good weather here in LA recently. I was finally able to wear my favorite sweater and hoodie for the first time. Oh how I missed snuggling up in there, keeping me nice and cozy. The only down side it that I wasn't feeling my usual self to actually enjoy it. Grr... So to perk up my spirits, I decided to make some soup.

Spinach and ginger to be exact. And my mood lifted a little brighter afer having this. I still wasn't feeling to well, but I was on the road to recovery. I pureed haf the soup to have it smooth and chunky. Serve with some toast or crackers. Snuggle up in a blanky ot not and enjoy the lovely gingery flavor. Look at that luscious green soup with a generous sprinkle of shredded mozzarella and slices of avocado. How could this not perk up your spirits?

Serves 2-3

Spinach-Ginger Soup

1lb spinach - fresh or frozen
1 12oz can vegetable stock
2 tbsp ginger - minced
2 green onion - finely chopped
1 large garlic clove - finely chopped
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp olive oil
1/8 c evaporated milk

On medium to low heat, saute the garlic in the olive oil for 30 seconds then add the ginger and green onions. roughly 1-2 minutes.

Add the chicken stock and and stir to combine.

Add the spinach, bring the soup to a simmer until the spinach has wilted. Stori well to combine.

Then puree half the soup using a blender, food process, or hand blender. Or just leave it as a chunky soup. Serve warm.


Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Great combination of flavor! I'll be making this! :)

Anonymous said...

I bet the ginger gives it a really nice kick. Have a fantastic weekend :D

Nancy said...

This soup looks delicious - nice idea to combine spinach with ginger. Cold, rainy weather has settled on us in nyc, so it's a perfect time for soup. Thanks for this great recipe!

tavolini said...

Good idea! Sounds very healthy and tasty, too. I could use a nice bowl of soup and a hoodie :)

Bob said...

Chilly in LA, so... 70? ;)

It's in the 40s here right now, I'd love some of that soup. It looks wicked good.

Pam said...

I've never had a soup like this before - it looks really delicious, healthy and comforting.

Christo Gonzales said...

this is something I could use right now - it might make my cold go away.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting combination of spinach and ginger! Sounds delicious and especially with the addition of avocado!

Anonymous said...

yum, I feel healthier just looking at the recipe.

OysterCulture said...

sorry, I'm anonymous - have twitchy fingers today. it looks delish

Jenn said...

Andrea: ;-D

HH: It does.

Nancy: This is perfect for those cold days, indeed.

TavoLini: I agree.

Bob: Yeah, we've been fortunate to have a little bit of great weather.

Pam: Give it a try.

doggy: aww...feel better soon!

5 Star: Thanks.

Jenn said...

Oyster: Thanks.

Jhonny walker said...

This is one perfect soup. Perfect!

teresa said...

oh i'm so sorry that you're not feeling well, but this really looks like the perfect antidote! delicious!

Mardi Michels said...

What a great looking and sounding soup. Perfect for this weather and if you are not feeling 100%. Hope you feel better soon.

lisaiscooking said...

Ginger with spinach sounds great, and I love the mozzarella on top!

theUngourmet said...

This soup definitely looks like a great perker upper! :D

Anonymous said...

Great combination! I

Jenn said...

Jhonny, Mardi, Lisa: thanks

Teresa: I'm much better now.

Ungourmet: it is.

Hummingbird: thanks.

Anonymous said...


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