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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chicken Stroganoff

I've always want to try beef stroganoff. Searching through the interweb, I found this simple recipe from Simply Recipes. Although, as much as I wanted to eat beef, I replaced it with sliced chicken breast. I had gotten a jumbo 10lb bag from Costco. Gotta love it!

This dish is made with sour cream, but you can use yogurt as a substitute. I wanted criminis, yet sadly the Ralphs near my house didn't have any. *tear drop* So my only choice was sliced white mushrooms. It still tasted great. Note to self: Next time, make it with some beef strips.

I served it over some whole grain penne from Barilla. But you can choose whatever pasta you want. Usually it's served over egg noodles.

Serves 2

Chicken Stroganoff
adapted from Beef Stroganoff from Simply Recipes.

1 large chicken breast
1/2 medium Sweet Onion (diced)
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp dry oregano
4-5 Tbsp Sour Cream or plain yogurt
2 garlic cloves (minced)
8 oz (2 c) White or Crimini Mushrooms (sliced)

Cut the chicken breast into 1/2-inch strips. Season both sides with salt, pepper and paprika.

Heat the oil and melt 2 Tbsp of the butter in a skillet on a medium flame. Cook the chicken slices for 2-3 min on each side.

Remove from the skillet and let it rest for 2-3 min, covered loosely with foil.

In the same skillet, melt the other 2 Tbsp butter. Then saute garlic and onions until tender. Add in the mushroom and cook until they are slightly darker in color. Stir constantly. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Then add in the sour cream. Combine thoroughly. Feel free to add in more, if needed. It should look like a thick sauce.

Pour over or mix in your favorite pasta.


♥peachkins♥ said...

I am soo into beef Stroganoff but substituting chicken makes the taste a little bit different. that photo is mouthwatering..

Donna-FFW said...

I have never thought to try chicken stroganoff..what a fantastic idea. Looks delicious.

Parita said...

Sounds a grt dish! Lovely presentation!

Tangled Noodle said...

I love beef stroganoff but your version here is so much healthier with chicken and yogurt, and yet still retains all the creaminess that I crave. A delicious way to make use of that 10lb bag of chix! 8-)

Hari Chandana P said...

first time here... you have a gr8 blog with lovely clicks..

Anonymous said...

I LOVE costco. I am so glad they have it here in the UK, I can get lots of american goodies from there too. This dish looks so hearty and comforting for a rainy day like today.

Lana said...

Looks so good! And how smart are you to sub chicken for beef. Thanks for another wonderful idea!

tavolini said...

That looks good. Part of me wants to add cheese to it...but I don't know if that would be right. Good idea to try out the chicken!

Admin said...

This looks lighter and healthier than the beef version, but every bit as rich and scrumptious. Good adaptation, Jenn.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely, light version of stroganoff. This looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

I love how you always cook with things you have around the house and you are able to adapt your recipes accordingly. That creative mind of yours!!!


Creative Classroom Core said...

I think this sounds even better than than the classic beef version - great job!

Sippity Sup said...

Stroganoff. What a great idea. I have not had any in years. Hmmm do you think I could puree it? GREG

Dewi said...

What a great idea using chicken instead of beef. Look delicious Jenn!

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome! I love beef stroganoff but never would have thought of using chicken. I will have to give this a try.

theUngourmet said...

This looks great with the chicken. I think I would actually prefer chicken to beef.

Love the bowl too!

Bob said...

Looks fantastic. Heh, I made chicken stroganoff once. To make up for the chicken not being as flavorful as beef I added bacon. Worked great! :D

Diana said...

Don't you love Simply Recipes? So many delish things! I'm going to have to try this one. With beef. ;)

Anonymous said...

Excellent healthy version of Stroganoff! I often substitute bison for beef in this dish for health reasons and now looking forward to trying it with chicken.

Jenn said...

Peachkins: I'll need to try the beef version soon.

Donna: you should ;-)

Parita: thanks.

Tangled noodled: gotta love costco chicken

Hari: thanks for visiting

Heavenly: perfect!!

Lana: thanks

Tavolini: why not add chese? Don't think thereks anything wrong with that.

Leela: yes it it ;-)

Mary, eric, finsmom: thanks

Greg: I can't think of a reason not to puree. Give it a try.

Elra: thanks.

Nutmeg: you should

Ungourmet: thanks. I tend to go chicken before beef.

Bob: that's awesome!

Diana: I love that site!!!

5 star: I'd love to try bison!

Pooja said...

That looks delicious n tempting!

Reeni said...

I love this version with chicken! Great comfort food.

Elise said...

It's hard to go wrong with a sour cream-based mushroom sauce. What a great adaptation of beef stroganoff!

Jenn said...

Pooja: thanks

Reeni: I love me some comfort food!!

Elise: thanks. I love both sour cream and mushrooms.

Jen @ said...

Reminds me of a dish my mom used to make. So tasty!

Anonymous said...

I've never had chicken stroganoff, but it looks like a great alternative to beef!

teresa said...

yes please! this looks soooo good!

figtree said...

I have read a million recipes for chicken you have finally convinced me to try yours!!!!!Figtreeapps

kamran siddiqi said...

Great recipe Jenn. I am adding this to my recipe binder.

I Just nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award. Check out my blog :D


Anonymous said...

that's IT?! The ingredient list is minimal and the directions are so easy! I had no idea it was so easy to make stroganoff! for some reason...the russian (?) name made me think it would be complicated...hee hee, so ignorant right?

Dana Fallentine said...

I have needed a good recipe for this classic dish... thank you!

Jenn said...

Jen: That's neat.

Hummingbird: It is.

Teresa: ;-)

figtree: go for it. It's really good!!

Kamran: Thanks!! I appreciate the recognition.

burpandslurp: I thought the same thing too. But I'm happy that I made this.

Dana: Your welcome!

Miranda said...

This looks awesome. I would make this in a heartbeat but my husband is a sour cream, mayo, cream cheese and yogurt hater......(I love it)
I wonder if there is anything I could use to sub....

foodcreate said...

What a lovely dish the presentation look so Delicious:)

Thanks for sharing your recipe:)

Have a wonderful Day!

Jenn said...

Miranda: You can probably use heavy cream or milk. Just turn it into a roux before adding it to the mushroom.

Foodcreate: Thanks.

Phyllis said...

mmmm...yummy! That sauce looks so creamy. I love sour cream, always have it in the fridge but never think to make stroganoff with it. Chicken is much more practical for me as well because I don't often cook red meat at home.

Heather S-G said...

Yum, this sounds delish...chicken stroganoff...go figure :)

Jenn said...

Phyllis: Yeah I'm the same way most of the time. I usually go for the chicken.

Girlichef: ;-)

TemporaryWaffle said...

Had no idea what to make for dinner and just came across your post about a half hour I'm in the process of making it!! :) My 5 year old son has been having fun helping me too so Thank you for posting the recipe. Hoping it comes out delicious! Oh by the way, I will be posting and linking to you :)

TemporaryWaffle said...

I wanted to share my Chicken Stroganoff with you. Thanks for posting the recipe! Mine doesn't look as good as yours did, but I linked back to you! :)

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