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Friday, July 24, 2009

Peacherry Tarts

Another tart in one week!!!! I know, but it's Friday. That's my only excuse. Besides, who could resist a fruit tart, eh? A peach and cherry tart. Doesn't that make you drool? Yum yum!!!!! I think I'm getting the hang of this whole tart making business.

I poached the peaches for several seconds in boiling water to help in removing the skins. You can used the canned stuff, too. But since they're in season right now, why not go for the fresh stuff, right? As I mentioned when I made the Banana Cherry Smoothie, I don't have a cherry pitter. I did mine the old fashioned way. Sliced and split by hand. Took a a good maybe 10 min to do 3 dozen cherries. It didn't feel that long. When get a rhythm going, it goes by fast.

I turned the cherries into a simple compote and poured it half way through the baking process as to avoid spillage from the edges. No base on this as the juices and syrup of the cherries will soak up into the puff pastry. Sprinkle a little bit of powdered sugar on top and serve chilled or warm. It's so delicious either way.

This will make 6 small tarts or 3 long rectangular tarts.

Peacherry Tarts

1 puff pastry
2 ripe peaches
3 dozen cherries
1/4 c granulated sugar
powdered sugar
1 Tbsp melted butter

To remove the skins from the peaches, soak them in boiling water for 45-60 sec. Then soak into into into cold water to let them cool. Once cool peel back the skins and discard. Slice the peaches into thin wedges and set aside.

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

Cut the puff pastry into 6 small rectangles or 3 large rectangles. 1/2-inch from the edges score 4 lines creating an inner square. This will the crust.

Place peach wedges within the pastries. Basted the edges with the melted butter and bake them for 15 min.

While the pastries are baking, in a sauce pan, combine together the cherries and sugar. Heat them until the juices from the cherries are released.

Pour the compote over the baked puff pastries and bake the tarts for another 10 min.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful!

Donna-FFW said...

You are right cherries and peaches can not be beat.. it sounds delicious and looks ever so beautiful.

Vrinda said...

Those r gorgeous pastries..looks pretty..

Admin said...

You make something simple look so delicious-looking and delicious=looking Jenn. Great job.

Unknown said...

This is such a pretty dessert. I can just imagine how well the buttery, flakey puff pastry goes with that delicious fruit. Yum!

Christo Gonzales said...

the perfect tart - the shape - the flakyness the fruity filling - I cant say anything bad about it!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Looks & sounds delicious!

Creative Classroom Core said...

These look easy and beautiful! Thanks for sharing another great recipe!

chow and chatter said...

you could be in France gorgeous

♥peachkins♥ said...

I think I would have preferred it chilled. So beautiful!

theUngourmet said...

Great job! I've never tried to make a tart. Now that I know how I have no excuse. I like your fruit combination.

Dewi said...

Absolutely fabulous Jenn! Cherry addition is such a terrific idea.

Parita said...

I made an apple tart too today using exactly those ingredients :) i love the idea of using peach and cherries together..hmm nice click :)

Pooja said...

The tarts look so delicious! What an awesome combo of peach and cherry!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I've never done a peach and cherry combo. These tarts look delicious.

Pam said...

You just made me drool...they look perfectly delicious!

The Duo Dishes said...

You love your puff pastry. We do too! Nice combination. It's really different.

OysterCulture said...

looks incredible Jenn

Anonymous said...

This looks so good. I love just about any baked fruit dessert. And so pretty! Great job.

Jenn said...

HH, Vrinda, Andrea: Thanks.

Donna: ;-)

Leela: Hehe..Thanks.

ValleyWriter: It does go well together.

Doggy: woohoo!!

Finsmom: your welcome!

Chow and chatter: I wish I was in France. LOL.

Peachkins: I could have them either way.

Ungourmet: Go for it. It's really simple

Elra: Thanks.

Parita: Hooray for tarts!!

Pooja: Yes, indeed.

Mary: Give it a try. It's really good.

Pam: Hehehe...

Duo Dishes: Since finding them in the grocery. I can't get enough.

Oyster Culture, Tasty eats: Thanks.

lisaiscooking said...

Great use of summer fruits! And, your tarts are tidy and perfect looking!

pigpigscorner said...

Looks so pretty with all the fruits! I've yet to make something with berries. I always end up eating all.

Laura said...

ohhhh tarts yum!! so pretty!

Diana said...

There is something so happy about the word "tart!" It makes me smile! Especially when said tart is covered in my TWO favorite summer fruits! Make me one?

Jenn said...

Lisa: thanks

Pigpigscorner: It's resisting to eat them first that the kicker. LOL.

Laura: Thanks.

Diana: Sure. ;-)

Heather S-G said...

Love it...and cherries are my favorite...I could gobble one up right now!

teresa said...

oh, fresh fruit baked on a puff pastry, if that's not heaven, then i don't know what is! gorgeous!

Grace said...

This is a mouth-watering tarts. I never had this, but I know I will love this. Enjoy your weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

I love peaches and cherries. I can't resist tarts either.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Oh man this looks and sounds delicious! I wish there was one in my kitchen right now:)

Jenn said...

Girlichef: So could I. lol.

Teresa: ;-)

Grace: Thanks.

Nutmeg: They're really easy to make.

Reeni said...

What beautiful treats these are! They look scrumptious!

Jenn said...

Reeni: Thanks. ;-)

Tangled Noodle said...

Making a cherry compote and adding it halfway through baking is such a great idea to keep the pastry from getting soggy! Definitely using fresh fruit in season is preferable to canned, even if you have to pit every single cherry! (I always talk myself out of a cherry pitter, thinking that i don't need such a specific utensil).

Jenn said...

Tangled Noodle: I definitely need a pitter.

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