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Monday, July 27, 2009

Roasted Veggie Calzone

When I see a calzone, I imagine it as a mega-sized empanada. Haha... But I do love the stuff. It's a pizza on the go. Which by the way, I finally made my own pizza dough. Woohoo! I made a batch enough for 4 pizzas. Used one and kept the other three dough balls in the freezer for future pizzas or whatever I decide to make with them.

I rummaged through my little recipe box for a dough recipe, I knew I had one, I just never used it until now. I don't remember where I had gotten it as I had written it out on a small piece of index card. Since I've been making my own bread, I'm slowly becoming a little more confident in trying to make things I normally wouldn't.

Anyway...For the calzone, you can use premade dough from the store, if you don't have time to make your own. I roasted some eggplant and zucchini that I had gotten from the farmer's market. Sliced up some fresh tomato and had some grated parmesan. There were a couple sandwich slices of swiss cheese, so I added that on top of the crust a few minutes before taking it out of the oven. That part is completely optional.

Mmmm...Layered veggie goodness!!!

This will serve 2-3.

Pizza Dough
4 C All Purpose Flour
2 c warm water (110 to 120˚F)
1 packet or 2 tsp dry active yeast
2 tsp salt
5 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (plus extra for the bowl and basting)
1 tsp sugar

Combine the water, yeast and sugar together. Let is sit for roughly 5 min..

In a large bowl combine the flour, salt and oil. Blend well. Add in the yeast mixture and mix all together until it forms into a dough ball.

On a well-floured surface. Knead the dough for a couple of minutes until almost elastic in feel. Place the dough into another bowl lubed with olive oil. Cover with platic wrap and a towel and keep away from light until the dough rises and doubles in size. Roughly 1-2 hours.

When the dough doubles, lightly punch down the dough to release the gases inside.

Layout the dough on a well-floured surface and divide into 4 ball. Wrap unused dough in plastic wrap and keep in the freezer until ready to use.

Roasted Veggie Calzone

1 pizza dough - homemade or store bought
1 medium eggplant - sliced
2 small zucchini - sliced
1/2 medium onion - sliced into half moons
1 tomato - sliced
tomato sauce
olive oil
grated parmesan cheese

Preheat your oven to 400˚F

Toss the eggplant and zucchini in olive oil and season with some salt and pepper. Lay the veggies out on a baking sheet and roast for 20-25 min. Give them a toss half way though.

On a well-floured surface, roll out your dough into a circle using a rolling pin or by gently stretching it with your hands. Then gently place it on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Layer the tomato sauce in a full circle. Be sure to leave at least an inch of dough untouched. Then layer the eggplant, zucchini and tomato slices on on half of the dough. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese over them. you may also put some cheese in between layers.

Fold over the other half of the dough and crimp the edges to seal. Brush the top of the dough with some olive oil and bake for roughly 15-20 min until the dough is golden brown.


Anonymous said...

Good 4 u!!! Still haven't made my own pizza dough yet, though it's definitely on of those things I want to learn... It's just that I hate cleaning up after cooking and I have this feeling that pizza dough is very messy. Great job, I love calazones---although I have never seen one in the UK come to think of it. I should make one for hubby :)
ps do u think calazones r kind of like big hot pockets lol? I do :)

Parita said...

What a coincidence i was planning to make some veggie calzones this week,loved the stuffing!

Donna-FFW said...

The title of this alone made me say MMMMM out loud, fantastic! Nothing better than roasted veggies and made this way must be phenomenal!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Roasted vegetables and bread - how could you go wrong?

Hari Chandana P said...

Looks Yummmmm..

Heather S-G said...

Love it!! These giant empanadas rock ;)

♥peachkins♥ said...

*drool drool*

Unknown said...

Mmmm... those roasted veggies look soooo good! I think we're getting eggplant in our CSA share this week, so I'll have to try this out.

Creative Classroom Core said...

What a tasty and healthy filling!

Teanna said...

I LOVE calzones, have never had one with roasted veggies! That sounds so amazingly good!

Pam said...

Roasted veggies are my favorite - this is my kind of calzone.

Dewi said...

Jenn, these look really yummy. It makes me hungry immediately.

Fearless Kitchen said...

See, the first time I saw an empanada, I thought, "Oh, okay, it's kind of like a mini calzone!" :) Yours looks great, just perfect for a summer meal.

Miranda said...

I love calzones! You can fill them with all kinds of ingredients: meatballs, italian meat, broc. and chedder, so on and so on...

Sippity Sup said...

That indeed looks like layered veggie goodness wrapped in really good crust. GREG

Christo Gonzales said...

a pocket full of goodness - this looks so tasty!

theUngourmet said...

Yet another great way to use up some of the 16 zucchini on my counter right now!

Jenn said...

HH: They do look like big hotpockets.

Parita: A happy coincidence.

Donna: It is.

Mary: You can't. haha...

Hari: Thanks.

girlichef: woohoo for giant empanadas.

Peachkins: I'd drool, too.

ValleyWriter: Nice.

Finsmom, Teanna: Thanks.

Pam: ;-)

Elra:'re hungry. I'm hungry.

Fearless: Got to keep it summery.

Miranda: The endless possibilities of the calzone.

Greg: Yes!!

Doggy: I agree.

Ungourmet: Gotta make use of those zucchini

lisaiscooking said...

Love the roasted veggies in this! It must have been great with the homemade dough.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Looks delicious - I've been getting eggplant and squash from my CSA - this looks like a delicious way to use them!

tavolini said...

YUM! I could go for one of those right now--delicious calzone, Jenn :D

Anonymous said...

Delicious looking calzone with veggies! I love that you sprinkled the cheese on top of the calzones - yum!

Diana said...

Good for you for making your own dough! I still haven't tackled that or bread yet. Apparently working with yeast scares me.

Jenn said...

lisa: It was. I'll probsbly never by dough again. Unless, I'm feeling lazy.

TavoLini: Thanks.

5 Star: Just a little added touch. hehe...

Diana: You can do it!!

teresa said...

and it's healthy to boot with all those delicious veggies! i love this! it looks fantastic!

Admin said...

I like the idea of roasted veggie stuffing. I can imagine the sweetness that comes from the caramelization. Great way to get vegetables into your diet. :)

Diana H said...

While I like the idea, my family would never go for zucchini and eggplant, so I think I'll try it with different veggies, if you don't mind too much. I've been trying to figure out ways to make our food include more vegetables. Thanks for the recipe.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Oh man these look awesome! It seems I only make calzones with meat but I really want to try these. Yum!

Justin said...

yum, and i'm totally impressed you made the dough from scratch

OysterCulture said...

Cripes, your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Love this recipe, it sounds so good.

Anonymous said...

Mmm~ I've never actually tried calzones you think it's better than regular pizza?

Anonymous said...

I'm not as confident as you with making dough. But, the calzones look delicious!

Anonymous said...

Just letting u know that i tagged u in my most recent post :). Have a fab day.
Love, HH

Jenn said...

Teresa: Thanks.

Leela: Right why not put veggies into your fav dishes.

Diana: I don't mind at all. The great thing about recipes is that you can adapt them to whatever your preference is.

Nutmeg: try the veggie version. ;-)

Justin: Thanks.

Oyster Culture: ;-)

burpandslurp: I'd say that it's the same as a regular pizza, except that this has a portability factor to it.

Hummingbird: It's not as bad as I thought. Give it a try.

HH: Thanks!!

Reeni said...

Homemade calzones are the best! The filling sounds so yummy. I wish I had one!

Jenn said...

Reeni: I wish I had one right now, too.

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