When my mom told me about this snack she used to have as a child, I looked at her like she was crazy. My skepticism remained as she prepared this dessert/treat next to me, while I tinkered away at making another fruity smoothie. Yes, I've been in smoothie mode lately. It's summer. Anyway, it was kind of like the banana cue but with shaved ice and evaporated milk. It reminded me of a Filipino dessert called halo-halo (said like hallow). Don't worry I'll be making that very soon.
I'd glance over to her every once in a while as to how she was preparing it. No oil involved in this. The banana simmered in water and brown sugar until it was of a caramel color and the water has turned into a syrup-like consistency. She plates the bananas, while I shave the ice. I scoop a hefty serving over the bananas and drizzle some evaporated milk. I dig in.
POW!!!! Was this so good? You bet it was. The combination of the sweetness from the banana and the evaporated milk. The ice and milk are like a sauce for the banana. I devoured that very bowl you see in the picture. Well, the contents of it. It's great to enjoy the snacks and foods my mom grew up eating. Sort of makes me homesick for the Philippines. I actually want to make some more.
Oh, you can do this with sweet potatoes, too.

Caramelized Plantains in Shaved Ice
2 Large plantains (peeled and sliced)
2 c water
1 c brown sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
evaporated milk
shaved ice
Place the water, plantains and sugar in the wok or pan. On a medium, flame heat the contents until the water become a syrup-like consistency and the bananas have a caramel like color. Be sure to turn them every once in a while to avoid sticking to the pan. You may add more sugar, if you prefer it to be extra sweet.
Shave lots of ice.
Place the bananas in a bowl with a little drizzle of the syrup. Top with the shaved ice and pour over some of the evaorated milk. Again as to how much will be to your preference.
The heat of the banana will melt the ice.

OMG Jenn i dont have any words! thats so unique combination! you are so creative my dear :)
This sounds fascinating, I'd love to try it :)
I love plantains. These look so good. That combo cant be beat.
Very very unique, Jenn.
Believe it or not the only time I had plantains was visiting Bahama Breeze. They are always at the farmers market. I need to give them a try.
Did you get me email?
That just looks so good. I recently had plantains for the first time and they were delicious. I know I would love this!
I lov caramalized plantains,so tempting look...yumm
A very interesting combination of tastes, textures and temperatures. Love it. GREG
I can't believe that I still have not eaten a plantain! I must go buy some today! This looks so delicious and easy to make.
You're funny! What, you didn't eat the bowl too! HA!
My son insisted on pushing the cart. Thank goodness there were no fatalities! ;0)
Jenn, this looks *amazing*. Love, love, love shaved ice desserts. As you know, I'm living in the sauna that is Bangkok right now and a bowl of this is just what I need.
I've never seen anything like this before. It sounds really workable and I trust your judgment. Count me in!
Wow - this sounds amazing, I'll shock my hubby with it - he LOVES plantains!
That looks fantastic :)
We have a dessert that uses shaved iced and evaporated too served with random bits of stuff like peanuts, corn, red beans...and also some syrup. The caramelised plantains sounds yummy with the shaved ice!
I love plantains but never would have thought to have them in combination with shaved ice - sounds really excellent!
I've never had something like this before but I am sure I would love it.
Oh Dear Lord! This looks soooo good!
Anything with evaporated milk drizzled over it sounds good to me! You're getting good use out of that hand crank ice-shaver ;)
Partia: hehe...;-)
HH: You should. It's really tasty.
Denise: Yes, indeed.
Miranda: Don't think got your email.
Debbie: Plantains are really awesome.
Vrinda: ;-)
Greg: Thanks.
Ungourmet: LOL.
Leela: This is a perfect treat on a hot weathery day.
Mary: Woohoo...hehe...;-)
Oyster: The hubby will love this then.
American Homemaker: Thanks.
pigpigscorner: Neat. i love shaved Ice desserts.
5 star: Thanks.
Pam: I'm sure you would too.
Michelle: Thanks.
"Oh, you can do this with sweet potatoes, too."
Thanks for answering the question that was in our minds! Of course, it'd be just perfecto to try the original first.
Wow...fabulous!! I wish I had the ingredients to make this right now because it would totally hit the spot. Awesome recipe...thanks Jenn :D
Duo Dishes: I put that last part just for you guys. ;-)
girlichef: Thanks.
What an interesting dessert....sounds delicious!
nutmeg: Thanks.
Oh my god STOP IT! That is CRAZY! I need to try this! SERIOUSLY! I love shaved ice, I love plantains! I can totally taste it now...
Sounds really yummy! It looks lovely too!
can you believe I got in ok? wow. well I had to say this does sound good. I love things kicked up a few notches, so I'm all over this one.
oh freaking wow ow ow! I'm glad your mom shared this with you, because it looks and sounds GREAT! This'll probably be good with kabocha too? Hee hee hee!
WOW! I was laughing, drooling, wish I had it in front of me now so I can devour it! I bet I could do it with one spoonful too! LOL!
Teanna: You'll Love this!!
Jenn: Thanks.
Dawn: Long time no see. ;-)
burpandslurp: definitely give it a try with kabocha.
Kim: LOL.
Looks mouthwatering! This might be a stupid question, but how do you shave ice at home?
This sounds wonderfully amazing. What a dleightful treat this must be. Id love to try this!
This looks so yummy! I've never seen anything like it.
one of my favorite treats on a hot summer day!
Hummingbird: I have a old hand cranked ice shaver.
Donna: Give it a try.
Reeni: Thanks.
MrsLavendula: I love anything with shaved ice and evapo milk.
Ive never tried a plantain, but this looks great!
This sounds fantastic, and I love that the plantains aren't fried. The sweet potato version sounds great too.
finsmom: plantains are good. ;-)
Lisa: Thanks.
[Squealing with delight] You are a goddess!!! I've been wanting to make halo-halo fillings 'from scratch' rather than rely on the bottled stuff and this is absolutely perfect! (and thank you for mentioning that it works with kamote, too!)
Is it coincidence or are you related in any way to the famous halo-halo haven Razon's in the Philippines? Because, grrrl, their halo halo ONLY has sweetened plaintain, ice and caraboa milk! I'm coming over to your house . . .
Tangled Noodle: I think it's just coincidence. No relation. Though, it would be nice if I was. LOL. They do have great halo-halo.
vat a great combo jenn!! i shud give a shot soon :)
Nora: thanks.
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