For my tiny little write-up on Julie & Julia, please visit my weekly blog (after you finish reading the rest of this post first.) Don't worry, no spoilers. ;-p: The Misadventures of Little J.
I never really began to appreciate books until I was well into college. I pretty much a lazy bum when it came to reading when I was a child. I would have rather been eating, playing video games, taking naps or watching tv. Some productive kid I was, eh? But now I've come to love books. I'm trying to catch up on all the classics I passed on. I missed quite a bit.
I've been lagging on this one. A couple weeks ago, I was tagged by the Heavenly Housewife at Donuts to Delirium. I got something called the Joy of Reading award. Here are the rules of this one:
I never really began to appreciate books until I was well into college. I pretty much a lazy bum when it came to reading when I was a child. I would have rather been eating, playing video games, taking naps or watching tv. Some productive kid I was, eh? But now I've come to love books. I'm trying to catch up on all the classics I passed on. I missed quite a bit.
I've been lagging on this one. A couple weeks ago, I was tagged by the Heavenly Housewife at Donuts to Delirium. I got something called the Joy of Reading award. Here are the rules of this one:
1. Collect the book that you have most handy
2. Turn to page 161
3. Find the 5th complete sentence
4. Site the sentence on your blog
5. Pass it on to 5 other bloggers
So I have a few books on my desk at the moment. Let me see... Notes on the Cinematographer by Robert Bresson, but that only goes up to page 140. Next. A cookbook on Paris (French cuisine) from Williams-Sonoma. And that's a recipe for madeleine cookies. That one just says "preheat oven to 375˚F." Umm...ok. I think I shall make that soon. But let's find an interesting one. Ah...Orlando by Virginia Woolf. I'm trying to catch up on on some classics at the moment. This was also made into a movie by Sally Potter with Tilda Swinton in the title role. A really good movie you have to check out. Anyway, here's the 5th sentence on page 161:
"At last, she cried, she knew Sasha as she was, and in the ardour of this discovery, and in the pursuit of all those treasures which were now revealed, she was so rapt and enchanted that it was as if a cannon ball had exploded at her ear when a man's voice said, 'Permit me, Madam,' a man's hand raised her to her feet; and the fingers of a man with a three masted sailing ship tattooed on the middle finger pointed to the horizon."
Phew! That was a long one. Hmm...Not sure what to make of that. Maybe prince charming sweeping me or some damsel off their feet and pointing to the future. I don't know. A girl can dream, right? So now, the five bloggers I tag for this:
Sophia from ~Burp and Slurp
Peachkins from The Peach Kitchen
Heather from Girlichef
Reeni from Cinnamon & Spice
Jamie from Life's A Feast
Oh, I added a Contact Me button under the About Me section as well as redesigned the twitter button. Follow Me, if you aren't already. Just in case anyone needs to contact me directly.
With this being a food blog and all, I just can't end this post without having something about food. A few weeks ago, I had went to an annual car show near where I live. So many awesome classic cars. I loved them all. Plus, Sha Na Na played a concert there, too. They're the guys who wrote and performed a lot of the songs in the movie Grease.
Two cars had an old-fashioned carhop tray attached to the window with display food and all. Look at me. I'm surrounded by some awesome cars and my eyes dart towards a couple of carhop trays with food. I guess food is never far from my mind no matter where I am. I just found it really cool. In the background there, you can see an old remodeled radio. I believe this was from a Chevy. I forgot what year it was. Note: ice cubes were fake.

The other one had some Bob's Big Boy food on it.

That's all for now, come back tomorrow and you'll find out what this last picture is. It was really good!!

So I have a few books on my desk at the moment. Let me see... Notes on the Cinematographer by Robert Bresson, but that only goes up to page 140. Next. A cookbook on Paris (French cuisine) from Williams-Sonoma. And that's a recipe for madeleine cookies. That one just says "preheat oven to 375˚F." Umm...ok. I think I shall make that soon. But let's find an interesting one. Ah...Orlando by Virginia Woolf. I'm trying to catch up on on some classics at the moment. This was also made into a movie by Sally Potter with Tilda Swinton in the title role. A really good movie you have to check out. Anyway, here's the 5th sentence on page 161:
"At last, she cried, she knew Sasha as she was, and in the ardour of this discovery, and in the pursuit of all those treasures which were now revealed, she was so rapt and enchanted that it was as if a cannon ball had exploded at her ear when a man's voice said, 'Permit me, Madam,' a man's hand raised her to her feet; and the fingers of a man with a three masted sailing ship tattooed on the middle finger pointed to the horizon."
Phew! That was a long one. Hmm...Not sure what to make of that. Maybe prince charming sweeping me or some damsel off their feet and pointing to the future. I don't know. A girl can dream, right? So now, the five bloggers I tag for this:
Sophia from ~Burp and Slurp
Peachkins from The Peach Kitchen
Heather from Girlichef
Reeni from Cinnamon & Spice
Jamie from Life's A Feast
Oh, I added a Contact Me button under the About Me section as well as redesigned the twitter button. Follow Me, if you aren't already. Just in case anyone needs to contact me directly.
With this being a food blog and all, I just can't end this post without having something about food. A few weeks ago, I had went to an annual car show near where I live. So many awesome classic cars. I loved them all. Plus, Sha Na Na played a concert there, too. They're the guys who wrote and performed a lot of the songs in the movie Grease.
Two cars had an old-fashioned carhop tray attached to the window with display food and all. Look at me. I'm surrounded by some awesome cars and my eyes dart towards a couple of carhop trays with food. I guess food is never far from my mind no matter where I am. I just found it really cool. In the background there, you can see an old remodeled radio. I believe this was from a Chevy. I forgot what year it was. Note: ice cubes were fake.

The other one had some Bob's Big Boy food on it.

That's all for now, come back tomorrow and you'll find out what this last picture is. It was really good!!

Let me guess, is it zucchini cakes or crab cakes
Congrats on the award.
Oh, it does look good whatever it is!! I will be back to see.
What a fun reading books tag, it will be neat to see who reads what.
Congrats on the award, Jenn :) And I loved Sha-Na-Na when I was a kid! I can't figure out what's in the photo, probably some amazing leftover creation from your fridge right?
Looks interesting I'll be back to find out.
Your book sounds like a good one!
My mom gave me an old glass with Bob's Big Boy on it recently. I used to love going there.
I love old cars! I bet that was a fun time!
This was fun! :)
I love the pictures of the food trays!
Can't wait to find out what tomorrow's food is; it looks delicious!
Mmmm I love big boy:) I can't wait to see what everyone is reading!
congrats on your award Rebecca
First, congratulations on your award! What a great way to discover new reads - I'll have to go to Heavenly Housewife to see what she and your co-winners wrote out.
I would've been staring at the food trays, too! I wonder if the portion sizes were an accurate representation of how much USED to be served 'back then'! 8-)
As for the final photo, what a teaser! I can't guess but anything with a creamy sauce on it has my full attention.
You've got my attention with that last photo - I'll be back to check it out :o)
Congrats on the award! I use to go eating at Bob's Big Boy when I was a kid
Oh, FUN! Yes, that was quite a sentence. I like the tattoo on the middle finger description, though...I read it like 4 times. Awesome, I'll get mine up ASAP! And these car trays are so cool!
Congrats on the award! Wow that pic really hooked me! Waiting to see what that was!
Congrats chicky! I also like you didn't read much growing up, I liked to write though - does that count for anything? hee hee! But I'm starting to read more now too, and yes I definitely want to know what that was you enjoyed cause the photo's amazing!
God, you are such a tantalizer. Is it a zucchini pancake? And if it is, may I get a prize? Hee hee hee ;-)
And lol at that sentence! This is such a fun tag! I shall def participate. Problem is, I'm reading SO many books, I don't know which one to pick!
Congrats on your award! I think I was a bit boring as a child because I used to read a lot and now I eat and write more :) I think reading is like eating, I mean if you don't have anyone to share, you don't have any pleasure. I love discussions on a book I made with friends although they are so few.
My guess on the final photo: Balls with chicken pieces and a creamy sauce on the top? It looks great and I can't wait to learn it tomorrow.
I love this award! It's a fun one - and I like the way you led into it. Thanks for tagging me. Whatever those are look yummy - some kind of fritters?!
Congrats on the award... looking forward to discovering what the mystery picture is. Looks tasty!
Jenn! Thanks so much for the award! This is so special that you offered this to me! Actually Heavenly Housewife gave this to me too but I haven't put it on my blog yet so this is twice as nice and twice as special. And congrats on your getting it, too!!
I love the car photos with the carhop trays. The second car looks very like the one my parents had in the early 60s. Cool!
Something zucchini with either a tahini or brown mustard sauce?
Congratulations on the award, wow thats a fun tag!
Oh that last pic is soooo tempting, is it a potato cake with mustard sauce?
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