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Friday, August 14, 2009

Nutella Potstickers

Alrighty, you chocoholics! Today's ingredient is...Nutella. Cue the chorus of Oo's and Ah's. If you haven't tried this stuff, you're really missing out on some really addicting chocolate and hazelnut flavor. It's notable known for being a sandwich spread.

My daily ritual consists of reading an endless amount of blogs everyday. Day and night. Night and day. A couple weeks ago, I was browsing over at La Fuji Mama and she had this recipe for Nutella Banana Gyoza. I thought it was a brilliant idea. Perfect dessert for parties, potluck or whatever. It was just awesome. Have I mentioned yet how awesome Nutella is? I remember having it in sandwiches as a kid. I remember in elementary school begging for a trade with a classmate for her nutella sandwich with my plain ham sammie. Ah, those were the days.

As it just so happens, I had recently bought a jar of nutella few days before. I've been nibbling away at it for breakfast with my morning pan de sal. When I saw the recipe for the gyoza, I knew I had to make it. Last time, I had nutella on a dessert was on a crepe at the mall. The original recipe calls for gyoza wrapper, but the only thing I could find at the store was regular wonton/potsticker wrappers. They'll do. So I made about a couple dozen. One of my bestest and closest friends came by, so she helped make a few them. The ingredients were simple. Nutella, banana, and wonton wrapper.

I did a quick pan-fry of them. The key it make sure the oil is really hot. That way when you set them into the oil, they'll cook up within seconds preventing the oil from soaking too much into the wrappers. Drained them on a paper towel and then sprinkled them with a cinnamon sugar mix. You bite into them. The soft banana with the chocolate hazelnut flavor. So good. These are perfect for parties. Or if you're like me. just eat them for yourself. I did share a few. I ain't greedy.

If you don't like bananas, you can totally omit it and replace it with another fruit or just put a large dollop of nutella instead. Whichever is your choice. This dessert should be put in the "Will cause you to drool" category

Makes roughly 2 dozen or more. Adjust recipe to however many you want to make.

Nutella Potstickers
adapted from original recipe at La Fuji Mama

2 ripe bananas (sliced in 1/4-inch slice) - optional or your choice of fruit
24-30 wonton wrappers
1 jar nutella
egg wash (1 egg + 1 Tbsp water beaten)
canola or peanut oil

1 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Combine the cinnamon and sugar in a small bowl and set aside.

Take a a wonton wrapper, lay it on a flat surface. Take 1/2 tsp of nutella and place a dollop on one side of the wrapper. Leave some room on the edge.

Then take a slice of banana, place it on top of the nutella.

Use the egg wash to wet one side of the wonton edge and fold over into a rectangle.

Do this same process for the rest of the potstickers.

In a large pan, Coat the pan with at least 1/4 to 1/2-inch of canola or peanut oil. Heat it on medium to high heat. You want it to be really hot.

Cook the potstickers for roughly 10-20 secs each side until lightly browned.

Place on some paper towel to drain off any excess oil, then sprinkle some of the cinnamon-sugar on top. Serve hot/warm.

Gooey Deliciousness!!!!!

The cross-section


Jamie said...

OMG! I so want these!!!! (lots of exclamation points!) These are so simple to put together yet so incredibly WOW!

Anonymous said...

this is spectacular, i totally want some!

Donna-FFW said...

I am in love with the thought of these. LOVE I tell you!! Brilliant idea!

Denise said...

Oh my, I need to buy some nutella, now!!!!!!!!

chow and chatter said...

love nutella this looks awesome

Anonymous said...

I have to make these potstickers! I absolutely love nutella.

♥peachkins♥ said...

You got me on this one, jenn. Nutella is not a spread, it's FOOD! They hide the Nutella bottle from me because once I see it,consider it gone..heehee

love this recipe!

Danielle said...

Oooh what an amazing idea! I bet these taste out of this world!!

nora@ffr said...

wow!! m sure this will taste heavenly.. vat a perfect idea.. this is just awesome.. i shud make some for snack

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh. This is heaven on a plate! Awesome!

Mardi Michels said...

These look amazing - though anything with Nutella in it has to be good, right?

I have only started being brave enough to work with wonton wrappers in savoury recipes recently:

but this is on my list of things to try SOON!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

These look and sound soooo good! I see Nutella everywhere these days... Do you think Nutella is trying to tell me something? Like I should go buy some and eat it???? I think so... :)

Poorni Pillai said...

Wow. Gooey deliciousness. It reminds me of the 'Sebadas' I made recently, but these look way better!

Heather S-G said...

Awesome!!! These look sooooooooooooo great!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Oh why do you have to go and make a thing like this! Now all day I will be craving this little potstickers...yummmmmmm:)

Christo Gonzales said...

I was gonna say these would be great with banana but you said it first - wow I love these especially because it looks like I can grab them and munch on them while I dream of far away places....

Pam said...

I have still never tried Nutella - this recipe makes me want to change that...SOON!

vanillasugarblog said...

girl! you just kill me.
this is food porn, love that inside shot. killer!

Bob said...

Those things look deadly. I want some! :)

Jackie at said...

I saw the title and I was like "maybe a few banana will do with some Nutella". Then I scrolled down and you did add some bananas! It looks fantastic! My mouth is watering, literally!

Mary Bergfeld said...

It is impossible to go wrong with any recipe that uses Nutella. These sound too good to be true!

The Duo Dishes said...

Shut it up! Yep, this is good! Better than our wimpy sugar cookies with nutella. haha Hot and fried and gooey. This is perfect.

theUngourmet said...

These are so awesome! I tasted Nutella for the 1st time a couple of months ago (or's hard to keep track of time) and I am so addicted!

Sharon said...

Well, this is beyond brilliant. WOW!!

Sippity Sup said...

You said you were gonna do this, and now you have. Proving Nutella is taking over the world. GREG

ces said...

oh wow! good thing u came by...i needed something quick and easy to make for a cook out tomorrow...thinking of all the kids attending, so this would be perfect for them too:) btw...which variety of banana did u use?

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

what? somehow you disappeared from my google reader (grrr) and I come back to find what looks like it may be the most perfect food ever. I love nutella! and I love fried (yes, that is a noun!).

Jenn said...

Thanks everyone!

Peachkins: LOL. I'd probably be the same, but I have to restrain myself from having too much of it. But it just too good to resist.

Mardi: wonton wrappers are great to work with. you can use them on so many thing.

Andrea: It's a sign!!! LOL

Miskoda: I think I need to try making some sebadas. ;-)

Doggy: They're little pillow of deliciousness. LOL.

Duo Dishes: Hey sugar cookies with nutella ain't that bad. ;-)

Ungourmet: Once you taste it. you never go back!!

Greg: Yes, Indeed. Nutella is taking over the world!!!! Mwhahahaha...LOL

Ces: I just used regular yellow Dole bananas. Enjoy making them

LK: No worries. You came just at the right time. ;-)

Rachael Hutchings said...

So glad that you liked the recipe! Mmmmm, now I want to make some more...

OysterCulture said...

You do realize its bikini season don't you? =) These babys are calling my name.

lisaiscooking said...

These look insanely good! Just a delicious combination there.

Anonymous said...

oh my!!!

Jenn said...

La Fuji Mama: Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Oyster Culture: LOL! Yes, I do know. But that still won't stop me from posting these beauties!!

Lisa, Rebecca: THanks.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! This is stunning! It's so simple, yet so...freaking GENIUS!

Sanghi said...

looks delicious! Yummy!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Ooh... delicious! I love Nutella. Wishing I had a few (dozen) of these right now. :)

Jenn said...

burpandslurp, sanghi: Thanks.

Jen: You wish you had some, I wish I have some right now. ;-)

alice said...

Jenn, you are friggin' brilliant!

Anonymous said...

These nutella potstickers sound amazing, can't wait to try!

pigpigscorner said...

I can have a whole plate of that!

Jenn said...

Alice: Thanks.

5 Star: It's really good

Pigpigscorner: ;-)

Reeni said...

Nutella and me go together like Bread and Butter!!! Bottled bliss! I can't keep it in the house because I will eat it straight from the jar until every drop is gone. I'm so bad. These look so heavenly! I could eat like 50 of them!!!

Jenn said...

Reeni: This is the perfect treat for you.

Sasha said...

I can't even find the words to describe what a great idea this is and how much I would love to eat that right now : /

Jenn said...

sasha: Don't I know what your thinking. ;-)

Kim (@ Paper Apron) said...

This is a brilliant idea!! Who doesn't love Nutella? And then to add bananas and fry? What would we do without food blogs? I love our little world!

Jenn said...

Kim: Gotta love the food blogging world. ;-)

Phyllis said...

You were right about the drooling. These look amazing! I love Nutella so much I eat it out of the jar :)

Jenn said...

Phyllis: I need to get more!!! said...

Thanks so much for this article, quite effective piece of writing.

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