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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pomegranate Cranberry Sauce

Dish #4. The cranberry sauce. It brings a nice tart flavor saltiness of the turkey or poultry. It balances it out perfectly. In my version,  I decided to add another flavor. My favorite POM juice. I still had some homemade grenadine in the fridge and felt that this was the perfect opportunity to jazz up the traditional sauce. I made this the day before along with the Sweet Potato Bread and Kabocha Biscuits This gave me a little more time to focus on the main dish for the next day, which will be coming very very very soon. You won't want to miss that. Trust me.

Oh, sorry for the other two photos being a little blown out. I had forgotten that I had changed the settings to my camera when I was taking pictures at an event.

Makes roughly 3 cups.

Pomegranate Cranberry Sauce

12 oz fresh cranberries
2 c POM juice
1 1/2 c sugar
    (Or 2 c grenadine in place of the POM juice and sugar)

Place the the cranberries, pom juice and sugar in sauce pan. On a medium to high heat until sugar has melted and cranberries begin to pop and release their juices. Stir occassionally. Bring the mixture to a boil. once boiling lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes until slightly thick.


Heather S-G said...

Yum,I was actually contemplating doing a cranberry dish with POM, sounds like they made a good combination!

Mary Bergfeld said...

This must have been delicious. POM and cranberries are a natural match for each other.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Sounds awesome! I think I'll have to make some more cranberry sauce... ;)

Anonymous said...

A very cool take on cranberry sauce!

Anonymous said...

Excellent with addition of POM! I actually did that for last year's cranberry sauce, and it was awesome!

Debbie said...

Sounds perfect using POM. Great combo!

Brad said...

Thanks for the recipe. Three ingredients t.hat sound great together

Tasty Eats At Home said...

oooh what a good combo! This sounds tasty.

lisaiscooking said...

I love cranberry sauce, and pomegranate juice sounds like a great addition! Have to remember this next time I make it.

Pam said...

Way to make cranberry sauce a whole lot tastier...I love POM.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Delicious! What a perfect thing to add to cranberry sauce....yum!

teresa said...

i just absolutely love cranberry sauce! i especially love that you made yours with POM! the potato skins look awesome too!

theUngourmet said...

That POM is such great stuff! Such a nice cranberry sauce recipe!

The Duo Dishes said...

Got any leftover turkey? This can go on a sammie.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Ooh yum! I am almost out of the cranberry relish I made for Thanksgiving. I'll have to whip some of this up. Sounds delish with pork!

Reeni said...

How yummy this sounds with POM juice. Great idea!

Kim said...

This is so smart. A perfect combo! This is why we have Christmas-- so we can make all of the dishes we missed at Thanksgiving. said...

The guy is absolutely fair, and there is no suspicion.

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