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Sunday, June 14, 2009

10 Fun Food Facts of the Day

It's that time again. Yes, fun food facts. Enjoy!!!

1- On average, each of us consumes: 290 pounds of dairy, 150 pounds of meat, 125 pounds of potatoes, 80 pounds of fruit, 68 pounds of bread, 48 pounds of poultry, and 35 pounds of eggs per year.

2- Pearls melt in vinegar.

3- Instant coffee has been in existence since the middle of the 18th century.

4- During a lifetime the average person eats about 35 tons of food

5- Frankfurter sausages were first created in China

6- Bakers used to be fined if their loaves were under weight, so they used to add an extra loaf to every dozen, just in case -- hence, the expression "baker's dozen"

7- There are over 15,000 varieties of rice.

8- Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second.

9- Hushpuppies are pieces of fried cornmeal batter which are a great southern tradition. Years ago, pieces of the fried batter were fed to hungry dogs that begged for food. After the scraps were given to the dogs, the owner would say "Now hush, puppy."

10- Pasta made its way to the New World through the English who found it while traveling through Italy. The English made pasta by cooking it for about a half an hour and then smothering it with cream sauce and cheese. This was the beginning of Macaroni and Cheese



Parita said...

Hmm..some really interesting facts of food :)

My Taste Heaven said...

pretty interesting...thanks for sharing! i was oh~ing when i was reading that!!

Kristen said...

I love stuff like this - fun

Debbie said...

Very interesting!!! I wonder how many pounds of chocolate are eaten every year!!!

Heather S-G said...

I love it when you do this! All great...pears melt in vinegar? Really? Wow, that's too cool.

Christo Gonzales said...

nice 'pearls' of information just make sure and keep the vinegar in a safe place!

Justin said...

ha, if i was rich, i'd put that pearl thing to the test

theUngourmet said...

These were fun! It's amazing that our bodies can digest that much food!

Cool rice fact too! I didn't know that.

Speaking of pizza, I tried to grill some last night and I would have been perfect except I left it on too long and burned the crust. Darn it!

chow and chatter said...

i love these such fun, wow Chinese Inverted Frankfurters now thats interesting hope your having a great weekend Jenn

lisaiscooking said...

I'm wondering if pasta is still pasta if it cooks for half an hour? But, I'm happy someone invented mac and cheese!

Jenn said...

Parita, Kristen: Thanks.

My Taste Heaven: I did also while trying to search for facts.

Debbie: Oh I think that is something I shall have to investigate.

girlichef: Thanks.

doggy: yeah, right. at least don't cook while wearing pearls ;-)

Justin: same here.

The Ungourmet: as the saying goes, try and try again.

chow and chatter: The chinese invented almost everything. Almost.

lisaiscooking: I have no idea where we'd be without mac and cheese. LOL.

Tangled Noodle said...

It's always amazing when we see those hard numbers about how much food we eat! I've certainly done my part for the 100 acres of pizza. 8-)

Hush puppies are sooooo good! In NC, you can get a 'Calabash-style' platter of fried seafood (oysters, clam strips, shrimp, etc.) and a big ol' serving of hush puppies. Mmmmmm . . .

Jenn said...

Tangled Noodle: I love hush puppies and tater tots.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of eating acres of food lol. I dont know why, but it makes me think of Pac Man eating all those little dots :).

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely flabbergasted. Pearls melt in vinegar? Franks were first invented in CHINA?!! Why is everything first invented in China?
Gosh...I've got to memorize all of'll make good dinner topics! (And I'll sound oh-so-smart)

Jenn said...

Heavenly Housewife: LOL. I've got that pacman image in my head now.

burpandslurp: you'll impress those around you with this knowledge.

Bob said...

Nice. I didn't know that about frankfurters.

oysterCulture said...

Love the fun facts and the salmon looked like perfection!

Jenn said...

Bob: Leave it up to the Chinese to invent a a delicious portable meat.

Oyster Culture: Thanks.

teresa said...

So fun, I can't believe we eat that much food!

Jenn said...

Teresa: Yeah, right? ;-)

tavolini said...

Hmm...all of sudden, I have a strong desire for an acre of pizza ;)

Jenn said...

TavoLini: LOL.

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