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Monday, June 15, 2009

Grilled Salmon with Garlic Lemon Herb Butter

When I saw this large filet of salmon at the farmer's market this past Saturday, I knew I had to get it. I was actually a larger filet. I had to cut it into two pieces. It was fresh, like it was just caught that morning. Perhaps it was, I don't know. All I did know was that I had to get it. Luckily the day I decide to grill, the the sun had briefly come out of hiding giving SoCal a lovely blanket of warmth.

Oh, funny little tidbit. While I was at one of the little produce stalls at the farmer's market, the merchant had mistakenly labeled the bell pepper as "bill" pepper. Would you like a "bill" pepper? What's that?

Anyway...I don't usually like to fuss around with marinating salmon. I like to kept it simple. Just a salt and pepper base as I'm serving this with a garlic lemon herb butter. It's best to make the butter right before serving the salmon.

Grilled to perfection. Moist, tender and flaky. A crispy skin, which I usually save for last. The juices of the salmon mixing with the melted butter mix. All cause for a good time. Btw, salmon fat is good fat. So eat up. I had to grill mine a little longer as it was a thick cut. But generally it shouldn't take 2-3 minutes per side for a 1-inch filet.

I also served this with some grilled tomatoes lightly coated with some olive oil.

Grilled Salmon with Garlic Lemon Herb Butter

2 salmon filets (1-2 inches thick)

Prepare your grill. Season the salmon with salt and pepper.

Cook the skin side down first 2-3 min. (helps keep the fish in tact when you flip)

Then grill 2-4 min on each side there after.

Garlic Lemon Herb Butter

2-3 Tbsp Butter
1 tsp dry or fresh oregano
1 tsp dry or fresh thyme
1 tsp dry or fresh basil
Juice of half a lemon
1 garlic clove (minced)

Melt the butter on the stove or in the microwave for 1 minute or until melted. Add in the herbs, lemon and garlic. Mix well. Set aside until ready to use.

If the butter becomes solidified again, just reheat the butter.

Pour over on the salmon.


Anonymous said...

Grilled salmon looks excellent, so delicious with the Garlic Lemon Herb Butter! Very nice!

Jamie said...

I love salmon and cooked and served simply with this luscious Garlic Lemon Herb butter is just perfect!

Anonymous said...

This looks wonderful! Great pictures!!!

Christo Gonzales said...

I love salmon! yours looks good and the garlic lemon herb butter - nice

Creative Classroom Core said...

Great pics!

I am always looking for good ways to prepare salmon - this looks amazing!

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

Aha,salmon-good for your eyes Jenn!!

Thistlemoon said...

I just got some wonderful salmon this weekend too - from a local seafood shop - we don't have a seafood vendor at the farmer's market to get fish...I love the way you prepared it!

Pooja said...

Oohh I love grilled salmon! Yours look perfect. Just what I want!

theUngourmet said...

Looks terrific! I rarely eat salmon at home because my husband doesn't care for it. I was actually thinking of grilling some up this week though for my daughter and I to enjoy.

Happy Monday to you!

Pam said...

Mmm. It looks so good. I love all the herbs you used in the butter sauce.

lisaiscooking said...

Delicious! I love a simply grilled piece of salmon. Your herb butter sounds great!

Bob said...

Looks lovely. I need to get to my local farmers market, they just opened up again last month.

Lana said...

Oh, yum! I'm full from lunch right now and I'd still eat this!

Jenn said...

5 Star Foodie, Jamie, Heavenly Housewife, doggy, finsmom, pooja, pam, lisaiscooking: Thanks.

Sweta: That, too. =)

Jenn: It's always great when it's fresh.

the ungourmet: I'm sure your daughter will love it. Your hubby is missing out on some good stuff.

Bob: nice. I love farmer's markets.

Lana: I'm sure you still have room for a little salmon. =)

Reeni said...

This looks so delicious, love the garlic butter!

Anonymous said...

I love salmon. I'll have to try your garlic lemon herb butter.

pigpigscorner said...

I agree with you! Keep it simple and it will turn out great!

Denise said...

Love salmon,love butter, love garlic. This works for me

Jenn said...

Reeni: Thanks

Hummingbird Appetite: You'll love the butter.

pigpigscorner: Right, keep it simple.

Denise: Worked for me too.

chow and chatter said...

i agree salmon tastes great cooked in a simple way looks geat

Dewi said...

I was debating myself to day at the Chinese grocery wether to take the salmon or seabass. Well, I went for seabass, because I've been cooking a lot of salmon every week. Anyway, I love grilled salmon, your idea adding garlic lemon herb butter is superb!

Diana said...

I had grilled salmon on Friday night! So delish! One of my favorite dinners for sure. :)

Jenn said...

Chow and chatter: Simplicity at it's best.

Elra: Seabass is great too. I can understand that you'd want to change it up after having salmon for weeks.

Diana: I can eat salmon anytime.

Daily Spud said...

Salmon is the thing that moved me away from fully-fledged vegetarianism and what you've got there is, to me, salmon just as it should be.

Sippity Sup said...

that is some pretty fish!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I get VERY suspicious when restaurants smother their fish with some thick sauce. Why would they want to drown out the freshness of the fish...unless it's NO fresh at all? Clean and simple, that's the way to go with good oily fish like salmon!

teresa said...

Perfection indeed! This looks incredible!

Jenn said...

Daily Spud: You may have missed out a sucha delicious fish, if you did.

Greg, Teresa: Thanks.

burpandslurp: I couldn't agree more.

tavolini said...

Yum--I like that you kept it simple. Grilled tomatoes are one of my favorite foods in the world!

Heather S-G said...

Grilled salmon is one of my favorite things. This lemon herb butter sounds fantastic. What a tasty meal :)

lisa (dandysugar) said...

What a great chunky piece of salmon! I love how you prepared it, simple with the garlic, lemon and herb butter. What a nice meal!

Jenn said...

TavoLini: Simple is the best for me.

girlichef, lisa: Thanks.

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