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Friday, October 2, 2009

Grilled Chicken Tacos

I like a good taco. I'm one of those taco bell kids growing up and up until recently. I got a craving for some tacos a few days ago and decided since that I had some tacos shells left, I'd make use of them before they expire, which wasn't until months away, but I couldn't resist. I marinated a chicken breast for several hours and when it came to dinner time all I had to do was grill it up and serve. Instead of putting lettuce as the "greens" part of the taco, I added my tomato-corn salsa to give it a little pizzaz.

This taco can easily be adapted to you preference of "meats." If you want seafood like shrimp or fish, go right ahead or carne asada. It's what you want. For me, I grilled me up some chicken. You can also baked it if you'd like, too. The possibilities are endless.

I made 5 tacos. I really stuffed these tacos to the brim with chicken, salsa, avocado slices with the usual condiment of sour cream and cheese. They looked like they were about to burst! Luckily, they didn't. My taste buds were dancing with delight. They were doing a little jig in my mouth. I ate 2 1/2 and it wasn't too filling or too light. It was just right as Goldilocks said when she ate little baby bear's porridge.

Oh, if you're going to use beef or pork, add a little 7-up to the marinade. It'll help tenderize the meat, making it easier to shred and cut up.

Makes 4-6 tacos.

Grilled Chicken Taco

1 large chicken breast (you substitute with seafood, fish, beef or pork)
1 ripe avocado
sour cream
shredded cheese
Tomato-Corn Salsa (click here for recipe)
4-5 taco shells

1/4 soy sauce
1 Tbsp worchestshire sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp dijon mustard
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1/4 can 7-up (for pork or beef)

Combine the ingredients for the marinade, seasoned with a little pepper, and place it in a large ziplock bag with the chicken and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30min. This can be done in advance.

Prepare your grill. Cook the chicken breast on each side for roughly 8-10, depending on the heat of your grill. Baste with the marinade. Let it rest for 2-5 min, then shred to pieces.

Put the taco together -- Take a shell. Layer the chicken at the bottom, then salsa, sour cream and cheese.

To bake the chicken:
Place the chicken breast on a foil lined baking sheet and bake in a 350˚F preheated oven for 25-30 min. Let it rest for 2-5 min before shredding.

Note: You can replace the chicken with fish, shrimp, beef, pork, etc.


Unknown said...

I've never heard of adding 7-up to a marinade - but it makes sense. Great idea! And great tacos!

Anonymous said...

How delicious, I adore tacos :) (and very creative use for 7 up lol).

Pam said...

Now I am craving tacos...they look really tasty. Thanks for the 7-up tip, I'll have to try that.

Miranda said...

These tacos look perfect! i love tacos. i could eat them every day.
I am actually making an insane burrito tonight!

By the way adding 7-up is so awesome and unique.

Christo Gonzales said...

4-6 tacos - perfect just enough for me! just kidding I could only eat 3.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What gorgeous photos! You've put a bug in my bonnet and now I'm craving tacos :-). Have a great day.

Debbie said...

I love tacos too! Yours looks so colorful, fresh and tasty!

Diana said...

I definitely went through a Taco Bell stage my freshman year of HS. I'd tell me mom, "Yo quiero Taco Bell." Gross!

These tacos look great - my mom does a "Sprite" beef kabob dish that I love!

The Duo Dishes said...

Tacos feel guiltless. They have protein, fiber, calcium...what's the problem with eating 2 or 3 at a time? :)

Jenn said...

Valley: Yeah the 7-up helps.

HH: Thanks. the 7-up is a tried-and-true technique.

Pam: Go for it.

Miranda: Sweet!!! I love burritos.

doggy: LOL.

Mary: Thanks.

Diana: I could go for some beef kabobs right about now.

Duo: I agree. It has all the food groups in it. hehe...

vanillasugarblog said...

girl you are the best! you filled these bad boys right up to the top and with good stuff. Nice!!!

teresa said...

oh yummy! i love the marinade, these looks fantastic!

Phyllis said...

Oh man, do those look good!! Now you've got me craving chicken tacos for dinner :) Also love the idea of adding 7up to tenderize the meat for tacos. I've only ever done that when making bulgogi.

Donna-FFW said...

OK, these soound fabulous, but I must tell you the highlight of this post for me is the tip about the 7up, cant wait to try it!! THANKS!

chow and chatter said...

this looks scrumie love tacos i need to make them more

Sippity Sup said...

tacos are always a hit...

OysterCulture said...

I am now in the mood for some grilled chicken tacos

Jenn said...

Dawn, Teresa, CC: Thanks.

Phyllis: It works pretty well with other dishes, too.

Donna: Enjoy!

Greg: I agree.

Oyster: You want tacos. I want tacos.

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum... I love tacos. I could eat a taco right now, actually! Great tip on using 7-up. I've never tried that before, but it makes sense!

Reeni said...

This looks so delicious, especially with the fresh salsa! And I see you have some extra, must be for me!

theUngourmet said...

7 up is a great idea! We are big taco fans at my house. I love your wonderful salsa in here!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Mmmmmm chicken tacos are the best!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I love tacos. Your tacos look and sound amazing. I am intrigued by the marinade with 7 Up. I'll have to try it! :)

Jenn said...

Jrn: yeah, it helps on tougher meats.

Reeni: :-D

Ungourmet: Thanks. I think you'll like these.

Nutmeg: Thanks.

Andrea: You should.

Dewi said...

Delicious Jenn. Love the marinade.

Jenn said...

Elra: Thanks

lisaiscooking said...

I like making tacos at home so I can build them exactly as I like them. Yours sound great with the corn salsa!

Jenn said...

Lisa: That's one of the reason why I love tacos.

Mardi Michels said...

Love the look of that marinade. Hmmm - now you've got ME craving tacos!

test it comm said...

Those tacos look good! The marinade sounds nice and simple and tasty. said...

I believe one and all must glance at it.

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