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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ginger-Tomato Soup

Soups are probably one of the easiest things to make. Simple. Hearty. Hot. Delicious. Yummy! What else is there to say? Soup just puts a smile on my face. It was a Friday, so I didn't want to put too much effort into making something and I wanted to relax.

I had some bok choy. I also had some leftover spinach. It just so happens that there was a little nub of ginger left, hiding in the corner of the veggie compartment. In which I totally almost forgot I had it. Plus the sauce of the fire-roasted tomatoes, I had opened when I made those Sausage Pizza Sticks and Ratatouille. I don't like to put anything to waste. So I threw that into the soup. Let it simmer until the bok choy and spinach shrink down, the enjoyed.

The result is what you see. Very gingery with a hint of tomato. I used chicken stock, but you may use veggie stock to make this a vegetarian soup. Be careful as the soup is hot meaning temp-wise. In my excitement, I couldn't wait and burnt my tongue. Ouch!

Serves 2-3.

Ginger-Tomato Soup

4 oz tomato paste or sauce
1 12 oz can chicken or vegetable stock
1 large garlic clove (minced)
2-3 Tbsp ginger (sliced)
3 bok choy (ends removed)
3 c baby spinach
2 Tbsp olive oil

On medium to low heat, heat the olive oil in a pot and saute the garlic and ginger for about a minute.

Add in the tomato sauce, mix to combine for 2 min. Add in the stock, then the bok choy and spinach. Bring the mixture to a simmer and until the vegetables had wilted.

Season with some salt and pepper. Add more, if needed.


MrsLavendula said...

i love gingery broths! this looks really good!

Anonymous said...

I am sure this is very warming and flavourful. Ginger can pack quite a punch.

Justin said...

when i saw the pic, I thought, who cares about ginger and tomato, what's the veggie? i really like bok choy but I've never used it in a soup. cool idea.

Christo Gonzales said...

this soup looks and sounds like an elixer of health and goodness...

Jen @ said...

Looks delicious - and healthy, too. Great recipe!

Phyllis said...

Your soup looks delicious - tomato and ginger are great together. I like the way you roll - throwing together leftover ingredients from the fridge for an easy recipe!

Parita said...

Delicious flavors!! nice click! by the way i received your gift :) Thanks once again!

tavolini said...

That looks great--I love nice, clean soups during the summer. Neat idea to add in tomato sauce!

Creative Classroom Core said...

What a tasty and comforting soup! I bet the ginger really adds to the warm-you-up factor! :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Soup looks great! I can imagine all those great flavors together...yum!

Anonymous said...

A ginger flavor sounds so very wonderful! Love the idea of using bok choy in this soup!

theUngourmet said...

Looks delicious Jenn! I love soup too. I wish my husband liked it.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I adore the flavor of ginger so this soup had instant appeal for me. It looks healthy and delicious.

Pooja said...

Healthy n comforting soup! Love the ginger flavour :)

Diana said...

This would be the perfect soup to have when you aren't feeling well. Ginger is a great homeopathic remedy! :) And delicious to boot!

Zeee said...

looks yummy Jenn! :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I can eat soup all year round, even in summer!

Love the addition of ginger too!

Jenn said...

MrsLavendula: Thanks

Heavenly: it does, but I love it.

Justin: I like bok choy in soups as well as sauteed.

Doggy: Because it is. ;-)

Jen: Thanks.

Phyllis: Thanks. Gotta make use with what i have on hand, right?

Parita: Glad it got to you safely.

TavoLini: Soup doesn't have to be for spring or winter, right?

Finsmom: It does.

Nutmeg: It's wonderful

5 Star: Bok choy it great.

ungourmet: I think the hubby needs a little convincing. Soup are really good.

Mary, Pooja, Zee, biz: Thanks.

Diana: One of the many reason I love ginger.

Reeni said...

I love this - heavy on the ginger- nourishing and delicious!

Heather S-G said...

Lovely! Anything with ginger is good with me! Sounds comforting :)

Jenn said...

Reeni: it's so good.

Girlichef:it ;-)

Denise said...

This sounds like a good cure-all soup.

Anonymous said...

wow, what a healthy, asian-y soup. My parents will love this!

Donna-FFW said...

MMM, love the use of ginger in this soup with the spinach and bok chopy. Comfort and health in a bowl. Perfection.

Anonymous said...

I love tomato soup! Mmm. I'll have to try your soup.

Jenn said...

Denise: It is.

burpandslurp: I think ginger is a must had to any household LOL. You parents would def love this.

Donna: comfort and healthy in the same sentence means it must be good.

Hummingbird: Go for it!

Admin said...

A ladle of this soup over a scoop of rice would be perfect right about now.

lisaiscooking said...

I love bok choy in a brothy soup. The tomato and ginger sound great here!

Jenn said...

Lisaiscooking: I love bok choy. It goes really well with brothy soups.

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