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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nilagang Mani (Boiled Peanuts)

This is a common street food in the Philippines. Really easy to make and delicious to eat. This is one of the snacks I loved to eat as a child. I remember when I was very little probably around 3 or 4 years, my mom and I were riding on a bus from our province in the Philippines heading towards Manila. During one of the stops, I noticed a man carrying a box of little brown bags filled with boiled peanuts. He'd be yelling out "MANI!!!" (pronounced man-i) meaning peanut.  Just imagine the peanut guy at a baseball stadium, but on a crowded street.

I eagerly tugged and begged by mom for some as he walked passed the open window. "Mama...Gusto ko yung mani!" I proclaimed. (Mama, I want peanuts!) My mom flagged the man down with a wave of her hand. "Isa pa nga po," ("One, please.") she slightly yells over the ruckus of the city. The man reaches into his little box and pulls on bag ot fresh boiled peanuts and hands it to my mom. "Magkano?" ("How much?"), she asks. I think it was around $0.10 US for a nice sizable bag at the time. She pays the man through the window as the bus heads off. That bag of boiled peanuts kept me satisfied until we reached our destination.

It's pretty easy to make, but you just need a little time. As the boiling takes a couple of hours. It is worth the wait though. The peanut inside the shell becomes soft. Easy to chew for those with slightly sensitive teeth. It's a great snack to have with a drink.

For 1 lb.

Nilagang Mani (Boiled Peanuts)

1lb raw peanuts in shell

Fill large pot with water and the peanuts. Season the water with salt. Bring the water to a boil. When the water is boiling, low the heat and simmer for 2 hours.

For more that 1 lbs ad,usting timing accordingly.



Fresh Local and Best said...

My mom used to make boiled peanuts for me. What a neat story, thanks for sharing.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I loved your childhood story! And I love that food brings back memories...

pigpigscorner said...

My grandma used to make this for us a lot! ahhh brings back memories.

Debbie said...

Oh I love your sweet and peanuts are a great snack at any time!

Muneeba said...

Hmmmm, I've heard abt boiling peanuts ... must try them out if they're that good!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a wonderful story! I've never made boiled peanuts. Now's the time.

Bob said...

Mmmm, peanuts. I've never had them boiled but it sounds great.

Pam said...

I've never had a boiled peanut before - now I want to try some.

Phyllis said...

Such a cute story, thanks for sharing your memories! The only time I ever tried these was in Malaysia when I was visiting relatives. My uncle gave me plastic bag of steaming soggy peanuts to take back to my hotel. They didn't look too appetizing and I honestly didn't know what I was going to do with all of them. That is, till I tried one. An hour later, after I'd eaten half the bag and made a mess all over the table with the shells, my husband had to pry the bag from me and hide it :)

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Great story:) Down south boiled peanuts are something people eat a lot of. My grandmother who lived in Georgia would often make boiled peanuts. Unfortunately I never acquired the taste for them. I always enjoyed popping them into my mouth, sucking the salt off the shell and then cracking the shell open with my teeth and eating the yummy peanuts inside:)

Parita said...

My mom used to make these a lot during our school days :-)

teresa said...

great story! i've never had boiled peanuts before, i must try!

Jenn said...

Fresh: You're welcome.

Andrea: Me, too.

pigpig: ;-D

Debbie: I agree.

Muneeba: You should. They're really tasty.

Mary: Yes, indeed.

Bob: They are.

Pam: Go for it. They're really easy to make.

Phyllis: lol. Once you try it, there's no turning back.

Nutmeg: I feel like making more.

Parita: Those were the day. ;-D

Teresa: You should.

Unknown said...

I've never tried boiled peanuts. My grandmother use to grow peanuts and I'd eat them raw. My dad calls the boiled ones goobers. I should pass this along to him so he can make them...he loves boiled peanuts

lisaiscooking said...

I have to try boiled peanuts! Sounds like a great snack.

nora@ffr said...

Lovely photos. You just describe it well on your post and this is truly a Yummy Yum. :) thanx for sharing jen!

Dewi said...

Simple snack. I used to have this when I was growing up in Bali. Thanks for posting it, it bring back a childhood memory.

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

I used to love this as a kid-we got this during the monsoon season,and it was a treat to eat it straight from the shell in the wet weather :)
P.S: my mom used a pressure cooker,so it was pretty quick!!

Jenn said...

Nora, Elra: You're welcome.

Sweta: That's a great tip. I've got to set me a pressure cooker for these.

Anonymous said...

I think the best foods in the world are the ones that remind us of our childhood. I bet these are fab, i adore peanuts and lately I've been on a huge peanut butter kick.

Donna-FFW said...

Ive had these once in Key West and I loved loved them. Nice to know I can recreaate them!

♥peachkins♥ said...

Bakit parang ang sosyal ng nilagang mani dito??heehee

Jenn said...

HH: Yes, childhood dishes are the best.

Donna: They're the best snacks.

Peachkins: lol. I just make it look sosyal.

Tangled Noodle said...

I remember boiled peanuts fondly but remembering is all I can do. As an adult, I developed a mild peanut intolerance so no more 'mani' for me. 8-( But thanks for sharing the memories: I can imagine you as a little one bugging your mom for a bag! 8-)

Diana said...

I so need to try these! Have you ever been to Nook in SaMo? I love the boiled peanuts they serve there instead of bread. Yum!

Jenn said...

Tangles: Oh no. That's too bad. Well, at least you can savor the memories.

Diana: I don't think I've been to Nook. I've got to check it out.

Reeni said...

I don't know if I ever had a boiled peanut, but I love peanuts. I bet their delicious! Cute story!

Anonymous said...

The first time I had boiled peanuts was when I was in the Army years ago during basic training in South Carolina. At our final mock battle the drill sergeant asked me if I wanted some boiled peanuts she made. Of course, inside I was freaking out because I kept wondering why this lady was being so nice to me when the last 7 weeks she'd given me hell and we were in a middle of a battle! ha! I didn't want to say no because I was scared she make me do more push ups or something. I ate a handful and LOVED them -- soft and salty and so good!

Jenn said...

Reeni: They are.

Epicurean: Once you try them, you can't get enough.

OysterCulture said...

What fun and what a lovely memory. I've had plenty of boiled peanuts traveling through the South and they are very tasty. I can see why you were asking for them.

Tasty Eats At Home said...

You know, I've never had boiled peanuts, I don't think. They sound wonderful though, slightly soft? Yum!

Jenn said...

Oyster: :-D

Tastyeats: Give them a try. They're really good.

Diana H said...

I had boiled peanuts recently, but I can't remember where. They're delicious.

Unknown said...

Boiled peanuts is one of my ultimate favorite snacks! I have introduced my kids to them and they love it! Love your story...brings back good memories.

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