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Sunday, October 25, 2009

This week in Production Eats

I've been asked many times how an I able to work, cook, blog and still do other things. Well, sorry to disappoint anyone, but there's no secret or magic power or voodoo that I do. Whoa...that last part rhymed. I feel fortunate in what I do because I'm able to work on-set and from home. On days when I am on-set, I don't cook as the long hours sometimes takes a lot out of me. All other days, I cook and/or bake, while taking care of other business. Give or take. Unless I'm working on a big production that requires my full attention for a certain amount of time, then that would be a whole other thing altogether.  But aside from that, you would find me in the kitchen cooking up something delicious with my little pocket notebook off to the side in case I have a story idea that may come up. The kitchen is my second office, if you haven't guessed yet. Once in a long while, I'll eat out and have a lazy day. It's just very much like a big balancing act. It's a bit of a struggle at times, but I love it. I really do. I say that in the most honest and sincere way that I can. So, there you go. That's the short version.  

With that said, I give you this week's production eats. This week I worked on the comedy The Big Bang Theory. It's a show on CBS on Monday nights. It's interesting as this is the first sitcom I've worked on. It's a live audience taping, so we really didn't shoot anything until probably 8pm. But I was there all day in wardrobe. It was a bit odd, but really fun. My call time was right before lunch so a meal was served. I was partially starving as I barely had a piece of toast that morning.

 The first meal were just some simple carne asada tacos. I piled on the lettuce, tomato, avocado and sour cream into the flour tortillas rather than meat because I knew they be giving us another meal later. Take the veggies now is what I say. I like it. It's been a while since I've had myself some tacos.  It was pretty good. Along with a lovely slices of German chocolate cake. It was either that or carrot cake. There's no choosing with me. Chocolate wins hands down! Boo-yah!!

For lunch (dinner), we had eaten at the Warner Brother Studios Commissary. I ordered myself some fresh fish and chips. Cooked to order. Deep-fried, but oh-so-tender cod. The fries were cooked just right. Not too soggy with a nice crisp to it. They served with a side of tartare sauce.

From the salad bar, I put together some mixed greens with fresh mushroom with a good drizzle honey mustard dressing.  For dessert was a gigantic brownie. How big? It was bigger than the size of my fist. Yeah, it was that big. I saved that, took it home and ate it for breakfast the next day.


Parita said...

You manage very well jenn...if u ask me after work i m so exhausted i hardly find time to cook..all the dishes look really yumm

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I can tell that you love being in your kitchen... :)

And I love seeing the production eats; it's so fun reading about your job... :)

Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

So cool :), i love hearing about this stuff.

coolboy said...

with out food i cant like live , i love eating different kinds of foods lol
urs is nice post

theUngourmet said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I can never pass up a brownie especially a giant brownie! :D

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have carne asada tacos for lunch!

Also, could you give us more details about your job?

pigpigscorner said...

The Big Bang Theory! so sheldon like that in real life? =P

Anonymous said...

My new dream job: working on a production set! I can't believe all the great food you're surrounded by. Oh sweet heaven!

Jenn said...

Hummingbird: I do background work and crew jobs on different sets. I'm also a freelance writer, director, producer. I'm pretty much all over the place in the entertainment biz.;-D

pigpig: Yeah, there are some similarities in real life. He's really quite though.

figtree said...

I love when dessert is bigger than the meal!! My food at work is blah..I usually bring stuff.

Lele said...

This is my first time on your blog... it's SO COOL seeing the food from a set! Thanks for sharing!

And mmm brownies for breakfast :D

Fresh Local and Best said...

What a fun and exciting life you have! The carne asada looks fabulous, and I'm glad to see you piled up on the chocolate desserts! Yum!

Teanna said...

Oh man, I'd have a hard time choosing between the German cake and the carrot cake, but mostly because I Love both so much! So I probably would have taken both! haha!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum... the food looks tasty. I always enjoy reading all about your production eats (as well as all of your other blog posts)!

OysterCulture said...

thanks for letting us live vicarious through you - lots of fun!

Bob said...

Man, I've never had a job that fed me well. Brownies for breakfast are the best. Heh.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Mmmmmm delicious!

Reeni said...

Everything looks yummy especially the fish and chips. And brownies were made to be eaten for breakfast! Yum!

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