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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kabocha Walnutella Cake

I wanted a fun treat. Actually, my intention was to make brownies. But that idea quickly ran out the window. But instead of drowning in my sorrows of not being able to have a brownie, I made a cake instead. A kabocha cake with a little surprise on top. If you hadn't guess what walnutella is, then reread it again. You know my love for word scrambles.

I made the cake like you would for any other cake. Sift the dry ingredients together and mix the wet stuff in a bowl. Add the pumpkin and place in a baking pan. The little surprise on top is the walnut and nutella lovingly swirl on top. The cool thing about this is the nutella still has a soft consistency. Ooey gooey good! Oh, it's also soft, moist, and chewy. Me. Like. A lot.

Makes 1 13x9 cake or 2 9x9 cake

Kabocha Walnutella Cake

1 c sugar
1 c canola oil
4 eggs
2 c cake flour
1 1/4 c pureed kabocha or pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp salt
1 stick butter - softened
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
4-5 Tbsp nutella - melted
1/2 c walnuts -chopped
to pureed fresh kabocha:
heat in the microwave for 5 minutes. The slice in half. Heat for another five minutes to cook until tender. Let it cool for several minutes before handling. Scoop out the flesh and into the food processor or blender. blend until smooth. You may also mash them, if you don't have either.

Preheat your oven 350˚F

Sift all the dry ingredients together. Flour, salt, baking powder and soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves.

In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar.  Then add each egg, mixing after each one. Then slowly mix in the flour mixture.

Add the oil and mix well again.

Prepare you cake pan. Lightly greast the pan and line it with some parchment paper. This will prevent eh cake from sticking.

Pour the batter into the pan. Spread the nutella on top in various lines or scquare shapes. With a toothpick or skewer. Draw circles to give it that swirled look.

Place it into the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. Let it cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan.



Donna-FFW said...

Walnut, nutella and pumpkin sound like a winning combo to me and it looks so darn pretty.

Anonymous said...

Yummy ingredients and super pretty :D

Sasha said...

Mmm...Nutella. This sounds like a great treat to have with a morning coffee.

Unknown said...

Mmm... you had me at "Walnutella" :-)

Parita said...

Love the nutella swirls

Jenn said...

Donna, HH, Parita: Thanks.

Sasha: It is.

Valley: ;-D

chow and chatter said...

oh wow love this and what a great color thanks for being a good foodie friend Jenn

The Foodie Forkful said...

Any excuse to use Nutella - I'm all over it.

pigpigscorner said...

awesome combo, love the nutella!

Banana Wonder said...

Pumpkin, walnuts, and nutella... You've won my heart over!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

The cake sounds & looks amazing! I love walnuts; I love Nutella; I love kabocha. If I could just have a slice right now... I may even spread a bit more Nutella on my slice (I'm in the mood for sweets right now!).

The Duo Dishes said...

You love your kabochas! Sounds like the Nutella hit the spot.

Miranda said...

This looks awesome. I have individual Nutella packages. I give them to my babies with their apples. Well, I have a pic I took tonight of my youngest licking it clean. HA! They would devour this cake too!!

Miranda said...

This looks awesome. I have individual Nutella packages. I give them to my babies with their apples. Well, I have a pic I took tonight of my youngest licking it clean. HA! They would devour this cake too!!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Wow this sounds great! I would switch out the walnuts but other than that I'm all over this delicious looking cake....yum!

teresa said...

oh my gosh, i must have this cake, and i do happen to have a jar of nutella hanging out...

Jenn said...

CC: You're welcome.

Foodie: me too.

pigpig: Thanks.

Anna: :-D

Andrea: Go for it.

Duo: I do love my kabochas. They're so readily available from my farmer's market.

Miranda: That's so cute.

Nutmeg: Go for it.

Teresa: :-D

theUngourmet said...

I love the name of your yummy cake! Great combination of flavors! :D

Rose said...

That looks FANTASTIC! I love the combination and the use of kabocha. Delicious!

Reeni said...

This looks scrumptious Jenn! What a combination! Very unique!

OysterCulture said...

Wow, love your take on tasty squash fixings!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Wow - your cake looks beautiful! The nutella swirls sound fantastic.

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