Friday, April 2, 2010

Lent Recipes in Review

So with today being good Friday, which would signal the ending of Lent. Actually lent ended on Palm Sunday, but I tend to take it all the way to Easter. I thought I'd do a little round-up of recipes that I cooked up. Now remember I promised to give up meat and chocolate the entire time and I'm glad to say that I've happily made it through alive. Phew! There were temptations here and there. I almost caved at one point. I really did. To the point of nearly eating a piece of chocolate cupcake. Anyway... There's only so much you can do with veggies and I tried my best to make it somewhat interesting to eat rather than having them plain steamed, boiled, or roasted. As well as some seafood and fish dishes added into the mix. I need my protein somehow.

Shiitake Onion Panini

POM Ginger Vinaigrette

Slightly Tropical Quesadilla

Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips

Homemade Potato Chips

Open Faced Poached Egg Semi-Pesto Sandwich

Banana Nut Donut Muffin 

Pineapple Almond Bars

Sukjunamul - Korean Bean Sprout Side Dish

Guinness Battered Fish Sandwich 

Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette (with a crunchy salad)

Sourdough Bread Pizza 


Creamy Mushroom and Orzo pasta 

Tomato Avocado Sandwich

Twisted Breadsticks


There you have it. The recipes I cooked up this whole lent. There were days when I just posted random stuff, I didn't include those. Not a piece of meat or chocolate to be seen. To be quite honest. I don't really miss either one. What?! Gasp!!!!!  I know. I know. I still love both. Chocolate even more. It's just I've gotten used to the routine. That in no way means I'd give it up completely. Heck no. It'll just be a once in a while thing. Now with Easter just a two days away, I need to figure out what my menu will be. I've been to busy these past couple of weeks that I nearly forgot what my menu will consist of. 

Chocolate will be a must!!


  1. It is so impressive that you cut out meat & chocolate and still managed to make so many different recipes. I have a hard time coming up with just one non-meat dish for Fridays!!

    Notwithstanding the spiritual importance of fasting or abstinence, I found that giving up something during Lent has been a great way of learning that I can actually get by without a particular 'vice'. When the period is done, I can still indulge, such as chocolate, but now it's much more restrained and enjoyable.

  2. Good job giving up meat & chocolate! And great recipes! Wonderful round up!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  3. That is wonderful lists Jenn! Bravo on giving up meat and chocolate. I am truly impress!

  4. Have a great Easter wow your did great giving up chocolate proud of you

    Love Rebecca

  5. Great job on giving up the chocolate...for me that would be the hardest. I am already dreading (horrible thing to admit) Ramadan 2010 when I have to give up everything for 14+ hours a day. During August!

    Have a great weekend Jenn. Happy Easter!

  6. Happy Easter!! I cant think about living without chocolate! I did try once and didnt eat chocolates for 6 months..yeah I was surprised on how i survived those 6 months :D

  7. I am in awe of of your ability to come up with so many different, unique and creative recipes - not to mention holding back on the meat and chocolate. Happy Easter, and don't go crazy with the chocolate bunnies and cakes.

  8. Congrats on making it through!! Now go get a chesseburger and eat some brownies :)

  9. A whole month without meat and chocolate - Bravo! But it still looked like you ate very well :)
    Happy Easter!


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